2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

It seems very likely the Repubs will hold the Senate. Then in 2022, there is usually a backlash against the incumbent and they will have a chance to take the House.
Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell will be like the little boy with his thumb in the dike.
What do you think?

The truth is, we are several different countries that have been shoe-horned into one. The only thing that can fix this mess is dialing back the power of the executive branch. The states should be free to govern themselves as they wish. It was meant to be this way from the start. The federal government basically bought out state's rights of self government with funds illegally taken from the citizens via income tax. You really think that someone from California and someone from Georgia should be forced to live the same way? That’s like saying that England should be forced to live under the same rules as Italy. This is a republic, that has been degraded by federal overreach. Maybe we wouldn’t have to fear which person is the next president, if the federal government was restricted in its power in the way that it was meant to be.
Sorry guys, it's over. PA just flipped for Biden and Georgia also flipped for Biden. Game over.

Some of you need a reality check.

There's no massive conspiracy here. This election was a massive turnout, and it takes lonoger to count votes in urban areas than it does in rural areas. Thats happened in every election since the 1950s. Go look up the turnaround times on urban vs rural votes in all the presidential elections. The delay in counting urban areas was always going to happen. It happened in 2016 too, go look it up.

When Philadelphia took 4 days longer than the rest of PA to count the votes in 2016, none of you said a word.
Sorry guys, it's over. PA just flipped for Biden and Georgia also flipped for Biden. Game over.

Some of you need a reality check.

There's no massive conspiracy here. This election was a massive turnout, and it takes lonoger to count votes in urban areas than it does in rural areas. Thats happened in every election since the 1950s. Go look up the turnaround times on urban vs rural votes in all the presidential elections. The delay in counting urban areas was always going to happen. It happened in 2016 too, go look it up.

When Philadelphia took 4 days longer than the rest of PA to count the votes in 2016, none of you said a word.
There will be thousands of mail in ballots invalidated. Look up the history. It would probably take one person 15 minutes to find one. There will be 30 days to find as many as possible.
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What do you think?

The truth is, we are several different countries that have been shoe-horned into one. The only thing that can fix this mess is dialing back the power of the executive branch. The states should be free to govern themselves as they wish. It was meant to be this way from the start. The federal government basically bought out state's rights of self government with funds illegally taken from the citizens via income tax. You really think that someone from California and someone from Georgia should be forced to live the same way? That’s like saying that England should be forced to live under the same rules as Italy. This is a republic, that has been degraded by federal overreach. Maybe we wouldn’t have to fear which person is the next president, if the federal government was restricted in its power in the way that it was meant to be.
Yep....I say this all the time...

One reason...there are others....but one reason there is so much fighting and every single issue seems so important and divisive and dramatic is the federal government has assumed too much power, control, and overarching influence that we are all forced to live this way^^^^and the pressure to argue and defend "our side" and agree with those with whom we do not is immense.
If the forefathers returned today, they would be ashamed, outraged, and deeply saddened by the abuse of power and subsequent consequence to the health of our people and nation.
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@Mr. Deez Who called this shift? Unfortunately may be a little light in GA and PA for Trump victory.

I don't know that "I called it" but I posted here several times about how South Texas ranchers and Catholics, all Hispanics, were very frustrated with the immigration policy espoused by the Left along with abortion on demand. It meant something.

Also, I think many Hispanic men in South Texas don't like feminist (not effeminate; feminist) men. They just don't.
Sorry guys, it's over. PA just flipped for Biden and Georgia also flipped for Biden. Game over.

Some of you need a reality check.

There's no massive conspiracy here. This election was a massive turnout, and it takes lonoger to count votes in urban areas than it does in rural areas. Thats happened in every election since the 1950s. Go look up the turnaround times on urban vs rural votes in all the presidential elections. The delay in counting urban areas was always going to happen. It happened in 2016 too, go look it up.

When Philadelphia took 4 days longer than the rest of PA to count the votes in 2016, none of you said a word.
The lawsuits start as soon as the voting stops. Corruption will be exposed. Only question is number of votes to be invalidated.
I don't know that "I called it" but I posted here several times about how South Texas ranchers and Catholics, all Hispanics, were very frustrated with the immigration policy espoused by the Left along with abortion on demand. It meant something.

Also, I think many Hispanic men in South Texas don't like feminist (not effeminate; feminist) men. They just don't.
Not to mention there is substantial evidence both on the ground and in voting results that suggest somewhat of a shift in sentiment among the black community. They did not like many things they saw and learned this year, apparently. Aside from the provocative social movements and being lumped with parties they do not relate to, many blacks apparently are beginning... finally...to recognize the Dems pandering and patronizing, backed by no real legitimate concern or commitment, for what it is....pimping.
Not to mention there is substantial evidence both on the ground and in voting results that suggest somewhat of a shift in sentiment among the black community. They did not like many things they saw and learned this year, apparently. Aside from the provocative social movements and being lumped with parties they do not relate to, many blacks apparently are beginning... finally...to recognize the Dems pandering and patronizing, backed by no real legitimate concern or commitment, for what it is....pimping.
Yeah, my question is whether these pickups are permanent. Likely so.
When Philadelphia took 4 days longer than the rest of PA to count the votes in 2016, none of you said a word.

I'm going to make the cardinal error of asking a question that I do not know the answer to:

Trump won 306 electoral college votes. Was the PA vote moot, meaning the four days were not worth commenting about because they didn't matter? I.E. What was the timing of the "call" that Trump won the election?
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Even that poster doesn't believe that, if he is honest

I dont think they care. All they know is that they hate Trump. A red-hot burning hate is about the only thought they have had over the part 4+ years. All day, every day. I would be willing to bet you it was what they dreamt about at least half the time.

So they dont care how it was done, they dont care if the vote count was honest or dishonest. All they care about was getting him out of there, by any means possible.
Yeah, my question is whether these pickups are permanent. Likely so.
This will be a great question to see answered. Contrary to mainstream media pushed narratives, there are a large number of blacks especially (I do not know about Hispanics) who like and support Trump, but what I have heard most from black leaders and community members is the latter part of my prior post...the waking up to the Dems empty pandering part. I think with Hispanics it is their faith and family focusness lol if you will combined with shock at what they were seeing in the streets this year.
For both of these groups, if it has more to do with these latter factors than with Trump (likely), we should see some of it stick or possibly even a welcomed counter trend develop.
I dont think they care. All they know is that they hate Trump. A red-hot burning hate is about the only thought they have had over the part 4+ years. All day, every day. I would be willing to bet you it was what they dreamt about at least half the time.

So they dont care how it was done, they dont care if the vote count was honest or dishonest. All they care about was getting him out of there, by any means possible.
I wish you were right and it were all about him. I fear it goes deeper and will now be the norm. There is a hate, all right...and a burning desire for something....
Not to mention there is substantial evidence both on the ground and in voting results that suggest somewhat of a shift in sentiment among the black community. They did not like many things they saw and learned this year, apparently. Aside from the provocative social movements and being lumped with parties they do not relate to, many blacks apparently are beginning... finally...to recognize the Dems pandering and patronizing, backed by no real legitimate concern or commitment, for what it is....pimping.

One could ask, "How do you know Bystander?"

I'm from Laredo. I'm well connected with many people for a variety of reasons. I've spent hours talking face to face with ranchers NE of Laredo. On their ranch. The immigration policy from the Left completely ignores what is actually happening. The Liberal policy is an absolute lie. That is a fact.

As for the religious element, it is a real thing. We know Catholics believe life begins at conception. Many many of my Catholic friends turned to the right when they heard Hillary discuss how a 3rd trimester BABY was not a human under the law. It made them sick.

I'm not a Catholic. I'm just reporting what I know to be true.
How accusations of voter suppression are born:

How Stacey Abrams became the 'architect' of Biden's Georgia surge

"Abrams began working to register new Democratic voters ahead of the 2014 election, when she was the Democratic leader in the Georgia House of Representatives.

In an interview in 2014, she said that many Black voters did not believe that voting was worth their time for a few reasons. There’s the history of voter suppression against Blacks in the South, which still rears its head openly in some places, as Yahoo News’ investigation into the story of the Quitman 10+2 showed.

But many people she talked to had been disappointed that their access to health care had not improved after Barack Obama was elected president. Georgians spoke with her about the closure of rural hospitals, and many were confused as to why Medicaid expansion had not taken place.

“What we ended up telling a lot of people is, you’re not going to be able to qualify for the Medicaid expansion because Georgia said no. And over and over again, people would say, ‘Well how do they get to decide that?’” Abrams said. “And so many of those folks were not registered to vote, and had no idea that the governor had that kind of power.”

“And what we would get back is, ‘Well, President Obama said we could have it.’ I said, ‘Yes, but President Obama is not the president of Georgia ... The governor has the authority and he said no,’” Abrams said. “The more we talked, the more I realized the disconnect was really based on a lack of civic understanding.”

"Abrams increasingly focused on what she saw as Kemp’s attempts to suppress the vote. Kemp removed 1.5 million voters from Georgia’s rolls between 2012 and 2016, Brennan said, many times simply for failing to vote in the most recent elections. He used a policy called “exact match,” which put voter registrations in limbo for what critics said were minor issues such as punctuation, that affected minority voters in disproportionate numbers.

Critics also said that long lines at many polling places in recent elections, which occurred in majority Black urban areas, were the result of a lack of resources and training from Kemp’s office of the secretary of state.

Kemp has pointed to increases in voter registration among Democrats as evidence that he did not suppress the vote. Abrams has said the Democratic vote would have grown by more if not for Kemp’s actions."
One thing is certain, we need to fix the general election.

DeSantis cleaned up a very dirty system in FL, created a brand new system that was transparent and it worked.
Noem also has a transparent plan in S.Dakota and it worked just fine.
Eric "the Red" Ericksen floated his idea of a Constitutional Amendment, which is OK with me, but national Dems will never go for anything that would take away their ability to fix elections (many Dem voters would probably be for clean elections but their Party leaders would fight it (no matter what they might say publicly to the contrary)).
I have seen suggestions that blockchain can play a key role in the future.

We have to figure this part out and get it done within the existing Constitutional framework
I see a bunch of twitter trash about how there are millions of dead people on voting rolls.

Please show me evidence of those dead people ACTUALLY VOTING. Go back to 2016. Go back to 2008. Go back to 2000. Surely if millions of dead people are actually voting the republicans have had plenty of time to out them.

So show us the numbers.
One could ask, "How do you know Bystander?"

I'm from Laredo. I'm well connected with many people for a variety of reasons. I've spent hours talking face to face with ranchers NE of Laredo. On their ranch. The immigration policy from the Left completely ignores what is actually happening. The Liberal policy is an absolute lie. That is a fact.

As for the religious element, it is a real thing. We know Catholics believe life begins at conception. Many many of my Catholic friends turned to the right when they heard Hillary discuss how a 3rd trimester BABY was not a human under the law. It made them sick.

I'm not a Catholic. I'm just reporting what I know to be true.
This is why the liberal media misses so much....
They have their pre chosen people and entities they look to for influence and to get a read on and they overlook a multitude of everyday leaders, community members, and influencers under the radar who give a much clearer indication of what is really going on in the hearts and minds of "ordinary" Americans.
I am sure media manipulation is effective and playing an enormous role in our sociopolitical sphere these days, no doubt. The real question is and will continue to be can the majority of Americans continue to think critically for themselves, see through it, and help chart a better course. Time will tell.
But, to your point, I bet alot of people who get their news from unreliable sources and believe everything they are told by those sources would be surprised to know what is really occurring out here in real life with some very wise, honorable, and active minority leaders and community members who are waking up and starting to "sniff" their way through the crap they've been and are being sold. People dont like being told what to think...especially when it doesn't pass the "sniff" test relative to their own convictions and beliefs. A good portion of minority groups are starting to feel lied to, as they should.
I agree with you that the abortion issue is playing a role in both the Hispanic and black communities, by the way.
I'm going to make the cardinal error of asking a question that I do not know the answer to:

Trump won 306 electoral college votes. Was the PA vote moot, meaning the four days were not worth commenting about because they didn't matter? I.E. What was the timing of the "call" that Trump won the election?

Yes the PA vote was moot in 2016.

However, it defeats this ******** narrative about late votes in urban counties being sketchy, when in fact that happens in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION CYCLE, even the ones in which republican candidates win by large margins.

When Reagan had a landslide victory in 1984, many of the urban areas didnt finally finish their vote counting until up to 2 weeks after the election date. Does that mean the election was rigged for Reagan? Of course not.

Urban areas are always slower to count the votes. So lets not act surprised lke this is a new thing for 2020 or that it indicates that something sketchy is happening just because of the closeness of the election.

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