100 days, til kickoff!

#32 Cedric Benson

^^^^ Great photo - made me wonder... do you think not beating UT often got in the head of NU players during the MB era? Mack was what 8-1 versus Nebraska?

Fall camp starts this Friday ya'll !!! :fiestanana:
You really think they left because of partial qualifiers?

It was what the partial qualifiers represented to Nebraska. They bought in to the Deloss Dodds Conference because they grossly overestimated their importance. They saw an opportunity to establish a major recruiting home in Texas by playing in the state at least twice a year. Plus they thought they had the stroke to dominate the politics of the conference and have the offices located in Kansas City. Instead, they found themselves behind Texas, OU, Missouri, oSu, Tech, and A&M politically. The Texas/Missouri tandem that forced Nebraska to accept stiffer academic requirements was just the tip of the iceberg, which included go along or get out, end steroid abuse, major cuts in the "community scholarship" program.

I shall never ever forget a conversation I was privileged to witness that included Deloss and an ABC executive, where this comment was made, "Nebraska brings nothing to the table. There are more televisions in Harris County than in the entire state of Nebraska, not to mention the TVs in Houston are tuned in to college football; the TVs in Nebraska belong to people attending the games in Lincoln."

Still, I miss their fans and the way we were treated in Lincoln. :hookem2:
It was what the partial qualifiers represented to Nebraska. They bought in to the Deloss Dodds Conference because they grossly overestimated their importance. They saw an opportunity to establish a major recruiting home in Texas by playing in the state at least twice a year. Plus they thought they had the stroke to dominate the politics of the conference and have the offices located in Kansas City. Instead, they found themselves behind Texas, OU, Missouri, oSu, Tech, and A&M politically. The Texas/Missouri tandem that forced Nebraska to accept stiffer academic requirements was just the tip of the iceberg, which included go along or get out, end steroid abuse, major cuts in the "community scholarship" program.

I shall never ever forget a conversation I was privileged to witness that included Deloss and an ABC executive, where this comment was made, "Nebraska brings nothing to the table. There are more televisions in Harris County than in the entire state of Nebraska, not to mention the TVs in Houston are tuned in to college football; the TVs in Nebraska belong to people attending the games in Lincoln."

Still, I miss their fans and the way we were treated in Lincoln. :hookem2:

Wasn't Boren pushing the academic button on NU also? Deloss did it on principle, Mizzou did it out of bitterness.

Dr Boren is great and basically supported whatever Deloss wanted.

With no Chancellor and NO president at Texas, Dr Boren will be hugely missed. Without him, the Big XII with Bowelsby in charge can easily morph into the Big Sky Central.
The injury to Lance Taylor remains one of the most significant in Texas football history. I pin both the A&M loss and the bowl loss squarely on that.
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People, do you realize we are almost 30 days from kickoff vs. Mary Land !!!

:yippee: :yippee: :yippee:

Firewall won't let me photos anymore on HF, maybe one of you kind gents will post photo of #30 FB Steve Worster for me on Thursday....
maybe one of you kind gents will post photo of #30 FB Steve Worster for me on Thursday....

Anyone got a photo of Woo in his Mustang passing on the lefthand shoulder on 1960 returning to Austin? Or one of Cotton taking the keys away from him?

For you youngsters, no, he was neither drunk nor using drugs. He drove the way he ran a football - with wild abandon.

I was referring to the 79 season, when we were headed to the Sugar Bowl and got derailed. I've always believed that in Lance plays, we beat A&M.
I had to take a bus to the first game we played in Lincoln after Dr Tom left. Of course Texas won, the game where Major had a head injury and refused to leave the game but sat on the side. Ricky was amazing. The fans did give him a standing ovation.
On the way back to car the Husker fans seemed stunned BUT remember they had 60 years of winning and were still ultra polite to us.Congratulating us and wishing us well rest of season.

I remarked to the person with me that they Husker fans had no idea what was headed their way. It got even worse than I envisoned.
I think it is semi sad. That is all they had.
I had to take a bus to the first game we played in Lincoln after Dr Tom left. Of course Texas won, the game where Major had a head injury and refused to leave the game but sat on the side. Ricky was amazing. The fans did give him a standing ovation.
On the way back to car the Husker fans seemed stunned BUT remember they had 60 years of winning and were still ultra polite to us.Congratulating us and wishing us well rest of season.

I remarked to the person with me that they Husker fans had no idea what was headed their way. It got even worse than I envisoned.
I think it is semi sad. That is all they had.

As we are well aware, there are few things more pitiful than a dynasty in decline.
