2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

The solution?
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Warren Is now attacking Pete and Amy. Said Amy’s health care plan was basically just a post it note. Next she attacks Bernie. Warren is throwing grenades in every direction!
Gotta give Klobuchar credit for the witty comeback on the post-it note line though...they were invented in her State LOL
Sanders has never held a job, yet is a multi millionaire. Bloomberg pulled the thread last night on his 3 homes and Bernie got burned. He is the epitome of political graft. Trump will have an easy ride against the fake socialist.
In a thirty year stretch of representing corporations and insurance companies I had a hand in hundreds of non disclosure agreements and the usual reason was not to cover up the disputed liability but the amount paid.

My experience generally concurs with this but not always. If the settlement was for something that wasn't embarrassing (like a run-of-the-mill injury case), the NDA was usually about covering up the amount paid. However, if the facts underlying the settlement were embarrassing (such as sexual harassment), they were quite adamant about keeping both issues quiet.

And the agreement is between the claimant and the insurance company or corporation, not an individual, so Bloom couldn't waive it if he wanted to.

Seems like this would have been a very easy out for Mike. He could have said, "I'd be happy to waive all the NDAs, but that isn't my decision." The fact that he didn't makes me wonder.
My experience generally concurs with this but not always. If the settlement was for something that wasn't embarrassing (like a run-of-the-mill injury case), the NDA was usually about covering up the amount paid. However, if the facts underlying the settlement were embarrassing (such as sexual harassment), they were quite adamant about keeping both issues quiet.

Seems like this would have been a very easy out for Mike. He could have said, "I'd be happy to waive all the NDAs, but that isn't my decision." The fact that he didn't makes me wonder.

I've always heard don't give anyone an objection they can solve IF complying or agreeing to something is unacceptable to you under any circumstances. NO is not an objection or a reason; it's your answer.

If he commits to a happy to waive stance then the other party might just agree too.
Seems like this would have been a very easy out for Mike. He could have said, "I'd be happy to waive all the NDAs, but that isn't my decision." The fact that he didn't makes me wonder.

Being able to think quickly on your feet in the heat of battle isn't really important as POTUS. He has my vote. [sarc]
I've always heard don't give anyone an objection they can solve IF complying or agreeing to something is unacceptable to you under any circumstances. NO is not an objection or a reason; it's your answer.

If he commits to a happy to waive stance then the other party might just agree too.

That's absolutely true, but this situation is different, because Bloomberg is in a position to rig this. He can publicly say he'd be happy to waive but privately tell his corporate officers that it was a BS political remark and not to waive them. After all, we know damn good and well that waiving the NDAs is bad for the business.
That's absolutely true, but this situation is different, because Bloomberg is in a position to rig this. He can publicly say he'd be happy to waive but privately tell his corporate officers that it was a BS political remark and not to waive them. After all, we know damn good and well that waiving the NDAs is bad for the business.

I hear you. I wonder if he was blindsided by Warren on this. It seems to me that even seasoned Republicans underestimate the ruthlessness of totalitarian socialists (God I love that phrase). The Virtue Signaling playbook is a virtual well of political destruction. The old school white guys on the right either need to master what they abhor (know the buzz words or how they will use them), meaning mastering the language so as to avoid the land mines or stay out of politics. Bloomberg should have known that Warren would exploit the #metoo zeitgeist with lust.

And in my view, Warren's attacks are prima facie evidence that totalitarian socialists are the absolute scum of our political world. She is unfit for office. She would destroy our country with her humorless, vile political correctness and virtue signaling sanctimony. She is in short; pathetic and those who support her need to see a psychiatrist.

I believe that.
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60 Minutes has Bernie on this weekend
He thinks Trump would likely "chew him up and spit (Bloomberg) out"
Bernie Sanders on Bloomberg debate performance: "I think it's quite likely that Trump will chew him up and spit him out."

Maybe, but Bloomberg knows that Trump can't exactly attack him on sexual peccadillos. Bloomberg and Trump are so similar; arrogant rich white guys who both have a complete disdain for the Sanders, Warren, Hillary et al political BS. Bloomberg might be much more comfortable sparing with Trump than with Warren. There will be certain levels of chicken shitness that even Trump won't go to.

In my view, and assuming a primary is really not a democratic instrument of choice, I'd want Bloomberg against Trump because in the general election the Totalitarianism will be exploited by Trump. Bloomberg is more moderate but will pitch enough levels of Liberalism and can compete with Trump when it comes to the economy and being a mansplaining leader of the world.
Maybe, but Bloomberg knows that Trump can't exactly attack him on sexual peccadillos. Bloomberg and Trump are so similar; arrogant rich white guys who both have a complete disdain for the Sanders, Warren, Hillary et al political BS. ...

He doesnt have near the same stage presence
Good one, but it is the next day so doesnt count as much

Liberals are currently freaking out about this video^ by Bloomberg. Even the cat people known as Snopes felt the need to waddle in. MSNBC is currently going off on it. It's hard to believe Democrats are so dumb that they have to be told there were not really crickets chirping at the last debate. Geez. But perhaps even funnier, is that as this MSNBC reporters and guests are wallowing on air at today's "outage of the day," MSNBC is airing a Bloomberg commercial spot in which he falsely claims he guided NYC through 9/11.

We absolutely cannot let these idiots gain control of the Govt. It's up to you.

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Trump continues to be suspected of being in bed with Putin and Russia while adamantly denying it. Media doesn't believe him.
Bernie embraces Russia and spent a lot of time there. Media: Nothing to see here, folks.

Those may have been Russian crickets in the Bloomberg ad. We should probably just begin impeachment of him now, to save time later

The idea that the Russians would prefer Trump, who hammers them, to Comrade Bernie who honeymoons with them is preposterous. Only someone with an underdeveloped medulla oblongata would believe such a thing.
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Here is the new NRCC Battleground polling results ("battleground" being 800 registered voters in 95 Congressional districts, 54 of which are held by Dems and considered NRCC targets, and 41 of which are held by Reps and considered Dem targets). The results look pretty good.

Bernie Sanders’ image among battleground voters is upside-down at 42% fav/53% unfav.

Voters support a GOP candidate who opposed impeachment rather than a Dem who supported it 51%-43%

I hear you. I wonder if he was blindsided by Warren on this. It seems to me that even seasoned Republicans underestimate the ruthlessness of totalitarian socialists (God I love that phrase). The Virtue Signaling playbook is a virtual well of political destruction. The old school white guys on the right either need to master what they abhor (know the buzz words or how they will use them), meaning mastering the language so as to avoid the land mines or stay out of politics. Bloomberg should have known that Warren would exploit the #metoo zeitgeist with lust.

And in my view, Warren's attacks are prima facie evidence that totalitarian socialists are the absolute scum of our political world. She is unfit for office. She would destroy our country with her humorless, vile political correctness and virtue signaling sanctimony. She is in short; pathetic and those who support her need to see a psychiatrist.

I believe that.

I think you're right. His answer wasn't just bad. It was unconsidered and unprepared. It's like he was deciding what to do on the fly, and he's clearly not good at that. For all the cash he's throwing around, you'd think he would have a debate strategist who would prepare him for that issue and tell him what to say.

And you're right. Warren is terrible. However, what worries me more than any individual candidate is the fact that nobody is really challenging Bernie Sanders even though he's the front-runner. He should be taking the heat much more than Bloomberg is, and despite that, he largely gets a pass from the other candidates and of course from our garbage media.

This is a guy with some really weird stuff in his past and who spent decades eulogizing the Soviet Union, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela - none of which he has recanted. He says he's a "democratic" socialist (which isn't actually a thing in reality) and that he's just about the Nordic countries, but none of those are socialist countries. And if he truly is just a fan of the Nordic model, then why not honeymoon to Copenhagen or Stockholm rather than Moscow? Why not commend Mette Fredericksen (PM of Denmark) and Erna Solberg (PM of Norway) rather than Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro? But nobody calls him on any of that. They're afraid, and that fear worries me.
Here are some of Elizabeth Warren's positions on 2d Amendment Rights, from her website -- Protecting Our Communities from Gun Violence | Elizabeth Warren (which is over 3,000 words)

--As president, I will immediately take executive action to rein in an out-of-control gun industry — and to hold both gun dealers and manufacturers accountable for the violence promoted by their products.
--I will break the NRA’s stranglehold on Congress by passing sweeping anti-corruption legislation and eliminating the filibuster ...
--I will send Congress comprehensive gun violence prevention legislation.
Creating a federal licensing system. States with strict licensing requirements experience lower rates of gun trafficking and violence. A license is required to drive a car, and Congress should establish a similarly straightforward federal licensing system for the purchase of any type of firearm or ammunition.
--Requiring universal background checks. ..
--Increasing taxes on gun manufacturers....
--Capping firearms purchases...
--Passing a new federal assault weapons ban.
--Banning high-capacity ammunition magazines.
--Prohibiting accessories that make weapons more deadly.
--Passing extreme risk protection laws. Extreme risk protection orders allow families and law enforcement to petition to temporarily restrict access to firearms for individuals in crisis or at elevated risk of harming themselves or others.
--Prohibiting anyone convicted of a hate crime from owning a gun.
--Holding gun manufacturers strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action.
--Holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable
I think you're right. His answer wasn't just bad. It was unconsidered and unprepared. It's like he was deciding what to do on the fly, and he's clearly not good at that. For all the cash he's throwing around, you'd think he would have a debate strategist who would prepare him for that issue and tell him what to say.

And you're right. Warren is terrible. However, what worries me more than any individual candidate is the fact that nobody is really challenging Bernie Sanders even though he's the front-runner. He should be taking the heat much more than Bloomberg is, and despite that, he largely gets a pass from the other candidates and of course from our garbage media.

This is a guy with some really weird stuff in his past and who spent decades eulogizing the Soviet Union, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela - none of which he has recanted. He says he's a "democratic" socialist (which isn't actually a thing in reality) and that he's just about the Nordic countries, but none of those are socialist countries. And if he truly is just a fan of the Nordic model, then why not honeymoon to Copenhagen or Stockholm rather than Moscow? Why not commend Mette Fredericksen (PM of Denmark) and Erna Solberg (PM of Norway) rather than Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro? But nobody calls him on any of that. They're afraid, and that fear worries me.
You're going to be the first S.O.B. exiled to East St. Louis when Bernie is in command.
--Prohibiting anyone convicted of a hate crime from owning a gun. [But not gang-members in Chicago]
--Holding gun manufacturers strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action. [This is strictly a tantrum]
--Holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable [Another tantrum]

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