2018 Recruiting - Football

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Brohm at Purdue doesn't seem like a very longterm relationship. Purdue has had its once in a lifetime winning lottery ticket when they fell into Joe Tiller when Tiller was getting canned at Wyoming. I went to grad school with a guy on Wyoming's board, and he told me Tiller was given an ultimatum, "Another 7-4 and you're out the door".

Too many hot seats out there taking a serious look at Brohm - Tennessee, Ole Miss (no chance), Nebraska (not likely), Florida is possibility, schools out West have limited appeal, but Tech could be a possibility because of the offensive system. In the next four years, several more attractive jobs will be opening with big money.

As Bum Phillips told Steve Worster, "Never choose a school because of a coach because you will likely be there longer than he is".
Someone on a Longhorn group on FB posted this. So take it for what it’s worth.

“FWIW, EJ just CB'd CB Anthony Cook to Texas. States that if Texas is not a complete "train wreck" on the field against OK state and Baylor, more than likely he will pick Texas in a couple of weeks when he commits. He was totally blown away on his official visit and the coaches won over his family.”
Someone on a Longhorn group on FB posted this. So take it for what it’s worth.

“FWIW, EJ just CB'd CB Anthony Cook to Texas. States that if Texas is not a complete "train wreck" on the field against OK state and Baylor, more than likely he will pick Texas in a couple of weeks when he commits. He was totally blown away on his official visit and the coaches won over his family.”
The last time OSU came to town "train wreck" would be a polite way of describing that a$$ whipping. I don't expect Texas to beat OSU, but Baylor should be ok since the team will dump two games worth of frustrations on the Bears. Hope he commits before TCU.
The last time OSU came to town "train wreck" would be a polite way of describing that a$$ whipping. I don't expect Texas to beat OSU, but Baylor should be ok since the team will dump two games worth of frustrations on the Bears. Hope he commits before TCU.

If the secondary busts aren't fixed we will see a train wreck.
aggy is in a perpetual state of *****-fittiness.

Ya know guys, they are winning games, and we're winning moral victories. Hopefully their annual breakdown is coming. On a side note: last year ( I think) I mentioned an example of how far we'd fallen was the disproportionate merchandise displays of Horn items vs Aggies in Katy retailers. Today I went for batteries at Wal Mart and they had Astros, Texans, Cowboys and Aggies but guess who was missing? I saw zero Longhorn anything. Obviously that bothered me.
I would say the moral victories of this year are better than the head-scratching losses of the last 2-3 years. I don't sense there is a lack of a plan like under Strong. I think the recruits see it too. That's why I think the rest of season will be wins and maybe a few more moral victories. Herman will close well in recruiting if that is the case.
I would say the moral victories of this year are better than the head-scratching losses of the last 2-3 years.

Moral victories?? Do you mean the close losses to ou and usc? If so I agree with you that those losses weren't blow outs; and that we could have won either game had we had kicked a field goal and not blown a coverage which led to a long td pass.

I don't sense there is a lack of a plan like under Strong.
Agree, and this is reason for optimism for me.

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