If someone had been down there holding up an All Lives Matter sign that's when they would've locked them up and thrown away the key.
That study is astounding. It will never see the light of day with MSM Woke azzholes or any race hustler.
Great find especially since it uses WaPo stats

Unlike prisons in many other states like California. He won't have allies on the inside to help him. Utah's prisons aren't filled with blacks, they are filled with white supremacist. Should be fun trying to tell them he is in there because of Black Lives Matter. My only advise for him to survive. Find the biggest and toughest guy in the prison and blow him.

Seattle? NYC? DC?

Someone needs to explain to this dipsh!t that we were the first major country to rise up against, and ultimately defeat, the colonial power that then owned us. That's what the 4th of July is about after all. In the short video he praises the burning of NYPD cars, wants the population to become ungovernable, and (of course) takes the opportunity to criticize our ally Israel.
Oh yeah, someone needs to explain to the leftists that Islamic countries are far more conservative than anything we've seen in the US. Do the leftist 'trans rights' people show up at stuff like this?

Theocratic monarchies and islamic military dictatorships are definitely no friends of leftists or liberals.
Amin Husain says "we" are going to free Palestine. What? You? You haven't fought anything in your life, especially not the urge to eat that other donut.

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