I have completely different memories of the McDonald's games of the past. I distinctly remember that Brooke got less playing time than anyone else or almost anyone else in the MD game. I remember thinking that you couldn't really tell anything about her game from that. Jordan didn't get a lot of time either. I certainly have no memory of Lashann being too fast, out of control, and not alpha enough. That's clearly the view some posters have of her game now. Apparently, the point being made is that you can often tell from the McDonald's game how people are going to play in college. I mostly disagree. Sometimes you can tell certain things. Some people who play well in those games go ahead to be great in college (e.g. Ionescu), but other times, people who look great in these showcases end up being a disappointment, and others who don't do anything in those end up being great. Erika Arriaran looked very good in the McDonald's game, the starting point guard, but to me never came close to the level expected of her in college. These games are interesting to be sure, but, in my opinion, have limited predictive value.