2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I’m watching a stream of Trump’s rally in Pensacola. He’s fired up and full of energy. Amazing to think that what two weeks ago, he was in the hospital with the Wuhan virus.

Best of all, he looks like he’s having the time of his life with the campaign. Smiling, laughing, joking with insults at Slow Joe and the Democrats.

I mostly bought into the fake poll doom and gloom in 16. The only thing nagging at my doubt was the fact that Trump looked like he was having so much fun running for president, while Clinton dreaded each event you could tell, and just wanted to be in the White House already.

Every presidential election I’ve watched, since 80, the candidate who looks like he’s having more fun on the campaign has won. Joe comes out in the morning like Punxsutawney Phil, sees his shadow, and runs back into his basement. While Trump is flying to 3 events a day, having the best time of his life. Good times.
I’m watching a stream of Trump’s rally in Pensacola. He’s fired up and full of energy. Amazing to think that what two weeks ago, he was in the hospital with the Wuhan virus.

Best of all, he looks like he’s having the time of his life with the campaign. Smiling, laughing, joking with insults at Slow Joe and the Democrats.

I mostly bought into the fake poll doom and gloom in 16. The only thing nagging at my doubt was the fact that Trump looked like he was having so much fun running for president, while Clinton dreaded each event you could tell, and just wanted to be in the White House already.

Every presidential election I’ve watched, since 80, the candidate who looks like he’s having more fun on the campaign has won. Joe comes out in the morning like Punxsutawney Phil, sees his shadow, and runs back into his basement. While Trump is flying to 3 events a day, having the best time of his life. Good times.
True for Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. regarding campaign energy. Trump has done 4 or 5 rallies in one day before.
With a growing Hispanic population and people from California moving there why is it a surprise to you that it's going more blue?

People have been moving from California to Arizona for decades, and yet it was pretty red until very recently. The people moving from California to Arizona aren't left wing kooks from Berkeley. They are suburbanites and professionals from Los Angeles and San Diego. They used to help make Arizona Republican. Now that we repel suburbanites, it makes Arizona more Democratic.
My hometown:

My dad lives in Matthews, NC (not far)
Well said. If you remember, Comey was the villain from November until about March when the stooge was fired. That douche Steve Colbert told his audience of trained clapping seals that Comey got fired and they clapped, until he had to tell it was bad and they booed....

The interesting part to me now, from the current poster, is his reliance upon the polling. The polling from 2016 was the most defective in the history of American presidential elections. It has literally never been so wrong. Even going back to when mail moved by horseback. My position has been that some of it was so bad that it almost certainly had to be intentional - as a form of voter suppression - for example "Trump is down by 30 points, he has no chance, so why even go to the polls?"

Even if the bad polling was not intentional and was simply gross human error instead (and that's being generous), why rely on it today as the foundation of your argument? Your position is DOA.
We got better candidates and presidents when it was harder to vote and suffrage was limited.

Compare Washington and Jefferson to Trump, Obama, the Clintons and W

I am not saying we should go back to white male property owners but that Democracy has its limits
Tony Bobulinski is a direct witness, which is something they never found in 4 years with regard to Russiagate/Mueller/Impeachment

Bobulinski is a firsthand eyewitness, with confirming receipts, emails, texts and financial records

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People have been moving from California to Arizona for decades, and yet it was pretty red until very recently. The people moving from California to Arizona aren't left wing kooks from Berkeley. They are suburbanites and professionals from Los Angeles and San Diego. They used to help make Arizona Republican. Now that we repel suburbanites, it makes Arizona more Democratic.

I should have better sense to let this go but I can't. Transplants from California and New York have been turning areas blue(or more blue) way before Trump came on to the scene. Trump had the suburbs in 2016 and still got only 48% (3.5 over Hillary) in Arizona. To blame him for this is the pinnacle of ridiculousness. To think these people leaving Cal/NY are red voters might be even more ridiculous.
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I should have better sense to let this go but I can't. Transplants from California and New York have been turning areas blue(or more blue) way before Trump came on to the scene. Trump had the suburbs in 2016 and still got only 48% (3.5 over Hillary) in Arizona. To blame him for this is the pinnacle of ridiculousness. To think these people leaving Cal/NY are red voters is even more ridiculous.

The voters who used to leave CA and NY for places like Arizona and Texas were Republicans. It was people like my parents. They left Oakland, CA in 1984 and moved to Plano, TX and outvoted the rural areas where voters were voting Democratic, because they were still pissed off about Sherman's March to the Sea.

They mostly aren't that way anymore. They're professionally similar to their predecessors but politically pretty different. And like I've said before, Trump didn't cause this problem. He just aggravated it.

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