The Media Industry

Literally Hitler. LOL! I can't believe the MSM is trying to pull this.

They're such assclowns, and they're so blindly partisan and hypocritical that they're not convincing anyone anymore. It's rank political pornography at this point. It's like a bunch of dudes beating off to each other.
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*sigh* WaPo reporter.

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I'm still always left scratching my head that twitter people can find the glaring contradictions years apart in tweets, but these clods don't seem to bother to check.

Then again, they are not held accountable, so even if they are aware, they don't care most likely.
I'm only surprised it took this long.

Mr Serious Journalist could never hide his disdain for Trump and lost his objectivity. I don't watch anyway, but good riddance.
He did embarrass himself in the Presidential debate, but he was still the best journalist on any of the major news networks. Fox News Sunday was the only Sunday morning show that I could stomach.
He did embarrass himself in the Presidential debate, but he was still the best journalist on any of the major news networks. Fox News Sunday was the only Sunday morning show that I could stomach.
To say he was the best journalist just speaks to how craptastic all the rest of them are. Personally, I don't think he could hold Bret Baier's jock.

His father he ain't.
To say he was the best journalist just speaks to how craptastic all the rest of them are. Personally, I don't think he could hold Bret Baier's jock.

His father he ain't.
I like Bret too. I watch his show every night but he's a bit too soft spoken for a Sunday morning show. I do agree he is in the conversation though.
That guy said he wanted to punch the sitting POTUS, Trump, in the mouth. He called a person a dog faced pony soldier, another person fat and challenged people to push up contests.

Not a rational bone in that *******'s body.
That guy said he wanted to punch the sitting POTUS, Trump, in the mouth. He called a person a dog faced pony soldier, another person fat and challenged people to push up contests.

Not a rational bone in that *******'s body.

I meant he was much more lucid back then even though he was a Democrat. It was his thought-out opinion. Unpolitical. Just like Bernie Sanders speech justifying his voting against the Iraq War Resolution. Statesmanlike. Not like the opportunism of Hillary who later tried to dodge her vote by blaming it on Bush.
I meant he was much more lucid back then even though he was a Democrat. It was his thought-out opinion. Unpolitical. Just like Bernie Sanders speech justifying his voting against the Iraq War Resolution. Statesmanlike. Not like the opportunism of Hillary who later tried to dodge her vote by blaming it on Bush.
What I am saying is he was running for president. I seriously doubt he was being rational in the sense of he was just saying the opposite of, I assume, Bush. I can't tell what year this was but it must have been when W was president.

And, the way he got down in that woman's face looks like the same old Crerepy Joe to me.
As I've said many times, I believe the fraud in the 2020 election was not at the polls but by the media:

Chicago Reaches Highest Level of Homicides Since 1996, With 80 Percent of the Victims Being Black

Black people were the victims of 80 percent of the homicides handled by the medical examiner; males were 88 percent of the homicide deaths and the majority of the homicides were done by guns, according to the Chicago Tribune.

No demographics on the murderers, just the cherry picking of facts to further the Liberal agenda:

Blacks as victims

Guns involved

That's your fraud. The Liberal media is not hiding it anymore. That is why Biden won. The fraud is an absolute cancer.

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