2012 Presidential Debate #2 (Town Hall)

Here is an excellent article on Candy Crowley's conduct moderating the debate and the effect that she had on it, written by two liberal leaning authors, one a journalist and the other a pollster:
In reply to:


No doubt that Crowley did Obama a big favor. However, Romney framed the issue as one of semantics, and that was a screw-up.

The problem with Obama's response to the attacks wasn't that he didn't use some magic words. It was the BS we were fed for two weeks. Once Romney made the issue about magic words, it gave Obama an opening. Crowley helped Obama through the opening, but Romney gave it to him.
Mr. Deez,

The debate was supposed to have been one-on-one between the candidates, not one against two, as it was in this and several other instances throughout this debate. I will not try to make the case that Romney's presentation was flawless, because that has no bearing on the relevancy of the observations made in this article.
As you said, Romney will get another shot at this question during the foreign policy debate on Monday. I expect that he will provide a much clearer and more effective answer at that time. Romney has the truth on his side, so Obama better be ready for incoming on this topic.
Mojo, you may not have heard that the truth has been changed. The new truth is that BO knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack, but a man in the intelligence office told everyone that the movie was to blame, so everyone said that. Until two weeks later, when that man told them the truth, which BO knew all the time, but he didn't want to say the truth until intelligence told him he could. That is his new story and he's sticking to it. I am sure CNN, MSNBC, et al, are already editing their old tapes to reflect this new truth.
Romney has to come out swinging on this issue for the final debate. It is clear that the Obama administration lied to the public initially and now realize that they were caught so they are now trying to cover it up. The handling of this issue by the admin has been pathetic.
No, it is not a joke. Diane Feinstein blamed it all on the intelligence guy, who apparently is willing to fall on his sword. BO is insisting, along with his minions, that they knew it was a terrorist attack but this guy told them otherwise. I really am not kidding. If people believe this new truth, then they are truly brain dead.

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