2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

What could Hillary run on?
Orange man bad ?
even though economy is on fire and unemployment is historically low. Trump has helped small biz in urban areas, did some prison reform etc etc
So all she might have is we are enforcing our border and making it harder for illegals as if that is a bad thing.
Maybe she can devote her time to pandering to the LBGTXQ more than Warren is.
I don't think the Dems will let Warren or Sanders walk off with the nomination. They know they're unelectable. That leaves Pistol Pete, Hillary, or maybe Bloomberg.

Edit. I forgot Creepy Uncle Joe is still possible at this point. But since, King Barack refuses to endorse him and Joe make's an *** of himself where ever he goes, that doesn't seem likely either.
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The dem convention ought to be a hoot too. I smell a brokered convention anointing Hilary. They are already in trouble with no minorities on the stage for the next debate. Booker and Harris can count on a VP request.
When you throw antifa and BLM into the mix, the Democratic Party could be looking at another 1968 type convention. Then there was the 1924 convention where it took 103 ballot to nominate a presidential candidate. If it's brokered, they won't let a radical win it. Someone from the centrist faction will be nominated.

Democratic moderates in the race:



Hillary Clinton
Michele Obama (not a moderate, but a wildcard with celebrity factor)
Oprah Winfrey
Gavin Newsome
John Kerry
Tom Wolf
Al Gore
John Carney
Steve Bullock (is he still in the race?)
Andrew Cuomo
Jay Inslee
Maria Cantwell
Tammy Duckworth
I think he said facts, but I am no Biden apologist.
He said “Look fat heres the deal”. Not sure how “facts” would make any sense in that context. This exchange also included a shaming of the voter for having a sedentary lifestyle and a push-up contest challenge. It is hard to believe any candidate is dumb enough to call a voter “fat” but that seems to be the case here. Its clear that Biden has a volatile temper that he cannot control.
He said “Look fat heres the deal”. Not sure how “facts” would make any sense in that context. This exchange also included a shaming of the voter for having a sedentary lifestyle and a push-up contest challenge. It is hard to believe any candidate is dumb enough to call a voter “fat” but that seems to be the case here. Its clear that Biden has a volatile temper that he cannot control.
Joe’s next campaign speech: “You people are idiots. You’re fat. You’re stupid. Hey lard *** over there, shut up.” Real smart politics.

This is going to be good if and when Joe takes on Trump. The debates (if you can call them that) may turn into a battle of insults.
When Trump goes off on a politician, MSM goes batshit on him for conduct unbecoming of a POTUS. Many times rightfully so, imo

When Biden goes off on a voter, he's "standing up for himself" according to a panelist /commentator on CNN *around 3:30 our time)

Double standard
When Trump goes off on a politician, MSM goes batshit on him for conduct unbecoming of a POTUS. Many times rightfully so, imo

When Biden goes off on a voter, he's "standing up for himself" according to a panelist /commentator on CNN *around 3:30 our time)

Double standard
The telling thing to me is when Trump goes off on somebody, it's a politician, a swamp denizen, or a dishonest media sycophant, but he demonstrably loves the American people. When Biden goes off on somebody, it's an average Joe Citizen, but he demonstrably loves the Washington insiders.

Which one do you want running the country? Easy choice for me.
CNN went shopping for farmers struggling due to the trade war. Each explained how difficult it was and one even blamed Trump. All three voted for him. The best the reporter could get was “I don’t know because the democrat field is so bad.”
I hope so. He has my vote in the primary.
ughh ... that would be so pitiful (and i know you're suggesting a mop up ... and you'd be right) .... reference the comment in the tweet of the video.

Yeah, it'd just be cruel.

It's been said before, but 'tis worth repeating ... how ironic that the party who's supporters throw out all kind of categories for people and castigate the WASP male ... have WASMales (if not WASP) leading their party.

Go butt a stump with your categorizing and seek the best qualified first/last/always.

psst ... Uncle Joe ain't it. Admittedly I haven't paid real close attention, but there's not one on the current DNC-nominee list which is qualified.
"When I was 17, I participated in sit-ins to desegregate restaurants and movie houses."
--@JoeBiden 1983

"I got involved in desegregating movie theaters..."
--Biden 2014

"...we used to get organized on Sundays to go out and desegregate movie theaters..."
--Biden Dec 2019

Biden is mentally unfit for office. That's clear. Obama kept him under wraps the last four years of his administration for good reasons.
More Malarkey:




(Note the Fonz's overweight grandson is in the audience, but I bet Biden doesn't try to call him fat.)
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I have this awful feeling that Hillary might come riding in on her white pantsuit to "save the day".
As has been pointed out, Rs have lost many female voters that live in upper middle class neighborhoods. My Facebook friends still complain about Hillary getting ripped off since she won the popular vote. Think of the pink hat march. That anger is still out there, which translate into votes, and Hillary has the machine where she could slide right in to the debates
She is all over the media, and, although I didn't hear her on Howard Stern, I have heard "anyone but Hillary" folks say she made a great impression.
Somehow, I don't think we are done with her yet. I hope with all I have that I am wrong, but, right now, I don't see anyone on the D side that is electable. I think Hillary would garner much sympathy (it's her time) and, frankly, she is probably the smartest of the bunch.
Hillary is playing it cool. She'd give her right tit to be President and she hates Trump with a burning passion, but she's biding her time. I don't think she's healthy enough to waddle door-to-door all over Iowa and New Hampshire, so the Dems will have to come to her. She wants to be drafted and maybe she will be.

I really think the DNC's dream girl is Michelle Obama. She too is hanging loose, but staying in the spot light while saying Obama-esque things like "it's not about the D's and the R's, we all want the same things...."
Hillary is playing it cool. She'd give her right tit to be President and she hates Trump with a burning passion, but she's biding her time. I don't think she's healthy enough to waddle door-to-door all over Iowa and New Hampshire, so the Dems will have to come to her. She wants to be drafted and maybe she will be.

I really think the DNC's dream girl is Michelle Obama. She too is hanging loose, but staying in the spot light while saying Obama-esque things like "it's not about the D's and the R's, we all want the same things...."

Hillary supposedly sees Bloomberg as a threat to the US, just like she does Bernie and Fauxcahontas. Dont know if that's actually, true but it's what they say

As I have maintained for the last 2+ years, I think Michelle is the only one of them who could win it, but I still cant see her jumping in. Mainly because she has already seen that life, and she hated it. She will not want to drag her family through it all over again.

In order for her to go forward, she would have to have two things:
(1) A huge ego. OK, so we have that present, lol.
(2) Sincere love of her country. And we already know she definitely does not have that. Never has, never will. What is she going to do? Take a knee for 4 years?

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