Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

It must be devastating. It is not like these farm workers can pick up and move

Why would the field owners do this? They have to vet the S. Africans pay to get them here, provide housing AND pay them more. Much more expensive than paying locals
Is there a current shortage if workers there in the Delta?
From Fox News. Biden thinks there is a problem at the border, problem is it’s the wrong border.

President Biden on Friday said the situation on the border between Belarus and Poland is of "great concern" -- as a growing number of migrants is leading to increased tensions in the region, and accusations that Belarus and Moscow are manufacturing a crisis.

"I think it’s of great concern," Biden told reporters. "We’ve communicated our concern to Russia, we’ve communicated our concern to Belarus. We think it’s a problem."
From Fox News. Biden thinks there is a problem at the border, problem is it’s the wrong border.

President Biden on Friday said the situation on the border between Belarus and Poland is of "great concern" -- as a growing number of migrants is leading to increased tensions in the region, and accusations that Belarus and Moscow are manufacturing a crisis.

"I think it’s of great concern," Biden told reporters. "We’ve communicated our concern to Russia, we’ve communicated our concern to Belarus. We think it’s a problem."
Saw a commentator last night that highlighted Komedya, err Kamala saying the same thing and believes it COULD actually be that the problem is that a nation actually IS trying to enforce a border.
What I find funny is that if any other group was raising this issue, it would be considered racist. (I'm actually sympathetic to the black farm workers.)
Not sure what to think about this. But I love the irony of "white South African cotton pickers". I thought we were supposed to hate white supremacist, apartheid-loving white South Africans, and I imagined the notion of them being forced to work the cotton fields would have been received positively as "whitey getting what's coming to him". But no. Even when the white man is doing the manual labor job most quintessentially tied to the image of the racist Deep South, somebody finds an angle to piss and moan about it.
Not sure what to think about this. But I love the irony of "white South African cotton pickers". I thought we were supposed to hate white supremacist, apartheid-loving white South Africans, and I imagined the notion of them being forced to work the cotton fields would have been received positively as "whitey getting what's coming to him". But no. Even when the white man is doing the manual labor job most quintessentially tied to the image of the racist Deep South, somebody finds an angle to piss and moan about it.

Ultimately I'm sympathetic to both of them. I'm sympathetic to black farm workers who are getting undercut by foreign workers, and I'm sympathetic to the South African workers who likely are getting screwed in their home country. That's a legitimate contention regardless of any racial element. What is too politically incorrect to admit is that the West f'd up in South Africa.

I understand why they came after the apartheid government. It was bad, but we were stupid about how we did it. We paid too little attention to and put too little priority on what took its place. Even though he had Marxist roots and leanings, I do think Mandela at least generally tried to pull things together and to be in the international mainstream. He mostly left the economic policies of the previous government (which were fairly market-oriented) in place. However, things started to skid off the rails several years ago, and now it's a corrupt ****-show with little rule of law and where racism against whites is basically tolerated. If you're a white farm worker (or a white anybody who isn't politically connected), it's gonna suck to be you. It's kinda hard to blame them for wanting to leave.
After reading this again I am calling BS on how it is presented here. There is a HUGE piece of info missing

Does anyone really think a field owner would advertise and identify white South Africans, pay to vet ( although they might be easier to vet than somalians)
pay to bring them here and house them AND pay them so much more?
After reading this again I am calling BS on how it is presented here. There is a HUGE piece of info missing

Does anyone really think a field owner would advertise and identify white South Africans, pay to vet ( although they might be easier to vet than somalians)
pay to bring them here and house them AND pay them so much more?

Yeah, I'm not sure how that's being incentivized, but somebody has to be tipping the scales to make that profitable. It could be the South African government paying to get these white people out of their country.
The real long game is this: Not to allow illegal aliens to vote but instead to stack the population of Texas with illegals who get counted in the census. Then they win Texas in the Presidential election and it's game over. Landslides for the Democrats.

They've already locked up California and Texas is next. The gamble in all of this is if Texas remains Republican and gets the additional electoral college votes due to the influx of people from outside our borders.

Conspiracy theory? I don't think so. They know these things. Why else would they allow them to cross and protect them? We know feminists are hardly the demographic of the immigrants. So what else could it be besides maybe assuaging the Latino community who can vote legally. In other words, it's a policy built around the votes. That's it.
Biden is giving illegal aliens free smart phones :brickwall:

Gov Abbott just announced he is strengthening Texas border wall
He also announced he will bus illegal aliens to DC:clap:
It can not happen but it will get a lot of attention.
Several states are suing Biden to stop him from overturningTitle 42
However, things started to skid off the rails several years ago, and now it's a corrupt ****-show with little rule of law and where racism against whites is basically tolerated. If you're a white farm worker (or a white anybody who isn't politically connected), it's gonna suck to be you. It's kinda hard to blame them for wanting to leave.

It's kind of a "what goes around comes around" type of situation.
Gov Abbott just announced he is strengthening Texas border wall
He also announced he will bus illegal aliens to DC:clap:
It can not happen but it will get a lot of attention.

I really hope this does happen. This would be a great way to call the Marxist bluff that they care about immigrants. Send them to their neighborhoods and see what happens.

If not, chalk it up to another half measure from Abbott. But supposed conservatives voted for him in the primary. I too doubt he will do it, but he isn't really conservative.
Abbott can bus illegals to border of Texas. And I think he will do that just like I think DeSantis will try to bus illlegals out of Florida. What happens in either case when these buses cross to another state?

Abbott also putting in razor wire at water crossings and doing closer safety inspections on vehicles crossing Texas borders means he is doing everythere he can as a Governor to stop our state from being a dumping ground.

What else can a Guv do?
Abbott can bus illegals to border of Texas. And I think he will do that just like I think DeSantis will try to bus illlegals out of Florida. What happens in either case when these buses cross to another state?

Abbott also putting in razor wire at water crossings and doing closer safety inspections on vehicles crossing Texas borders means he is doing everythere he can as a Governor to stop our state from being a dumping ground.

What else can a Guv do?
He could try to push E-Verify. I don't know state limits in dictating hiring practices but we are sunk unless we can get some of these illegals to go back across the border. There are already so many here that we can't manage. We now have to adopt a posture of "how do we get them to self-deport?" In my opinion, E-Verify is the best way.

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