Riots in Minneapolis

I saw video of rioters damaging a Mercedes Benz dealership in Oakland. They all seemed like white antifa types. Lots of folks mostly watching them.
I think this is going to play out like Charlottesville. The right came from all over the eastern US. The left were more local.

why would anyone (White dudes) from the left want to riot as it only diminishes the valid protestors. I think you’ll find the white guys like the one wearing a gas mask and an umbrella are going to be from the buggaloo crowd trying to incite the riots.
I think this is going to play out like Charlottesville. The right came from all over the eastern US. The left were more local.

why would anyone (White dudes) from the left want to riot as it only diminishes the valid protestors. I think you’ll find the white guys like the one wearing a gas mask and an umbrella are going to be from the buggaloo crowd trying to incite the riots.

wait, what is the buggaloo crowd? Is that like from Breaking 2 - Electric buggaloo? So now we have rioting break dancers battling openly on the streets? This is true anarchy.
I think this is going to play out like Charlottesville. The right came from all over the eastern US. The left were more local.

why would anyone (White dudes) from the left want to riot as it only diminishes the valid protestors. I think you’ll find the white guys like the one wearing a gas mask and an umbrella are going to be from the buggaloo crowd trying to incite the riots.
I think this is going to play out like Charlottesville. The right came from all over the eastern US. The left were more local.

why would anyone (White dudes) from the left want to riot as it only diminishes the valid protestors. I think you’ll find the white guys like the one wearing a gas mask and an umbrella are going to be from the buggaloo crowd trying to incite the riots.

"However irony-drenched it may appear to be, this is a movement actively preparing for armed confrontation with law enforcement, and anyone else who would restrict their expansive understanding of the right to bear arms," write Robert Evans and Jason Wilson in their in-depth investigation into the Boogaloo movement. "

Now I wanna watch those breaking movies again. Threatening our 2A rights will not end well for the left. I don't know who these boogaloo people are, but I'm personally ready for Texas to get the hell out of the United States just so we can support the Constitution of this country and let the blues pay for their welfare by destroying their population.

I've seen enough of what is happening in places like Seattle, San Francisco and now Minneapolis to know I don't want that for Texas.

If you are a liberal go to New York California or some other blue state and learn what the Black Panthers learned about socialism when they visited the USSR in the 1960's. That trip destroyed their movement.
I think this is going to play out like Charlottesville. The right came from all over the eastern US. The left were more local.

why would anyone (White dudes) from the left want to riot as it only diminishes the valid protestors. I think you’ll find the white guys like the one wearing a gas mask and an umbrella are going to be from the buggaloo crowd trying to incite the riots.
So wait a minute. We used to have the Boogieman to scare people. Now we have the Boogaloo man??? And he wears a Hawaiian shirt?

This is getting weird.
So wait a minute. We used to have the Boogieman to scare people. Now we have the Boogaloo man??? And he wears a Hawaiian shirt?

This is getting weird.

Nobody can do.. the boogaloo... like I do.

Blast from the past. Bubba's digging up oldies but goodies tonight
I think this is going to play out like Charlottesville. The right came from all over the eastern US. The left were more local.

why would anyone (White dudes) from the left want to riot as it only diminishes the valid protestors. I think you’ll find the white guys like the one wearing a gas mask and an umbrella are going to be from the buggaloo crowd trying to incite the riots.

Antifa is mostly spoiled white kids who want to flog themselves for being white.
I think this is going to play out like Charlottesville. The right came from all over the eastern US. The left were more local.

why would anyone (White dudes) from the left want to riot as it only diminishes the valid protestors. I think you’ll find the white guys like the one wearing a gas mask and an umbrella are going to be from the buggaloo crowd trying to incite the riots.

St. Paul mayor walks back claim that all arrested in riot were from out of state: ‘I take full responsibility’

St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter on Saturday walked back a prior claim that all those arrested in city riots a day earlier were from out of state.... -Snip

Read the link, have LH do the same. 86% of those arrested listed their address in Minnesota, the twin cities being prominent. The mayor has to walk back his claim of out of staters making up the bulk or the whole of those arrested

Minneapolis mayor's ofc is now saying to KARE TV to direct all questions of that nature to the governor's office. They won't defend the 'white supremist faction are being trucked in' theory. Totally gutless and I expect major spin once a company line has been produced

I'm very familiar w/ MN and its politics. This BS is kind of the norm there nowadays. Whoever referred to the Minneapolis mayor as Minny Beto has it right, Damn, that state and metro area has taken a dive the past 40 plus yrs,
“In turn, users on alt-right, pro-gun message boards on Reddit, 4chan and 8chan labeled the upcoming Civil War as “Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo,” which was then shortened to “the Boogaloo,” which then evolved into “the big Luau” (and “the big igloo”). As such, aloha shirts have made appearances at recent protests around the country. When paired with combat gear, guns and racism, the Hawaiian shirt is apparently symbol that the wearer is prepared to go to war against America.”

South Postpones Rising Again For Yet Another Year
How many cops does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They’d arrest the bulb for being broke and beat up the room for being black.

How many racists does it take? They don’t want to be enlightened.
Remember coronavirus?

Right? Those naughty white people protesting the inability to buy paint or use their cabins in Michigan were so bad, but now not only is social distancing no longer an issue, looting and stealing your neighbors businesses is total awesome now too.
How many cops does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They’d arrest the bulb for being broke and beat up the room for being black.

How many racists does it take? They don’t want to be enlightened.

Must be nice to judge an entire group of people for the actions of the few.

Everyone is guilty but no one wants to look in the mirror.
Dear God it’s in Nashville too! Bad night all over.
Yep, the idiot mayor joined more than 1,000 protesters in the streets. Got on a bullhorn to support them. All while keeping businesses and churches closed. Liberals make for despicable mayors. He needs to be recalled.
How many cops does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They’d arrest the bulb for being broke and beat up the room for being black.

How many racists does it take? They don’t want to be enlightened.

How come you're not lambasting the people who are breaking quarantine by protesting like you did before? It's as if you were just playing politics and not sincere with your convictions.
How come you're not lambasting the people who are breaking quarantine by protesting like you did before?
“In turn, users on alt-right, pro-gun message boards on Reddit, 4chan and 8chan labeled the upcoming Civil War as “Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo,” which was then shortened to “the Boogaloo,” which then evolved into “the big Luau” (and “the big igloo”). As such, aloha shirts have made appearances at recent protests around the country. When paired with combat gear, guns and racism, the Hawaiian shirt is apparently symbol that the wearer is prepared to go to war against America.”

South Postpones Rising Again For Yet Another Year
Benjamin Ryan Teeter, a resident of the coastal community of Hampstead in southeastern North Carolina, reshared the red button panel posted by Jimmydean338 on his Facebook page at 11:44 p.m., writing, “Lock and load boys. Boog flags are in the air, and the national network is going off.”

Teeter, who is active in the North Carolina Libertarian Party and has participated in weekly armed excursions through downtown Raleigh with a group organized through the Blue Igloo Facebook group over the four weeks alerted his friends that he would be driving, not flying to Minneapolis.

Tom Bailey, a Libertarian candidate for Congress in 2018, commented, “Grim.” To which Teeter replied, “Exactly! I love it!”

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