Eagles Requesting Campus Changes

I actually appreciate the 1st black player designation but not sure the separation of a black hall of fame isn’t just that - more separation - when there are several black athletes already recognized in the hall. I have to wonder how much of the ‘requests’ are requests and how much are demands.
Ok, explain to my ignorant self how the Eyes is racial?
I had to look that one up. Evidently it was first performed at a minstrel show that involved blackface. The article I read didn't make it clear if the people singing it were in blackface, or if the singers were a different group (these were often variety shows).
I had to look that one up. Evidently it was first performed at a minstrel show that involved blackface. The article I read didn't make it clear if the people singing it were in blackface, or if the singers were a different group (these were often variety shows).
Then we will have to ignore a lot of Americana songs. Disavowing the debut performance seems more appropriate and to the point. It was after all intended as a parody originally, if inappropriately performed by today's standards. Black face entertainment is the issue, not this song per se.
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I don't like the extortion. I don't like that they are being given a full-ride (my son couldn't even qualify academically and we would have popped champagne corks had he been admitted) and refuse to see any good in it. I'm not around the team but it seems to me they are treated like royalty all because they play football; white and black.
Noted you are hurt. Athletes probably do have some perquisites. Virtually all have since recorded history.

The players are mercenaries who play the coaches for fools. The coaches are begging them to take big money in the form of a free education. Yet they are forced to grovel and hold their tongue when the wrong hat is selected. The players have egos that are out of control and the entire hero worship and vicarious pleasure derived from the exploits of strangers just because they happen to wear the jersey has now entered my consciousness as a form of mass psychosis.
The bitterness and jealousy runs deep here. Viewing scholarship athletes as mercenaries is just plain wrong on every level. How do you feel about supporting the Austin Symphony instead? Maybe that would take some of the sting out of it?

The cheating and lying that goes on is what makes me disappointed in this aggressive stance towards the university. I am sympathetic towards the removal of racist icons (I am familiar with the Littlefield story as it was told to me by a waiter at Magnolia Grill; Littlefield held court there on weekends for a long time. When I mentioned to the waiter that I'd not seen him in a while he said, "He passed away." I said, "Oh that's sad" and the waiter said, "Sort of." Then he told me about his families Confederate connections). But the money being sent to #BLM is not right because it is clear they are wholly aligned with the Democrat Party. The other things I can agree with and some I can't because it's too much.
You really need to talk to your religious leader or get counseling. Really.

In the end, it's over unless the university wants to completely knuckle under. This is not a negotiation. This is an attack by people who are willing to destroy the entire program if they don't get what they want. We know this.

Remember, this is a game. The cheating and hysteria we see from so many programs is not a sign of mental stability. And the players have their hand out for money under the table. We know this to be true. Now they want this too.

Or else.
So sorry you do not see this as an opportunity to discuss a sub rosa problem that has impacted this country for over the last 155 years after it was supposed to be settled. I applaud the team for putting their concerns in written form so they can be addressed rather than further ignored like they have been for far too long.

Please, get help. The world can be made a better place than what it is now.
Noted you are hurt. Athletes probably do have some perquisites. Virtually all have since recorded history.

The bitterness and jealousy runs deep here. Viewing scholarship athletes as mercenaries is just plain wrong on every level. How do you feel about supporting the Austin Symphony instead? Maybe that would take some of the sting out of it?

You really need to talk to your religious leader or get counseling. Really.

And the idea that the things I bring up (cheating, lying, playing coaches for fools, the fans accepting the cheating as long as their team wins) is a sign that I need help then I'd say I'm happy with my refusal to accept these things.

So sorry you do not see this as an opportunity to discuss a sub rosa problem that has impacted this country for over the last 155 years after it was supposed to be settled. I applaud the team for putting their concerns in written form so they can be addressed rather than further ignored like they have been for far too long.

Please, get help. The world can be made a better place than what it is now.

Not jealous. Noting a fact of life. The college game was destroyed for me as the cheating ramped up. It's very difficult to accept demands from unclean hands. And when I say that I mean the college landscape in general.

They are mercenaries. What do you call one and done?

If you accept cheating then that is your standard that has dropped. Not mine.

I don't think you really read what I said. Did you read the part about Littlefield and the racist icons?

To say I don't see this as an opportunity is something you are imputing. I'm referring to the extortion. It came out and it was a "Do this or else." That is not an opportunity for good will. That is force.

Is that how you approach people for changes in your personal life?
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Not jealous. Noting a fact of life. The college game was destroyed for me as the cheating ramped up. It's very difficult to accept demands from unclean hands. And when I say that I mean the college landscape in general.

If you accept cheating then that is your standard that has dropped. Not mine.
Well, Men's Basketball certainly has a cloud over it and so has $EC recruiting. Not going to quit watching Shaka's team because of the dishonesty of others, though.

I think USC accepting Reggie Bush back after a 10 year disassociation and forfeiture of games (hence they did not lose to Texas in the 2006 Rose Bowl) is a tarnished sterling example of poor sportsmanship and a very bad example of Cheaters Always Win. I am with you, throw the cheats out. Not so sure about the NCAA and others, though. They must be held to a higher standard by us. If not us, then whom?

Here is the problem; if offended honest principled people do not stay in the game to push for honesty, only the vermin are there to win in the end. Look, I am sorry your son did not get admitted to UT. Maybe he will after acing a couple of years of CC? There are other paths. But regardless of your conviction about the impurities in the system, stay in it to fight it like the Texas football team. And do not internalize your anger for your own sake. You will be much more effective countering these trends with a calm mind. The fight may be futile, but giving up is worse.

I must say personally for me, it is sad to see so many "fans" here regard a young scholarship athlete's worth in only what entertainment that athlete's performance may provide the "fan." These are real people with real lives and personal goals just like you, your son and your family. There is no understanding achieved by falsely labeling them as "gladiators" or "mercenaries."
Well, Men's Basketball certainly has a cloud over it and so has $EC recruiting. Not going to quit watching Shaka's team because of the dishonesty of others, though.

I think USC accepting Reggie Bush back after a 10 year disassociation and forfeiture of games (hence they did not lose to Texas in the 2006 Rose Bowl) is a tarnished sterling example of poor sportsmanship and a very bad example of Cheaters Always Win. I am with you, throw the cheats out. Not so sure about the NCAA and others, though. They must be held to a higher standard by us. If not us, then whom?

Here is the problem; if offended honest principled people do not stay in the game to push for honesty, only the vermin are there to win in the end. Look, I am sorry your son did not get admitted to UT. Maybe he will after acing a couple of years of CC? There are other paths. But regardless of your conviction about the impurities in the system, stay in it to fight it like the Texas football team. And do not internalize your anger for your own sake. You will be much more effective countering these trends with a calm mind. The fight may be futile, but giving up is worse.

I must say personally for me, it is sad to see so many "fans" here regard a young scholarship athlete's worth in only what entertainment that athlete's performance may provide the "fan." These are real people with real lives and personal goals just like you, your son and your family. There is no understanding achieved by falsely labeling them as "gladiators" or "mercenaries."
I'm sorry, Burnt, but I just dont know where you go sometimes with your replies to others. You are going way further w Bystanders posts than what can reasonably be gleaned from them. Quit trying to act like anyone who has a different perspective than yours is somehow a bad person please. I agree w you at times, but you've been doing this^^^^ alot lately...and that schtick is getting old real fast.
Well, Men's Basketball certainly has a cloud over it and so has $EC recruiting. Not going to quit watching Shaka's team because of the dishonesty of others, though.

I think USC accepting Reggie Bush back after a 10 year disassociation and forfeiture of games (hence they did not lose to Texas in the 2006 Rose Bowl) is a tarnished sterling example of poor sportsmanship and a very bad example of Cheaters Always Win. I am with you, throw the cheats out. Not so sure about the NCAA and others, though. They must be held to a higher standard by us. If not us, then whom?

Here is the problem; if offended honest principled people do not stay in the game to push for honesty, only the vermin are there to win in the end. Look, I am sorry your son did not get admitted to UT. Maybe he will after acing a couple of years of CC? There are other paths. But regardless of your conviction about the impurities in the system, stay in it to fight it like the Texas football team. And do not internalize your anger for your own sake. You will be much more effective countering these trends with a calm mind. The fight may be futile, but giving up is worse.

I must say personally for me, it is sad to see so many "fans" here regard a young scholarship athlete's worth in only what entertainment that athlete's performance may provide the "fan." These are real people with real lives and personal goals just like you, your son and your family. There is no understanding achieved by falsely labeling them as "gladiators" or "mercenaries."

Look, I'll be honest. This conversation makes me a bit nervous and it's sad to have to feel that way.

I'm not going to virtue signal just to cover my ***. Whatever I say is just something a guy on the internet says and you don't know what's true or not about my personal life. So I'll leave it there.

Yes, I'm burned by the cheating. I have no idea what is happening at UT. But it's hard to imagine that it's not happening. And I am no longer attracted to the enterprise of the sports world. I am always happy to see great athletes perform but I've seen it so many times it all runs together. So what's left? The social aspect and cheering on the local team. But really, what does it mean? Nothing.

As for the players, they are being courted and most go where it feels right and possibly where the money is. They are playing games in recruitment and end up going places half the time that has nothing to do with school spirit. They just want their own platform and that's fine. That's being free. But they aren't of that university. They come in, do their thing and move on. Just like the coaches.

I feel that people like me who are fed up can't win. That's throwing in the towel I guess. But when you see the arrogance of the SEC, Ohio State, OU fans amongst others then you realize it doesn't matter. The vicarious pleasure to which I alluded is very real. So they are unreachable to me. They laugh at people like me. It's not that it hurts me but instead it is an incredulous response in my heart. How can these people be so openly corrupt? Well we see it all the time.

As for what is happening with the Tweet, my whole take is about tactics. It's the same with Kaepernick. In my view, he forced a choice between civil rights and patriotism. He didn't have to mingle the two. But he did and tactically speaking, I think he made a huge mistake.

Now we have the do this or else demand. It's just not what I would have done. I would have met with the University and tried to have a joint announcement of success in moving forward. Now it's just an adversarial point of view. Hopefully the university can work with them. But the militancy and stubbornness is not positive to me.

I appreciate the civil discourse.
Made this same post on the 2021 Recruiting thread. As with bystander, I do not react kindly to extortion.
Holy f@#$%^& sh^t. Is this a f@#$%^& joke? Are these motherf@#$%^s really trying to strong arm the University of Texas? Threatening non-participation if their demands are not met? Kick every one of these sorry *** c@#$suckers off the team and start over. F@#$ them.
"...I must say personally for me, it is sad to see so many "fans" here regard a young scholarship athlete's worth in only what entertainment that athlete's performance may provide the "fan."...."

It's a big leap to get from the posts here to this^^^^^^^^
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The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
All the livelong day.
The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
You cannot get away.
Do not think you can escape them
At night or early in the morn --
The Eyes of Texas are upon you
Til Gabriel blows his horn.
The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
All the livelong day.
The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
You cannot get away.
Do not think you can escape them
At night or early in the morn --
The Eyes of Texas are upon you
Til Gabriel blows his horn.
Obviously the anthem of Nazi, baby seal clubbing racists!
If Eagles doesn't like the tradition, he can hit the ******* portal. I'm sure blowu or aggy will take him. What's next? Does Eagles like burnt orange and white or is that racist too? How does he feel about Bevo? Talk about the tail wagging the dog, we're seeing it.
I'm sorry, Burnt, but I just dont know where you go sometimes with your replies to others. You are going way further w Bystanders posts than what can reasonably be gleaned from them. Quit trying to act like anyone who has a different perspective than yours is somehow a bad person please. I agree w you at times, but you've been doing this^^^^ alot lately...and that schtick is getting old real fast.

These “better than thou” people think they always know best for everyone. Seattle might be a better home for him to practice intolerance of opinion..

People need to get off of their high horse when it comes to today’s athletes. I watched a lot of college studs from Pop Warner football through college. Many, not all, are spoiled brats who have been catered to from grade school up. Teachers carry them and peers and adults fall all over themselves for an opportunity to be part of their lives. When they get to college they continue to get a pass and live pretty good including a social life like no ordinary student could ever enjoy.

I coached one of these brats in junior baseball and when he did not get his way, he pouted, and I benched him. He made all state in football and at the end of school he had not passed his SAT. He went to OU and started his freshman year. Two years later he was gone. Even OU could not deal with him. He is but one of many examples.

Bystanders makes many good and accurate points. There are a lot of quality hardworking young people in college athletics but there are many bloated heads with exploding egos. Too bad that many coaches and administrators do not stand up to the bad in support of the good. A 20 year old student athlete is just that, a 20 year old student athlete. And if the administration is going to abide by their demands over my history with my university dating back 60 years, I am out.
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(‘The Eyes of Texas’) was first sung and played at a minstrel show which featured performers in black face

The song itself is not racist, but was played at an event that featured another racist (or at the very least racially insensitive) performance. That's like saying a person is racist because they sat on a bus next to a racist.
If Eagles doesn't like the tradition, he can hit the ******* portal. I'm sure blowu or aggy will take him. What's next? Does Eagles like burnt orange and white or is that racist too? How does he feel about Bevo? Talk about the tail wagging the dog, we're seeing it.
This is not just Eagles so why is everyone saying it's one single athlete? This came from multiple athletes across multiple sports. You can't blame athletes for not wanting to walk around and look at confederate statues. As far as the eyes of Texas, I think that one will take a lot and most likely won't change but everything else on that list is very fair.
Proud to see a student athlete stand up. The powers that be can negotiate what they feel is non negotiable (if there is anything). I don't see a single problem with his list. I can see why ending a school song would be controversial and, of course, I think it's a small part of his demand. I definitely think players shouldn't be required to sing it though.

Is that the thing that's the most "sticking" for everyone? What's wrong with the rest of it?

This is an opportunity for the University to show true leadership. I hope that they show BE and the rest of the student athletes in support the respect they deserve. Basically, I hope they aren't treated the way many on this board and social media are treating them.

The response to this will change a lot!

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