"Our" side?
You haven't posted on this board in a really long time, and it was only to tell us that Patterson favored OU and A&M over us. But, you are constantly posting on the Baylor board telling their posters nothing but positive "news" such as Alexis Morris being a shoe-in for the Bears, and Charli Collier favoring Baylor. You may have also posted over there that Ursin was not getting an offer from Baylor once Morris reneged on UCLA and chose Baylor (although I could be mistaking you with someone else on Ursin).
You also told us how we were out of it for Rellah Boothe as she would no longer consider us with Travis gone. Well, we may not get her, but she did visit officially.
Obviously, you post a lot on the Baylor board with positive news for them, but on here, you constantly tell us only the negative (which doesn't even end up being true). I honestly don't recall if you've ever posted on here that Texas was in a good position with a single recruit. So, no need to group yourself as "our" side. You definitely don't have to be a Longhorn fan to post on this board.