2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

OK, guys that had questions about my post.

First, I don't hate Trump. I actually think he has done a much better job than I had thought. However, you do have to dig, or read on places like Hornfans, to uncover most of the good things he has done. The press certainly doesn't cover them.
I don't like the way he acts, or speaks, or Tweets, but, for the vast majority of our Presidents we had zero idea of how they acted or what they said that wasn't published. It was only later that the public found out about all of Kennedy's affairs, or Nixon using the N word all the time, just to name a couple. So, I have to look past that he isn't a smooth, good looking speaker like Macron or Trudeau.
(They had no comments about Trudeau's several black face photos, or the sexual assault case against Biden) I don't know if they don't ever hear about these things because all they read or watch doesn't cover them, or if they are just major hypocrites. Probably a mix.

My FaceBook friends are the type who marched in the P***y hats, and have not been unable to let their anger about him wane for even one day. They accuse him of all sorts of terrible things, like sleeping with his own daughter.
joke about his tiny penis, call girls urinating on him, basically any little rumor, or they make them up. A favorite is him sleeping with Ivanka. It's disgusting.
They live in a complete bubble, and no one dares to poke a hole in that bubble. I have tried a few times, but honestly, it isn't worth the effort. My real life friends, who are very smart, mostly attorneys, will admit that Biden is not an ideal candidate. I don't want to argue with my friends, so I don't ask what they think will happen when Kamala takes over. That is what really scares me.

One of their biggest issues is abortion. They truly believe that thousands of women will die from coat hanger abortions if Trump wins. That is the only thing that cohesively binds them. They will talk about the Green New Deal, or other vague issues, but women's rights are the biggie. They still faun all over Obama and the Mrs. still, refuse to even comment on any news about Biden that isn't positive, such as all the new data finally coming out.

I think the main thing is that they are just angry, pissed off, furious that their woman didn't win in 2016. They have not been able to let go of that anger for one day. Several of them have sent post cards every day to their Senators, then post photos of the post cards so everyone knows how devoted they are to making things right. No matter who the R candidate was, they would hate them.
Trump and his tweets, crude and crass language, etc. just makes it even easier.
They have been waiting 4 damn years to right a wrong, and they have been frothing at the mouth to vote Trump out.
And the crying girl? Those were tears of joy. Joy to be voting against Trump.
I don't think they have a clue about Biden's real policies, beyond abortion and gay marriage. They feel like they are Warriors, and wear the badge of Nasty Women with pride. They aren't my friends, at this point I kind of study them as if they are an alien species that speak an entirely different language than I.
or Nixon using the N word all the time,

First I have ever heard of that in my life. Nixon was a Quaker, so doesn't seem to fit.

You sure you don't mean Johnson? Johnson even famous said after the 1965 Civil Rights act was enacted (with more R votes than D) "Now those N's will vote Democrat for the next 100 years".
The rest of your post is just about Harpies. They're a lost cause. The only thing that matters to them, as you say, is the holy sacrament of abortion. The faces and people change, but the group doesn't. I saw those same types in the 90's, carrying Clinton's water after he was exposed as a sexual predator.

The Harpies would offer up their own daughters to be raped by Clinton or Biden, as long as afterward they could be sure they'd be able to get a 36 week partial birth abortion, where the baby is rotated around and the head kept inside before being cut from the body with scissors. It's the only thing that matters to them. They are just best ignored, and over voted.
@Mr. Deez Here is what comes next: Trump does 40 rallies in 11 days and Biden will be hiding from the laptop from hell. It may not switch many votes but it keeps Biden on the defensive.
Looking at RCP battleground state polling averages, if the polling is biased 4.6% points to Biden across the board, Trump is ahead in enough states to win. If biased 3.2%, Trump is ahead in enough states to lose by one state. My guess is that by Election Day, the bias in the polling necessary for Trump to win will be down to 3% (basically within MOE). By the way, I think the polls are biased 5-7 pts to Biden.
As not seen on Twitter
Or Facebook

First I have ever heard of that in my life. Nixon was a Quaker, so doesn't seem to fit.

You sure you don't mean Johnson? Johnson even famous said after the 1965 Civil Rights act was enacted (with more R votes than D) "Now those N's will vote Democrat for the next 100 years".

I'm pretty sure that LBJ stopped N-bombs and that Nixon bad-mouthed Jews.
Most of the lib tweeters I saw said Trump lost because he was mean and had no empathy. These people are a danger to society.

It appears that liberals who have never lived along the Mexico border do not understand what coyotes are. They are making fun of Trump for being so dumb he thinks wild animals were sneaking illegal alien minors across the border.

I have long argued for an IQ test for voting rights

There is a lot of this out there

Eric Metcalf?
When I lived in the Seattle area and started off on here as horninseattle, I used to run wind sprints at Renton HS, which was right across the street. One day, there is Metcalf. We spoke for several minutes as I had on a Texas shirt, as usual in those days.

Probably not the same Metcalf here.
It appears that liberals who have never lived along the Mexico border do not understand what coyotes are. They are making fun of Trump for being so dumb he thinks wild animals were sneaking illegal alien minors across the border.

I have long argued for an IQ test for voting rights

There is a lot of this out there

These people are unserious. It’s only about racism against brown skin folks. They ignore the sexual assaults and abuse of women by coyotes and others. They want to use the suffering of others for political props. Sickening.

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