Who will be the next coach?

The next HC at Texas is NOT coaching in the NC game tonight. The timing of this announcement proves that. If it were one of them, we wouldn't have heard anything until at least tomorrow. And besides, I don't want a coach who would be talking to a potential new school on the very day he's trying to win a NC.

So you don't want our new coach?
Wow. This is incredible. I didn't think we would actually get him. Someone please call for a welfare check in College Station. I fear for the safety of 10s of thousands of aggies.
Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday dear Meeeeeeee.

Happy Birthday to Me!

Its not until tomorrow, but thats the official announcement. This is the best gift a man could get. I don't know if Schloss will win anything at UT, but the way this went down to f**k aggy is absolutely priceless. Its a present no amount of money can buy. I mean they thought they were about to be a dynasty! This has to be the greatest coup in college baseball history! :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

CDC is one bad MF’er. That was the biggest power move in the history of college athletics. You talk about goin in mean. The Aggots think UT cost them a natty and maybe we did.
NOW i'm excited about the incoming recruiting class, some of those guys may end up choose coming to Texas instead of the MLB to work with the Schlozz and Weiner knowing they will get developed. With Pierce, i had zero enthusiasm any of the pitchers would arrive on campus, much less be developed.

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