2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I have two 23 year old daughters for these 3 weeks. I think her point is that a state has election laws and the Supreme Court of that state ruled on the interpretations of those laws. Therefore, a federal interpretation was not going to be any "more correct" - state's rights and all. I guess it would be more fitting if you found in her writings some anti State's rights text.

I've heard some Liberals saying "States rights" is a dog-whistle for violating peoples rights.
If anyone can explain to me why any cheater worth their salt would NOT also cheat on the down ballot races and win enough of those to gain Senate control, I'd be willing to listen. ....

This too has been explained multiple times - and its very simple to figure
It started with them believing the bad polling -- they really thought there would be a "blue wave" - LOL
They did not realize the polls were wrong until 10pm or 11pm on election night.
When reality did hit, it hit like a ton of bricks -- the polls were total BS
Trump lead by 10s of thousands of votes, even 100s of thousands in some states
They went into panic mode
They had to scramble to produce more ballots than even their worst estimation
So they shut the count down and sent the observers home for the night
Meanwhile they began filling out blank ballots in the cabs of trucks
They were in a hurry
If they only needed to fill out 10 or 20 or even a hundred ballots, they had plenty of time to fill out the down ballots.
But that was not the case. They had to invent way more votes than that - they needed 10s of thousands of new votes - so no time for the down ballot
They needed so many votes it took them hours to produce, even without the down ballots
And they then began dumping them in the dark of night, when no one else was still around
I can even give you the state and times of several of the big vote dumps
IL + 500k at 3:36 am
WI 140k at 3:42 am
MA + 100k at 3:42 am
MN + 200k at 5:30 am
GA + 100k at 6:30 am
MI + 130k at 6:31 am

PA, AZ and NV fit in there somewhere too, but I cant find those now​
It's so simple to explain even a troll can see it -- they had a lot of ballots to fill out and not much time to do it. I have no doubt even you can see this too, its just that you will never admit it. But that's ok. Because, no one here ever expects you to be 100% honest. It's not how you roll. Indeed, no one expects anything from you except more trolling. You exist, even wallow, in the stigma of low expectations that you have created for yourself.
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This too has been explained multiple times - and its very simple to figure
It started with them believing the bad polling -- they really thought there would be a "blue wave" - LOL
They did not realize the polls were wrong until 10pm or 11pm on election night.
When reality did hit, it hit like a ton of bricks -- the polls were total BS
Trump lead by 10s of thousands of votes, even 100s of thousands in some states
They went into panic mode
They had to scramble to produce more ballots than even their worst estimation
So they shut the count down and sent the observers home for the night
Meanwhile they began filling out blank ballots in the cabs of trucks
They were in a hurry
If they only needed to fill out 10 or 20 or even a hundred ballots, they had plenty of time to fill out the down ballots.
But that was not the case. They had to invent way more votes than that - they needed 10s of thousands of new votes - so no time for the down ballot
They needed so many votes it took them hours to produce, even without the down ballots
And they then began dumping them in the dark of night, when no one else was still around
I can even give you the state and times of several of the big vote dumps
IL + 500k at 3:36 am
WI 140k at 3:42 am
MA + 100k at 3:42 am
MN + 200k at 5:30 am
GA + 100k at 6:30 am
MI + 130k at 6:31 am

PA, AZ and NV fit in there somewhere too, but I cant find those now​
It's so simple to explain even a troll can see it -- they had a lot of ballots to fill out and not much time to do it. I have no doubt even you can see this too, its just that you will never admit it. But that's ok. Because, no one here ever expects you to be 100% honest. It's not how you roll. Indeed, no one expects anything from you except more trolling. You exist, even wallow, in the stigma of low expectations that you have created for yourself.
BS. MI, WI, and Penn actively FOUGHT pre-canvassing. You count all of the early and mail in votes as they come in so you can dump them into the system when the polls close - as Florida does. Everyone knew that 80% of the mail in voting was going to be in Biden's favor. This led to GOP votes coming on election day and then blue votes coming as the dust was settling. We all knew this was going to happen. The Real Reason for PA Delay? The State’s GOP Put the Brakes on Early Counting.

Noted liberal rag: Critical swing states could take longer to count mail-in ballots

Sad, that the last, best "strategy" was to count on mucking up the works and then claiming voter fraud to try to get it to the state houses. I worried about that as soon as they were working hard to get ACB nominated. Why worry about fast tracking justice that you could have named but not yet nominated to dangle in front of the evangelicals when you could just lame duck her after the election? Because you want to be sure you have as many votes on the SCOTUS as possible in the event that you can succeed at getting your case to the court. 1-38 as of Sunday in court. I also don't think Roberts and Gorsuch would go along with those shenanigans.
I never thought that saying with two weeks to go that Trump running out of time and that could hurt his chances would be controversial.
Are you sure @Dionysus wants you pushing people off the board? You've been around awhile too. Remember when respect was a "thing" on West Mall?
Ah, okay, you say things like calling a poster "aggy" like or whatever, but my joking comments hurt your feelings?

But, please go ahead and cry to dion about it. The irony being that you accuse me of trying to run you off the board, but by tagging him you are attempting to have the same happen to me.

And, I don't respect your thoughts and comments on here. I mostly just scroll by until something as egregious as the aforementioned catches my eye.
Ah, okay, you say things like calling a poster "aggy" like or whatever, but my joking comments hurt your feelings?

But, please go ahead and cry to dion about it. The irony being that you accuse me of trying to run you off the board, but by tagging him you are attempting to have the same happen to me.

And, I don't respect your thoughts and comments on here. I mostly just scroll by until something as egregious as the aforementioned catches my eye.

Not remotely trying to run you off the board. I don't have a problem with a fan of any team being on the West Mall. The more political perspectives the better. Your subscription helps keep Horn Fans afloat so all the better.

Now, are you going to tell me that "we won but the time ran out" is not Aggie-like behavior?
Whatever your political affiliation I hope you admire the average citizens who have come forth in AZ after giving sworn affadavits to appear before the Legislation committee and tell their experiences during the election process.
They will be doxxed and get tons of hate mail and calls.
Not an easy thing to do/
Haters have already dismissed the accreditied cyber experts.
Do you also dismiss these average citizens?
Not remotely trying to run you off the board. I don't have a problem with a fan of any team being on the West Mall. The more political perspectives the better. Your subscription helps keep Horn Fans afloat so all the better.

Now, are you going to tell me that "we won but the time ran out" is not Aggie-like behavior?
Okay, fair enough.

Garmel can explain what he meant, but no, in the context of what Aggies actually mean by that, it's not the same and he's far from Aggie-like.
Not remotely trying to run you off the board. I don't have a problem with a fan of any team being on the West Mall. The more political perspectives the better. Your subscription helps keep Horn Fans afloat so all the better.

Now, are you going to tell me that "we won but the time ran out" is not Aggie-like behavior?

It's not Aggie-like, it's reality. Even if Trump loses here we will find more and more stuff as time goes on. He would win given time. If you think 2 weeks is enough time to settle this then you're crazy. Like I said earlier this is deja vu from the old FBI days. Carry on and dig yourself deeper.
Whatever your political affiliation I hope you admire the average citizens who have come forth in AZ after giving sworn affadavits to appear before the Legislation committee and tell their experiences during the election process.
They will be doxxed and get tons of hate mail and calls.
Not an easy thing to do/
Haters have already dismissed the accreditied cyber experts.
Do you also dismiss these average citizens?

I don't admire any "average citizen" that gets paid to play a role in a PR stunt. At that point, they are simply a paid hack. I have more respect for the "average citizens" that participated in election vote counting and reported any irregularities at that moment or to the AG's office.

Can we please stop calling these events "Legislation hearings". It had R Legislature Reps and was made to look like a hearing but it had no governmental authority and was paid for by the political party in a local hotel. Real legislature hearings take place in the State Congress with bi-partisan committees.
Right. More evidence can come out well after the statutory limits are reached. But no football team, even Aggies, call press conferences months or year later to describe the plays they would have run, so, therefore, an L should be converted back to a W.
I still find it amazing how somehow who has been wrong on every major issue keeps talking with so much confidence. It's the same thing every time: 1) Argue with posters on here 2) proven wrong 3) tries to move goalposts 4) the goalpost is proven wrong 5) Finally gives up 6) Goes into hiding 7) Comes back and we start at stage 1 again.
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That's better. That's exactly what Texags.com says when they lose close games. It's reality that had they simply had more time on the clock they would have prevailed. They typically blame the refs too. Sound familiar now?

This is about absurd as when you tried to say Joe Fan was part of the alt-right.
Post proof these people who came forward after giving affidavits were "Paid"? You are confusing these honest people with all the people Dems paid in AZ

And BTW most of them did file complaints to every election official AT THE MOMENT that they could find AND the state's AG.
Read their affidavits.
Post proof these people who came forward after giving affidavits were "Paid"? You are confusing these honest people with all the people Dems paid in AZ

And BTW most of them did file complaints to every election official AT THE MOMENT that they could find AND the state's AG.
Read their affidavits.

Can you send me a link to their affidavits? I've read all the public affidavits for MI, PA and GA but not AZ.

I'm guessing they were paid as that was not a formal hearing. It was political theater, a campaign event. The hotel setting should have been a major clue but also the absence of any D Congresspeople, the fact that you had a combination of State Senators and Congresspeople asking questions. All of those are monumental cues that what you were watching was not any formal fact-finding process. It was a pre-staged platform for the Trump campaign to get some media play, which had only limited success. Why? Because it was obviously to anyone watching it that it was theater.

If those witnesses didn't get paid then I'd question their sanity to not require payment when Guiliani/Ellis were certainly getting paid for the show.
I still find it amazing how somehow who has been wrong on every major issue keeps talking with so much confidence. It's the same thing every time: 1) Argue with posters on here 2) proven wrong 3) tries to move goalposts 4) the goalpost is proven wrong 5) Finally gives up 6) Goes into hiding 7) Comes back and we start at stage 1 again.

You make a lot of claims but provide zero verifiable evidence, just like Trump's Campaign lawyer team. My flaw is that I debate those that bring nothing to the table. No depth, no facts, just spout opinions as if they are facts. I'm susceptible to trolling by those that have nothing else to offer. Sounds like the making of a great 2021 goal, to not allow myself to get dragged down the rabbit holes.
You can get their affidavits after the hearings end.Any link I provide you will dismiss .
When you read any of them you will see they did try to as you put it file complaints In the moment.

Funny you think no one would step up when it is the right thing to do. You have been a Dem too long.
You make a lot of claims but provide zero verifiable evidence, just like Trump's Campaign lawyer team. My flaw is that I debate those that bring nothing to the table. No depth, no facts, just spout opinions as if they are facts. I'm susceptible to trolling by those that have nothing else to offer. Sounds like the making of a great 2021 goal, to not allow myself to get dragged down the rabbit holes.

The evidence is there. You don't want to listen to the experts because it goes against what you're being told what to think by a corrupt media. I have to admire the confidence though despite all of your failures. You bring nothing to the table except ridiculous MSM talking points. You keep making a fool of yourself and you keep coming back for more. I applaud you for it and it's entertaining. Keep digging yourself deeper.

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