Riots in Minneapolis


People were marching so they could work and have their lives back. Many people are near bankruptcy. Comparing people like that to those who are looting and killing tells me a lot. Watching you flip on this shows me your hypocrisy. Just as I said you just parrot whatever the media tells you to think.
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This boogaloo stuff needs to rapidly fade away. A man’s got to be able to wear a Hawaiian shirt on occasion without random people thinking he’s a national socialist dork.
This boogaloo stuff needs to rapidly fade away. A man’s got to be able to wear a Hawaiian shirt on occasion without random people thinking he’s a national socialist dork.

After reading that article, I think I'm one of those dorks. I'm now 100% for Texas breaking away from the United States and going at it as a separate country. If any other state wants to follow then they can tag along. Red states are under attack from blue states, they want all of us to give up our guns, end all rights for churches, we already have lost free speech unless it's speech that agrees with the left.

They can keep their national socialist state and I will keep my capitalist republic. I will support and defend the constitution they can rewrite a new constitution where drugs are free, abortion is free, and laws are for everyone but those in the party. That is the country they want to create for everyone. They can rot away in their own private hell for all I care.

Found these little videos on the internet, truthfully I believe them.

“In turn, users on alt-right, pro-gun message boards on Reddit, 4chan and 8chan labeled the upcoming Civil War as “Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo,” which was then shortened to “the Boogaloo,” which then evolved into “the big Luau” (and “the big igloo”). As such, aloha shirts have made appearances at recent protests around the country. When paired with combat gear, guns and racism, the Hawaiian shirt is apparently symbol that the wearer is prepared to go to war against America.”

South Postpones Rising Again For Yet Another Year

No no, no. No no, no no no. Nobody can do the shing-a-ling like I do. Nobody can do the skate like I do. Nobody can do boogaloo like I do.


Is there a video of what the crowd was doing that forced this man to attack with a sword? I'm just sorry this man didn't have a gun to protect himself and his shop. This is what happens when people are not armed. They are attacked for defending himself, family and livelihood.
Any person happy about another human being being murdered, assaulted or their property burned/looted is a despicable person. I don’t give a **** about why they did it or why you think it is a good thing.
AB the last (second) video you posted reinforced my thinking regarding a war being initiated as a political distraction from a hopeless political power aristocracy seeking escape from all our current divisiveness. Scary.
Naturally, and as it should be, the police have rules when it comes to subduing someone. But, apparently some think it's okay to beat someone like that crowd did, not just subdue him.
Don’t know AB, there seem to be a lot of idiotic things happening now with no legitimate reason. Downright despicable, despicable and crazy.
What should we expect? The ignorance manifests itself in many ways. Even if baby daddy were around, would he be able to help?

Black politicians, civil rights leaders and their white liberal advocates have little or no interest in doing anything effective to deal with what's no less than an education crisis among black students. In city after city with large black populations, such as Baltimore, St. Louis, Detroit, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., less than 10% of students test proficient in reading and math. For example, in 2016, in 13 Baltimore high schools, not a single student tested proficient in math. In six other high schools, only 1% tested proficient in math. Citywide, only 15% of Baltimore students passed the state's English test. Despite these academic deficiencies, about 70% of the students graduate and are conferred a high school diploma.

Ballou High School is in Washington, D.C. Five percent of its students test proficient in reading and 1% test proficient in math. In 2017, all 189 students in Ballou High School's senior class applied to college. All 189 members of the graduating class of 2017 were accepted to universities. In November 2017, an investigation showed that half of Ballou's 2017 graduates had more than three months of unexcused absences. One in five of the graduating class was absent more than present, therefore missing more than 90 days of school.

Examples of academic underachievement can be seen at predominantly black public schools across the nation, but that's only part of the story. The strangest part of this is that poor academic performance is accepted and tolerated by black politicians, civil rights organizations and white liberals. Poor performance is often blamed on finances; however, the poorest performing schools have the highest per pupil spending. New York, Washington, D.C., and Baltimore rank among the nation's highest in per pupil educational spending.

The underachievement story is compounded by the gross dishonesty of colleges that admit many of these students. I cannot imagine that students who are not proficient in reading and math can do real college work. In a futile attempt to make up for 12 years of rotten education, colleges put these students in remedial courses. They also design courses with little or no true academic content. Colleges have their own agendas. They want the money that comes from admitting these students. Also, they want to make their diversity and multiculturalism administrators happy.
They are bussing idiots in from other places. I have a DPS friend who is mounted patrol at the capitol here in Austin. There are chartered busses lining the streets and the first two people arrested were from Illinois and that's the last we've heard from her last night. She said they have molotov cocktails, trashing downtown, turning over statues and just destroying stuff in general. Freaking idiots.

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