Day 1 - Happy SEC Day

Color me not surprised. The board seems to be falling for the SEC propoganda and hype.


We gotta live with it, love it or not.

This was decided long ago by The University, BMD's, and other Cigar Chompers. In the end, it's ALL about the $$$ !!

Regardless, I will enjoy UT and ou bringing war, death, plunder and pestilence on aggy fortunes once again!!!
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VERY impressive what UT did.

Wonder how ou recognized and celebrated entering the SEC?

I suspect they had an outdoor buffet at the Cracker Barrell in Norman (in 100 degree heat).

Evening entertainment provided by Cher, with FIREWORKS after by Cecil & Bubba's Illuminations.
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I get some of you are gonna miss Tech WV KU….not me.
Not the point. For the last decade and a half that ESPN et al have slobbed on the knobs of every SEC team, the collective here at Horn Fans has scoffed at that, and rightfully so.

Now, we are supposed to celebrate being in a conference we pretty much all thought has been unjustly overhyped for so long?

I am praying for you.
Not the point. For the last decade and a half that ESPN et al have slobbed on the knobs of every SEC team, the collective here at Horn Fans has scoffed at that, and rightfully so.

Now, we are supposed to celebrate being in a conference we pretty much all thought has been unjustly overhyped for so long?

I am praying for you.
I guess lol. F Tech and Cougar High if you ask me. :hookem:
This makes me ill.



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