The Media Industry

The news coverage of this protest, occupation, or whatever we're calling it is pretty revealing. I've seen these truckers called "terrorists" and read that their protests aren't peaceful because of things like bad smells, yelling at people, making it hard for Ottowans to get around, and honking the horns and playing music late at night. Of course, I remember when burning buildings, flipping over police cruisers, and beating the hell out of people was "mostly peaceful."
Never liked Russell Brand's politics, but he's at least not a partisan hack, which means he can make fun of worthless tools line Brian Stelter.

Never liked Russell Brand's politics, but he's at least not a partisan hack, which means he can make fun of worthless tools line Brian Stelter.

He’s an independent thinker who actually posted pro-Trump video blogs.
He’s an independent thinker who actually posted pro-Trump video blogs.

Again, he's not a partisan hack, and I can respect that. He also banged Katy Perry, and I can respect that too. However, his actual political views are pretty absurd. If you like open borders and communism, he's your guy.
Again, he's not a partisan hack, and I can respect that. He also banged Katy Perry, and I can respect that too. However, his actual political views are pretty absurd. If you like open borders and communism, he's your guy.
Most people’s political views are absurd - there is nothing special in that. The other aspects are worth mentioning however.
Brand is like many other left liberals these days. Today they can be allies on specific subjects, because they are rational and independent thinkers. However, someday the Right will see they aren't so polite to their views in the end. But we aren't there yet, so...
A liberal can be funny. For example, in the '90s Chris Rock was hilarious and clearly on the liberal side of the aisle. (Bring the Pain and Bigger and Blacker are true greatness on stage.) But it's damn near impossible for a woke leftist to be funny. The reason why is the self-righteousness and moral superiority. You can't be funny and take yourself that seriously.

The other reason is they've stopped making fun of anything or anyone that's on Their Team. I'm unlikely to laugh at anyone who doesn't have the ability to laugh at themselves. If I want to watch comedy, I'll watch comedy, not a political rant that happens to have a few jokes mixed in.
OK, let's not go too far. Hot? Yes. Talented? You're back on that thin ice, Coach.
I worked for a decade or so with a relatively older (65 now) guy who fancied many of the young ladies of all age groups starting at 18. His code terminology for if a woman was attractive or not was "she's really nice" - said as if you were talking about how she treated people. We liked to give him a hard time.
The other reason is they've stopped making fun of anything or anyone that's on Their Team. I'm unlikely to laugh at anyone who doesn't have the ability to laugh at themselves. If I want to watch comedy, I'll watch comedy, not a political rant that happens to have a few jokes mixed in.
I watched a tik tok of a stand up asking a Q guy questions from the stage. It was humor of its own making.
What does the "L" in ACLU stand for now that they have "reimagined" themselves?


Since the Trump era, they've become complete and total clowns. They went from being liberals to being rank partisan hacks. That's why a lot of the veteran ACLU people like Nadine Strossen and Ira Glasser have basically disassociated from them.

Since the Trump era, they've become complete and total clowns. They went from being liberals to being rank partisan hacks. That's why a lot of the veteran ACLU people like Nadine Strossen and Ira Glasser have basically disassociated from them.

In all seriousness, the typical political faultlines/positions have been thrown into a highstakes game of 52-card pickup. For all of Trump's faults, he's effectively reshaped most of the old-guard political foes. That happens when he convinces a significant portion of the voter population that up is really down.
In all seriousness, the typical political faultlines/positions have been thrown into a highstakes game of 52-card pickup. For all of Trump's faults, he's effectively reshaped most of the old-guard political foes. That happens when he convinces a significant portion of the voter population that up is really down.

I agree, but the ACLU is supposed to be about the underlying principle of freedom and civil liberties. Throwing that away for partisan politics damages their credibility in a way they won't recover from anytime soon. They aren't the only ones who did this, and plenty on the Right did it too. It's damaging.
I agree, but the ACLU is supposed to be about the underlying principle of freedom and civil liberties. Throwing that away for partisan politics damages their credibility in a way they won't recover from anytime soon. They aren't the only ones who did this, and plenty on the Right did it too. It's damaging.

ACLU is non-profit, right? They'll flow wherever the money takes them. If previous donors turned to other ventures then the ACLU is forced to court other bedfellows. Since Citizens United, the $$$ flowing into political organizations, even previously principled orgs like ACLU has reached obscene levels. Either altruistic organization have disappeared or the curtain was pulled back on them revealing the reality.
ACLU is non-profit, right? They'll flow wherever the money takes them. If previous donors turned to other ventures then the ACLU is forced to court other bedfellows. Since Citizens United, the $$$ flowing into political organizations, even previously principled orgs like ACLU has reached obscene levels. Either altruistic organization have disappeared or the curtain was pulled back on them revealing the reality.

Citizens United didn't impact groups like the ACLU. They could always draw big contributions. There was a clear and pretty sudden shift in their philosophy. Did it come from the leadership or from the donors? That's hard to say, and I wouldn't speculate.
From CNN, of course. So we couldn't deplatform Rogan by accusing him of "misinformation" or because he dropped the N-Bomb. Let's try tying him to January 6 and genocide. Link.

Of course the article laments the falling of the norm that white people can't use the n-word in public without massive consequences that he says has existed since WWII. For starters, he's wrong. The norm that has existed since WWII is that white people can't call other people the n-word or use it to refer to black people generally. The idea that they can't use it at all regardless of context (meaning even if they're quoting someone else or referring to the word) is only a few years old, and it was only a media-driven norm. The rest of society wasn't that stupid.

Here's why none of this is working on Rogan. For starters, nobody is explaining the context of his use of the word, and when context is being ignored the public just isn't going to judge him as very harshly. (My understanding is that he wasn't calling anyone the n-word or using to refer to black people collectively.) Donald McNeil only got judged by new media norm because he answered directly to people who were afraid of Nikole Hannah-Jones.

Second, the people trying to take down Rogan don't have the credibility to call him out. The same people complaining about his words being dangerous were celebrating real violence 18 months ago. They lost a huge amount of moral authority with that, and they'll never get it back.

Third, nobody believes that stated reasons for his cancellation are the real reasons. It all feels very trumped up and contrived, which is why they're trying one new thing after the other. I don't mean that the facts are wrong. He has given a platform to antivaxers and did use the n-word, but they aren't the real reasons. The real reasons are that (1) he's bigger and more influential than the "cancellers" and their **** doesn't work without an informational monopoly and (2) he gives a platform to people the mainstream media detests and it's much more than just the antivaxers. It's Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Bari Weiss, Sam Harris and other figures associated with the Right. (Of course, Weiss and Harris are actually liberals, but they don't hate freedom of speech and inquiry and don't like antisemitism, so they're associated with the Right.)
From Fox News but I agree one of the biggest stories and the media is silent about Durham’s finding.

Since Durham’s bombshell report dropped, media pundits on the left have gone largely quiet. Publications like the Washington Post and The New York Times have failed to commission any coverage of the latest allegations as of Monday, nor has CNN.

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