2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

.... unless you have a sphincter of steel.

Speaking of wives, Bonespurs married a gold digging clothes horse who posed topless. Sterling values he has

(1) You sound jealous he has a wife that was smokin hot enough 20 yrs ago to pose topless, and she's STILL smokin hot. Don't hate

(2) Do you have a cute little nickname for Clinton? He didn't serve either
(1) You sound jealous he has a wife that was smokin hot enough 20 yrs ago to pose topless, and she's STILL smokin hot. Don't hate

(2) Do you have a cute little nickname for Clinton? He didn't serve either
Arkansas Billy——I thought that conveyed the contempt. I refrained from voting for a president for the past 7 cycles. Haven’t cared for any of them

I didn’t say she wasn’t hot, did I? She is.
Arkansas Billy——I thought that conveyed the contempt. I refrained from voting for a president for the past 7 cycles. Haven’t cared for any of them

I didn’t say she wasn’t hot, did I? She is.

Arkansas Billy is the best you can do for a draft dodger? You had a quite the cute moniker for Trump

I've moved on, hopefully you can too
Do tell. Quite a few women go topless in Germany?

Yep, every time chicks walk into gas stations, they just take off their tops. It's a German thing. I'm actually referring to the dirty magazines on the gas station shelves. They're naked on the cover, so you see them.

Having said that, you do see women topless in the flesh more often here. I've seen them on a few beaches in Spain and Portugal, and in Germany, I have seen some women sunbathe topless in a few public parks. It's a wild scene.
Here is Coulter at a recent speech discussing the presidential politics of immigration. I cued it to this point but the whole thing is worth a watch if you are so inclined
Praise God for African Christians! They are they only thing currently keeping the United Methodist Church true to the gospel.
And the Catholic Church. Many priests are coming from Africa. The west used to send missionaries to Africa - now it is the reverse.
African Methodists are the only Methodists (not including rural white Methodists) who are not proponents of LGBTQ ideology. Same thing for African Anglicans compared to UK Anglicans and US Episcopals.

Africa is going to save America. Leftists will have a hard time opposing them.

Need more African immigration. :smile1:

I have never understood the argument Cory Booker is using. In one way it is right. Men should want women to have individual rights because we are all human.

But the argument he is disagreeing with is also right. It is an intensified argument. It isn't that men only care about women they are related to, but men care more for women whom they have close personal ties to. Women are the same way. Women care more for men for whom they have closer personal ties.

Maybe Leftists don't understand familial bonds and such?
It took a while but here is their platform on the stock market boom:

The Stock Market Is Booming, but Democrats Say, Look Who's Been Left Out

There is no formula that benefits everyone equally except in the minds of communists. That is how they gain power. They promise everything will be equal and it never will be.

Communism destroys; it does not help. Those who are being demagogue'd will remain poor. Communism only provides them company in their misery while the elites become even more powerful, despotic and wealthy.

The driver is something called Mindless Egalitarianism. It is ironic in the sense that it is logic gone amok. You continue to chisel away until all that is left are the trees at the same level as sung about in the Rush song, The Trees...

"So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights
'The oaks are just too greedy
We will make them give us light'
Now there's no more oak oppression
For they passed a noble law
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet,
And saw"
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The stock market boom is not helping poor and working class Americans because they don't own much if any stock.

But the problem is the central planning of the money supply. It is Communism which is causing the inequality.
She is so pathetically PC. It's sickening. So calculated.

It's almost impossible for a white person to talk about Kwanzaa or wish someone a happy Kwanzaa without looking like an idiot. We're talking about a holiday that is as fake as Festivus and celebrated by very few blacks. She looks stupid and patronizing by issuing a greeting as an outreach, because it implies that your average black person is celebrating Kwanzaa, which is obviously nonsense and shows profound ignorance.

I'm not sure if declining black support for the Democratic Party is actually happening. We'll find out in the next election. However, if it is declining, the fact that white liberals talk to them as if they were retarded children will be a significant factor.
It's almost impossible for a white person to talk about Kwanzaa or wish someone a happy Kwanzaa without looking like an idiot. We're talking about a holiday that is as fake as Festivus and celebrated by very few blacks. She looks stupid and patronizing by issuing a greeting as an outreach, because it implies that your average black person is celebrating Kwanzaa, which is obviously nonsense and shows profound ignorance.

I'm not sure if declining black support for the Democratic Party is actually happening. We'll find out in the next election. However, if it is declining, the fact that white liberals talk to them as if they were retarded children will be a significant factor.

I feel pretty sure Festivus is celebrated by more people

Coulter blew up Kwanzaa years ago
Ann Coulter - December 26, 2013 - KWANZAA: THE HOLIDAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FBI

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