2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

He must think he has a chance to win. A billionaire wouldn't blow that much money on a whim. I can't see any scenario where he gets the nomination. His objective must be to block someone else.

I've read his money did play a big role in flipping the House in 2018 -- if it wasn't for him and Steyer, I am not sure they had any money
"With Julian Castro out, I am now the only Latino candidate running"
- Elizabeth Warren

I took my dog on a walk down to the local Starbucks.

After our purchase, my dog looked up at me, latte in paw, and asked,

“So dude, now that Julian Castro has dropped out of the race, who’s going to stand for the abortion rights of transgendered men?”

No one in the entire café knew how to respond
On this news, my dog insisted we make the trudge back to Starbucks

After first ordering yet another Puppicino, she then asked --

"I'm sorry, but why would Marianne even need a campaign team when she has the crystal for guidance?"
The barista/art school major at the counter had no answer

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Castro and his twin are just idiots. Glad he’s out. He never had a chance and was just taking up space.

Some news outlets are starting to see whats up and are beginning to understand. Local NBC affiliate KXAN had a segment about Castro dropping out and if he really had a chance. They discussed how disappointing it was for the "so called party of the minorities" only had one person on the main debate stage of color. They did keep their head in the sand thinking they might actually do something to fix it. It absolutely amazes me with all of the social media proof out there how many libs actually think their party wants any type of racial equality.
Julian Castro was on MSNBC last night talking about how bad the lack of diversity of the Democratic Primary is. I don't think it is a problem one way or the other.

But whose problem is it? Who is responsible for it? Is the Democratic Party keeping POCs out of the primary? Is the Democratic Party not recruiting and promoting POCs through their apparatus? Is it horrible Conservatives that are responsible for voting for Sanders and Biden and Warren? Who is Julian blaming? Himself, that he couldn't appeal to a wider audience? Is he saying Democrats are not Politically Correct enough, even after the last 5 years of speeding to the Left on every issue?

I don't get what he actually wants to change fundamentally, other than being able to wave a wand or get a Genie to grant him wishes.
if you are willing to open up the thread, there are a few more good ones down below

The Democratic party ought to be sh*tting themselves right now when even tie dye shirt wearing lesbian Millennials don't want to vote for their frontrunner.
... when even tie dye shirt wearing lesbian Millennials don't want to vote for their frontrunner.

I would love to see a video of them in a line at some function to meet & greet Joe. Can you imagine their reactions as ol Joe gets closer, then goes to put both his hands on their head, as he is wont to do. That might be an all-time classic.
It is beyond comprehension that with all the utter crap Biden said that is being shown he is still the front runner
Trump and i so hope he IS the dem candidate.
Pretty stunning response -- not exactly what they were telling us at the time

Just as a reminder, here is what Ben Rhodes said about the passage of Obamacare. BTW, Rhodes is still out there, as basically one of a handful of still-active representatives of the Obama regime --

"We created an echo chamber... They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say... The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old… They literally know nothing."

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