Did the Antifa pay the Mayor's house a visit and is that what triggered her decision to finally do something?
I also heard that their might be an investigation into that Seattle City Council woman, the Leftist who encouraged Amazon employees to take over the company and lots of other stupid things. Didn't she initially unlock the doors so the protestors could occupy one of the government buildings?
Oh yeah, someone needs to explain to the leftists that Islamic countries are far more conservative than anything we've seen in the US. Do the leftist 'trans rights' people show up at stuff like this?

Theocratic monarchies and islamic military dictatorships are definitely no friends of leftists or liberals.
A theocratic monarchy has government control over every element of an individual's life and meets no real definition of conservatism.
Did the Antifa pay the Mayor's house a visit and is that what triggered her decision to finally do something?
City being sued big time by owners. Lawyers probably made the decision. They can argue in court that they needed to wait until the situation diffused or something.
....for those that have never been around construction or the such.....THIS IS WHAT A METH HEAD LOOKS LIKE......textbook!!!....this young lad describes himself as an "organizer" and is wanted for planning and trying to destroy National Monuments...

A theocratic monarchy has government control over every element of an individual's life and meets no real definition of conservatism.
Monarchy is classical conservatism. Religion mixed with monarchy, even more so. The House of Saxe-Gotha-Coberg + The Church of England, The House of Hapsburg + The Roman Catholic Church. The Enlightenment opposed this form of government, and such governments were very conservative. What is now commonly called “conservatism” is really more like classical liberalism with plenty of lip service to religious and traditional cultural views to capture the majority of votes, but never allowing the religious/cultural wing to run the show (basically Reaganite stuff).

Our Declaration of Independence sets forth classical liberal ideas.

The islamic theocracies are, at their core, enemies of all kinds of liberals and of all conservatives except their very specific brand of fundamentalist islam. Basically, they hate everyone who harbors different beliefs. Anyone calling himself or herself liberal who supports these nuts is delusional.
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....for those that have never been around construction or the such.....THIS IS WHAT A METH HEAD LOOKS LIKE......textbook!!!....this young lad describes himself as an "organizer" and is wanted for planning and trying to destroy National Monuments...

Could just be British.
Here are the US Marshall protecting the federal courthouse in Portland
Antifa/BLM tried to set it on fire early in the morning
Liberals labeling them "military" are wrong, as usual

ps - FWIW, Ive worked in this building
I also heard that their might be an investigation into that Seattle City Council woman, the Leftist who encouraged Amazon employees to take over the company and lots of other stupid things. Didn't she initially unlock the doors so the protestors could occupy one of the government buildings?
yes, she is a LOON!!! makes AOC look like EINSTEIN....
SPD finally taking back the streets - looks like they had enough of these knuckleheads - arresting the criminals.

If these idiots had just left the mayor alone, they would probably still have their little kingdom. Dumb farkers


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