Dumb Political Correctness

California to remove its Columbus statue from its state capitol, where it has been for 137 years. Link.

Anybody going to start putting to resistance to this crap?
Is it dumb political correctness to eschew the mask? That's the fashionable take among my conservative republican friends in southern Denton County even as new cases, new deaths and new hospitalizations are going up and up.
Is it dumb political correctness to eschew the mask? That's the fashionable take among my conservative republican friends in southern Denton County even as new cases, new deaths and new hospitalizations are going up and up.

Cases are going up with more testing, which makes intuitive sense
But deaths in the US have been going down
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Seems that Aunt Jemima has lots of fans...there was almost a completely sold-out section in the Syrup section at Kroger yesterday. And since there were a few bottles left, it is not as if instruction was given to pull everything from the shelf.

Plenty of Ms. Butterworth's left, but even that was showing signs of hoarding given the inevitable rush of stupidity about products even REMOTELY capable of being imagined as being associated with some manner of perceived slight.
As you can see, deaths are falling faster than cases. That is because the virus is spreading to healthier people and/or the virus has weakened. Once all the nursing homes are hit, the virus daily death rate will drop to <100.
JF, this is cases, not deaths.

Thanks, I was having such a problem with my screen capture program than I was so happy it finally decided to cooperate I then captured the wrong image. Doh

Below is the NYT deaths in the US thru yesterday June 17. They tend to bury it on their site because it doesnt support what they claim on their own front page

And, in any event, the point is the same as above -- US deaths from coronavirus have not been going "up and up." I dont know why people keep saying it

Sorry I seem to indicate the COVID death rate was going up and up. As I looked casually at the site showing cases and hospitalizations increasing I didn't notice that the death vector was cumulative, not daily unlike the others. Mostly I'm concerned about Texas where mask wearing is becoming less and less popular.
Paypal me now and I will show you the future

Holy spandex Batman! I wonder how she could look in the mirror and still wear that outfit in public? I guess it's just her right as a person of color to blind everyone she comes in contact with. Wonder how her seemingly all white audience took the message?
He lost his job to the cancel culture mob
For cracking his knuckles
SDG&E Worker Fired Over Alleged Racist Gesture Says He Was Cracking Knuckles
Making this even worse was this tidbit...

NBC 7 spoke to the man who originally posted the picture on Twitter. He has since deleted his account and said he may have gotten "spun up" about the interaction and misinterpreted it. He says he never intended for Cafferty to lose his job.

To which I call BS...he put it out there TO WIRE PEOPLE UP so that they would whine and snivel. Meanwhile, an individual nobody is going to associate with "white power" crap is jobless...
New York must be renamed due to it's slave trading past "connection."
New York was named after the Duke of York. The Duke of York, King James II, was a prominent slave trader. When will New York (& New York City) be renamed due to it's name being prominently connected to a major slave trader?

"...James Stuart, who later became King James II, was the original governor of the Royal Africa Company and its largest shareholder. Therefore anything named for the Duke of York is, like Penny Lane, tainted by the history of the slave trade. By this logic, we must rename New York."
Yesterday Came Suddenly | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.
Today's cancel culture target says alot of the left without mentioning them
The film is Aladdin, which was released in 2019

"This film has outdated attitudes, language and cultural depictions which may cause offence today."

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I can honestly tell you, I don't give two craps about sports right now, I may never care again. ...

I have no doubt the NFL caused some permanent damage to its brand over this stuff. It is still somewhat shocking to me at how clueless league leadership was over the Kaepernick saga. They dont know or understand their own audience. They are so dumb its mind-boggling.

But I didnt foresee all this reaching CFB in the same manner. Or that my school would be the epicenter of it.

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