2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I didnt read this but this evolution of FNC is not exactly news. When the Murdoch children took over, among the very first things they did was extend Shep Smith. Next, they added Donna Brazile. The consensus at the time was these crazy kids were hoping these actions would increase their party invites on the Upper East Side. I dont know if it worked - is that in the article?
I think it's good to have high quality people from the other side. Chris Wallace certainly fits that description. Shemp Smith and Donna Brazile come no where close to fitting.
Oh man, did Biden step in it. You know things are bad when your own wife gives a tepid endorsement.

It wouldn't shock me if she doesn't particularly want him to win. At their age, the workload and stress would be pretty rough. She's probably enjoying the easy life. And regardless of his politics, I feel sorry for the Biden family. They've been through hell and through no fault of their own.
It wouldn't shock me if she doesn't particularly want him to win. At their age, the workload and stress would be pretty rough. She's probably enjoying the easy life. And regardless of his politics, I feel sorry for the Biden family. They've been through hell and through no fault of their own.
One might say karma.
There are many reports of shady dealing with the Bidens benefitting from his VP status. Even some in his own party calling him out for it.
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I think it's good to have high quality people from the other side.....

I would like to see your rule applied across the board. Not just cable news, but network news, Public Broadcasting and newspapers too -- the NYT, WAPO, LAT and HouChron collectively, would be good places to start. But I would not stop there., I would like to see your rule applied to network shows, cable shows, pay cable shows, Hollywood films, documentaries, the music industry, the art world and even sports broadcasting. And then I would take your rule and aim it across the pond to the BBC. Good rule. Let's work to make it happen.
There are many reports of shady dealing eith the Bidens benefitting from his VP status. Even some in his own party calling him out for it.

Just me thinking out loud but I do not believe this ‘benefitting’ to be exclusive to any politician these days, regardless of stripes. Cynicism is deeply ingrained.
The ‘league’ grows over time along with the power, ie., governmental position. It’s another reason I’m a fan of term limits. The power corruption only grows stronger with time.
The people who self-style themselves as "progressive" are the same people who perpetuate these destructive double-standards. There is nothing progressive about that.
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I wonder why the Dems think ex pats would support Dems?

Because they generally do. Most expats have very globalist perspectives. Furthermore, they're influenced by foreign media, which is even more leftist than the American media. (Seriously, the New York Times would be a center-right paper in Europe.) I see the same thing over here. The military personnel are mostly conservative. However, the civilian component which tends to be long-term expats (like us) are overwhelmingly Democratic. Even those who start as conservatives usually move left. Only those of us with very strong beliefs remain on the Right.
Thanks.I never considered the things you brought up. I mostly thought Ex Pats were people who did not want to pay all the taxes and wanted to live better cheaper.
Thanks.I never considered the things you brought up. I mostly thought Ex Pats were people who did not want to pay all the taxes and wanted to live better cheaper.

Some of them are, but plenty are not. Furthermore, I think most people nowadays vote according to cultural identity than what's good for their pocketbook. That's why you can have cities packed with rich people who would vote for Elizabeth Warren (who is mostly bad for their pocketbook) over Trump (who is mostly good). Urban culture identifies with Democrats, and most expats are culturally urban.

Y’all know she’s heading this way.

There's Elizabeth Warren out inciting violence telling her base to go out and fight. Quite frankly it sounds like shes supporting some kind of civil war and there's LH suggesting shes coming here to do it. That's pretty racist considering the high number of Hispanics and Mexicans living here. Hate Speech!

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There's Elizabeth Warren out inciting violence telling her base to go out and fight. Quite frankly it sounds like shes supporting some kind of civil war and there's LH suggesting shes coming here to do it. That's pretty racist considering the high number of Hispanics and Mexicans living here. Hate Speech!

Bring it on, *******!
The words "persist" and "revolution" can be described as dog-whistles for ANTIFA and other street activists and haters. They use the term dog-whistle when they can't prove racism exists in a given comment.
Biden keeps hanging in there in the polls. I can't figure it out. Plus, he's not angry enough for today's Dems. They want somebody that's angry and is gonna take this country by the balls and squeeze.
Biden keeps hanging in there in the polls. I can't figure it out....

Just cast a gaze at the rest of the field. Some of them are so off the plantation, that they are scaring the bulk of Dem voters. Which is saying a lot. Biden is their comfort dog.
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