2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Room cleared at 10:30pm.
4 people stay behind.
Thousands of ballots pulled from under a table in suitcases and scanned.

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That vid showing luggage being pulled from under table and taken to counting tables when there is no one else in room to observe looks might suspicious.
But I am sure a Dem can explain it.:yes:
Dominion ownership is hard to pin down due to an almost endless stream of shell corporations (why would they do that if they are above board?)
But one thing we do know is the CCP recently put $400M into them (apparently this past October)
Why would China do that? What did China want? What exactly were they buying?
One thing for certain, that is a lot more money being into our election than what Russia spent on FB ads - and look what happened because of that?




Besides the $400M in 2020, the CCP also put $200M into Dominion in 2014
It appears the CCP owns at least 75% of Dominion
Hence the endless trail of shell corps

Imagine instead for a moment that this were Trump winning and Dominion was owned by friends of Putin
It would be hair on fire

Need the full flavor of Melissa Carone. Republican Congressman Steve Johnson is asking the question but she clearly is treating him like she thinks he's a Democrat. Notice at one point Guiliani reaches over to touch her arm to get her attention to stop only to have her go off that Dead and illegals voted.

That's a highlight of her testimony but the entire thing is good if you want a laugh. At least 4 judges in Michigan so far have found her affidavit to not be credible. My favorite was when she boasted "I have 2 degrees" ostensibly to demonstrate her bonafides. Those degrees are a BA from ITT Technical Institute and a more recent Associates Degree from U of Michigan. The latter doesn't offer "Associate's Degrees".

No, she hasn't been "doxxed". Aside from joining the MI lawsuit that was tossed she's been all over FoxNews and Lou Dobbs' show. She's leveraging her 15 minutes of fame to the max.
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Wait a second, hacker got into the vaccine servers but behind closed doors no one hacked the election. These machines should print each vote and time it was recorded. All the votes recorded after election officials were sent home should be void.
Need the full flavor of Melissa Carone. Republican Congressman Steve Johnson is asking the question but she clearly is treating him like she thinks he's a Democrat. Notice at one point Guiliani reaches over to touch her arm to get her attention to stop only to have her go off that Dead and illegals voted.

That's a highlight of her testimony but the entire thing is good if you want a laugh. At least 4 judges in Michigan so far have found her affidavit to not be credible. My favorite was when she boasted "I have 2 degrees" ostensibly to demonstrate her bonafides. Those degrees are a BA from ITT Technical Institute and a more recent Associates Degree from U of Michigan. The latter doesn't offer "Associate's Degrees".

No, she hasn't been "doxxed". Aside from joining the MI lawsuit that was tossed she's been all over FoxNews and Lou Dobbs' show. She's leveraging her 15 minutes of fame to the max.

She is ridiculous. Amusing but ridiculous.

She signed a legal affidavit. Prove her wrong and put her in jail or throw out the election. Anyone who doesn’t think there were problems with the election is stupid, a Democrat or both.
She signed a legal affidavit. Prove her wrong and put her in jail or throw out the election. Anyone who doesn’t think there were problems with the election is stupid, a Democrat or both.

The people seeking to vacate an election result have the burden of proof. Is her affidavit sufficient to do that on its own? Surely you can see why it wouldn't be. Courts have found her affidavit to be not credible. I'm curious to know why. Was it contradicted by conclusive evidence? Was it based on speculation rather than personal knowledge? Though she seems like a drunk, horny chick trying to order a last drink partying with her girlfriends the night her divorce became final, I doubt that was the sole reason.
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I have no idea whether it is or not. My concern is there are many of these affidavits, but there is no quantity specified that equates to “widespread” problems. And as an attorney, I’m sure you have seen fairness and reasonableness in the courts. As a business person, I haven’t. When I see what the justice department-in different areas- has done over the last 8 years, I have no faith in it. It is a rigged political monster at this point.
I have no idea whether it is or not. My concern is there are many of these affidavits, but there is no quantity specified that equates to “widespread” problems.

I think most of us would agree that it should be hard to vacate an election. One affidavit definitely can't be enough. If it is, all the Texas Democratic Party would have to do is find someone willing to lie in an affidavit (very easy - they had a president willing to lie under oath before a grand jury) and present it before a slimy district judge. In the Rio Grande Valley, those are a dime a dozen. They'd never lose a statewide office in Texas.

Another thing to remember is that an affidavit isn't meant to prove anything. In fact, it's hearsay. It's intended to create a question of fact for a trier of fact (a judge or jury) to decide. To actually get a judge to vacate the election, this lady would have to testify in court and get cross-examined. Furthermore, the Democrats would get to call witnesses who would contradict her. If you're a judge or juror and you here a weird story from a very weird lady and then hear 100 others who don't seem weird testifying that she's totally full of crap, whom would you believe? If we're being honest and disregarding our preferred outcome, most of us are going to believe the 100 others, especially when she's asking you to vacate a presidential election.

And as an attorney, I’m sure you have seen fairness and reasonableness in the courts. As a business person, I haven’t

That could be a very lengthy thread all on its own.

When I see what the justice department-in different areas- has done over the last 8 years, I have no faith in it. It is a rigged political monster at this point.

I can see why you'd think that, but this isn't the Justice Department. It's a state proceeding before relatively unremarkable local officials and potentially before the Michigan state legislature.
On CNN Biden told Jake Tapper
"Like I told Barack, if I reach something that’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.”
Need the full flavor of Melissa Carone. Republican Congressman Steve Johnson is asking the question but she clearly is treating him like she thinks he's a Democrat. Notice at one point Guiliani reaches over to touch her arm to get her attention to stop only to have her go off that Dead and illegals voted.

That's a highlight of her testimony but the entire thing is good if you want a laugh. At least 4 judges in Michigan so far have found her affidavit to not be credible. My favorite was when she boasted "I have 2 degrees" ostensibly to demonstrate her bonafides. Those degrees are a BA from ITT Technical Institute and a more recent Associates Degree from U of Michigan. The latter doesn't offer "Associate's Degrees".

No, she hasn't been "doxxed". Aside from joining the MI lawsuit that was tossed she's been all over FoxNews and Lou Dobbs' show. She's leveraging her 15 minutes of fame to the max.

The DailyMail is reporting that Mellissa Carone just finished a 12 month probation for the following:
According to the Mail, Ms Carone, 33, was sentenced last September to 12 months of probation for an as-yet-unreported incident in 2018, which court documents refer to as “disorderly circumstances warranting alarm” and “computers-using to commit a crime.”

Guiliani might have done better by simply advertising on Craigslist for witnesses.
I think most of us would agree that it should be hard to vacate an election. One affidavit definitely can't be enough. If it is, all the Texas Democratic Party would have to do is find someone willing to lie in an affidavit (very easy - they had a president willing to lie under oath before a grand jury) and present it before a slimy district judge. In the Rio Grande Valley, those are a dime a dozen. They'd never lose a statewide office in Texas.

Another thing to remember is that an affidavit isn't meant to prove anything. In fact, it's hearsay. It's intended to create a question of fact for a trier of fact (a judge or jury) to decide. To actually get a judge to vacate the election, this lady would have to testify in court and get cross-examined. Furthermore, the Democrats would get to call witnesses who would contradict her. If you're a judge or juror and you here a weird story from a very weird lady and then hear 100 others who don't seem weird testifying that she's totally full of crap, whom would you believe? If we're being honest and disregarding our preferred outcome, most of us are going to believe the 100 others, especially when she's asking you to vacate a presidential election.

That could be a very lengthy thread all on its own.

I can see why you'd think that, but this isn't the Justice Department. It's a state proceeding before relatively unremarkable local officials and potentially before the Michigan state legislature.
All of the claims are independent. So her claim is not “enough“ for that jurisdiction. What if there are 50, 100, or 1,000 claims all independently immaterial, but collectively are a problem?
Blasey Ford was treated like a hero full of courage for her BS lies and smears of Kavanaugh. The media still loves her.

The woman above described as a drunk, horny chick by a poster here. Media is probably treating her just like that as well. But, the dems around here don't see the hypocrisy.
A judge did say her affidavit was not credible. That other people reporting in same time frame did not support her claims. She said she called the FBI. That should be easy to check.
But let's say she is loony. What about all the others who gave sworn affidavits about same election center.
So as pointed out one isn't enough, what about all the others whose affidavits were not thrown out?
Interesting that all the focus is on only 1 and not the dozens of others in this one voting place.
There has been a lot of speculation about who would actually be controlling the brain-degraded Biden behind the scenes, I hereby submit Emperor Palpatine's name to the list of contenders

Quite the Nexus of Evil with these guys - HRC, Biden, Open Society, Smartmatic/Dominion


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