2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

That is one of the funny things about the SAT. It has undergone multiple changes over years, with the intention of reflecting whatever social ideas and theories they want reflected. But the SATs keep putting out the same results.
I find that hilarious.

Speaking of the SATs, here is a timely piece from the Daily Caller on them

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This is they type of blogger that is prominently displayed on Yahoo's homepage. My recollection is that the Left said the exact same thing about Bush. They tried to scare everyone into thinking Bush would declare martial law and extend his Presidency beyond his term.

These people are corrupt as can be...

Didn't Hillary say something about Trump not accepting defeat to her? And who refused to accept it after all?

What happens if Trump loses in 2020 — and refuses to leave?
In the legal world, the fact that state power was negotiated doesn't diminish them.

I always enjoy your legal perspective along with your knowledge of Constitutional history.

I agree the legal world is not impacted by the negotiated nature of states rights. I was thinking that when arguing for an amendment (or changing a law utilizing an "activist judge) people attempt to either bolster or diminish the words in the constitution. I believe many on the Left abhor the sacredness that many Conservatives impute upon the Constitution. By attacking the founders character and the enactment process long ago, one can possibly influence modern day thinking.
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Sounds like O'Keefe has some new totally hidden video getting ready to drop, from inside one of the Dem campaigns. Where they talk about wealth confiscation by force.

This idea is not exactly original, we've seen this idea play out many times before, from Russia through Venezuela. Yet these people seem to think they are the first to think of it, or at least "it will work this time because WE are different!" Erm, no you're not and no it won't. Think about it -- if you were super wealthy and saw this coming, what would you do? Would you just sit there and let them roll over you? Or would you take whatever steps are necessary to protect yourself and your family?

I read the wealth gap increased lately mostly due to our aging society (since older folks are wealthier than younger folks).
The Dems who have dropped out have spent $74M pursuing their failed bids

Total waste of money. I think we need a stupid tax that confiscates 50% of the wealth for anyone who donates to a candidate who doesn't even make it to the first primary.
The BLM crew is back -- taking aim at the Buttigieg -- I will let you guess what he did to offend them
Fight breaks out at a Pete Buttigieg event in South Bend between his supporters and BLM protesters | Daily Mail Online

It's kind of funny that in his effort to appease BLM and South Carolina blacks, he alienated at least 63 million other voters. I guess its the trap all Dem primary candidates can fall into.
But, bottom line, anyone who calls 63+ million Americans racist because they disagree with him over politics cannot be President

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This brings up civility and the way politics is done in the US vs. other nations.

Remember back when the BBC first started being broadcast on cable tv in the US? Many, including me, were amazed that, in the illustrious House of Lords, they would loudly boo and rudely shout disapproval when the opponents spoke.

There was a big fist fight on the floor of the South Korean House several years ago between rival politicians, involving dozens of them. Latin American countries sometimes break into fights on the floor of the house, and assassinations are just part of the mix of the way politics has been done down there.

It's been a long, long time since we were this way. I think we're generally just kinder people who can handle disagreement better than the rest of the world. Note, right before the Civil War, a South Carolina senator kicked the *** of a Massachusetts senator on the Senate floor--he almost killed him on the Senate floor with his cane. So we were there a long, long time ago. I personally prefer more civil and polite ways to handle disagreements.
Biden getting asked by Dems in Iowa about Hunter
Doesnt like it, challenges guy to pushups or an IQ test -- says "Look, fat ...."

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The dem convention ought to be a hoot too. I smell a brokered convention anointing Hilary. They are already in trouble with no minorities on the stage for the next debate. Booker and Harris can count on a VP request.
The dem convention ought to be a hoot too. I smell a brokered convention anointing Hilary. ...

Seems like that may be where we are heading. It's good for her since she lacks the health (and perhaps money too) to campaign anymore. I suspect all that campaigning might kill her. This way and can just chillax in the lazyboy, stroll on stage and take it all from them. Wouldnt be fair but I think everyone is past the idea that the Clintons ever cared about fairness.

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