Riots in Minneapolis

Minnesota is basically run almost exclusively by Democrats like Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison

The mayor
All the pent up energy, fear, and unsettled feelings from a long pandemic lockdown feeds into the rage and destruction. I hope the riots are soon over, but we may be in for more of this sort of thing.
I'm still looking for the evidence of racism. A bad cop beating up a person of color is not proof of racism, especially sense 2 of the 4 cops involved were minorities.

I won't say that the murder wasn't evidence of racism. I actually don't know. It is clear a white cop murdered a black man.

But I can also say a government official murdered a civilian. I can make this about government illegitimacy as rationally as people can use the incident to point to racism.

My big problem with the whole thing is that most people are acting like Pavlovian dogs. See video. Get mad. Attribute one incident to prove a whole race is guilty or oppressed. It is really lazy thinking. The only way to understand if blacks have more to fear from policemen than other races is to look at statistics over many years.

The study I read a while back showed police kill whites per interaction more than blacks or hispanics. However, it showed that policemen more physical with blacks and hispanics per interaction than whites. But all the rates of police violence were similar. An individual black person was more likely to have an interaction with a policeman, but on the flip side blacks commit crimes at way higher per capita rates than whites. The stats show overall police are about as impartial as you can expect them to be in the context of what they have to do in their job.

My big problem with the police is that the killings we see captured on video are totally unavoidable and the police rarely get held accountable for killing people.

They killed a black woman and a white man and his girlfriend in separate incidents in the last 6 weeks. But you didn't hear anything about it because no one took video of it. No Pavlov's response.

Both of those incidents happened when the police broke into each of their houses in the middle of the night with not knock on the door or prior warning. I think in both cases they went to the wrong house that they were supposed to. But in both cases they murdered people. No news (except on the Libertarian Twitterverse). No riots. No race craze. But in some ways worse because the police made a complete mistake on who they targeted and they broke into 2 different private residences.

My take away from this whole thing is that human beings are stupid. We really don't base our beliefs on anything other than simple images on a screen. We don't analyze. We don't seek data. We don't ask any questions. We just watch video and get mad about racism.

Racism exists. Government oppression exists. But nothing will ever be done about either because we are all too stupid to understand the problem and certainly too stupid to think of a solution. Duh, social justice, isn't an answer. It will actually make things worse.
I am including myself because I am writing about the US as a whole. Of course a few think through things carefully. There aren't enough of "us" to matter.
The Minneapolis mayor (currently ovulating, er, speaking) acts and looks like a Jerry Springer guest, circa 1990. Lot of drama to that byatch

No leadership there nowadays. Really sad to watch that part of the country deteriorate like it has
I won't say that the murder wasn't evidence of racism. I actually don't know. It is clear a white cop murdered a black man.

But I can also say a government official murdered a civilian. I can make this about government illegitimacy as rationally as people can use the incident to point to racism.

My big problem with the whole thing is that most people are acting like Pavlovian dogs. See video. Get mad. Attribute one incident to prove a whole race is guilty or oppressed. It is really lazy thinking. The only way to understand if blacks have more to fear from policemen than other races is to look at statistics over many years.

The study I read a while back showed police kill whites per interaction more than blacks or hispanics. However, it showed that policemen more physical with blacks and hispanics per interaction than whites. But all the rates of police violence were similar. An individual black person was more likely to have an interaction with a policeman, but on the flip side blacks commit crimes at way higher per capita rates than whites. The stats show overall police are about as impartial as you can expect them to be in the context of what they have to do in their job.

My big problem with the police is that the killings we see captured on video are totally unavoidable and the police rarely get held accountable for killing people.

They killed a black woman and a white man and his girlfriend in separate incidents in the last 6 weeks. But you didn't hear anything about it because no one took video of it. No Pavlov's response.

Both of those incidents happened when the police broke into each of their houses in the middle of the night with not knock on the door or prior warning. I think in both cases they went to the wrong house that they were supposed to. But in both cases they murdered people. No news (except on the Libertarian Twitterverse). No riots. No race craze. But in some ways worse because the police made a complete mistake on who they targeted and they broke into 2 different private residences.

My take away from this whole thing is that human beings are stupid. We really don't base our beliefs on anything other than simple images on a screen. We don't analyze. We don't seek data. We don't ask any questions. We just watch video and get mad about racism.

Racism exists. Government oppression exists. But nothing will ever be done about either because we are all too stupid to understand the problem and certainly too stupid to think of a solution. Duh, social justice, isn't an answer. It will actually make things worse.

What's really disturbing is that this is an incident that should have a unifying effect. Who's defending the officer? I don't see anybody. Hell, iagrogenic isn't defending him, and he's pretty pro-cop and at least seems pretty unsympathetic to the plight of the black man - at least as that plight is defined by the modern political and academic class.

However, it isn't enough to condemn the officer. You have to shout the broader "**** the police" and "**** whitey" narratives like LongestHorn does. Well, to borrow his verbiage, "**** that." I'm not going to judge a bunch of people who have nothing to do with incident. It's stupid, intellectually lazy, and dangerous. I'm not going to be bludgeoned into submitting to that crap. And do we really want that? Should white people judge blacks in general and engage in acts of violence against them based on the acts of their worst offenders? That wouldn't end well.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, is defending the officer. These riots are purely mob mentality taking advantage of a situation with a liberal mayor that is allowing it to happen like a weak parent with a spoiled child.
"Mr. Deez, However, it isn't enough to condemn the officer. You have to shout the broader "**** the police" and "**** whitey" narratives like LongestHorn does. Well, to borrow his verbiage, "**** that."

oh, so I guess you haven't received your reading list of how not to be a racist white person and what to say, and what not to say right now to black people.
There are real lists posted on my Facebook by the worst, chest beating SJWs I have ever seen right now. I got absolutely lambasted when, after several posts stating that this event seemed like outright murder, these specific police should be arrested, and what seemed to be all the "right" things, I dared mention it seemed as if the man was trying to get his life on track, and what a shame if this had happened now. There is absolutely no reasoning with them at all-- a small sample:

ESN: Don't trivialize this by saying he "wasn't a total angel." No one is a total angel and your statement implies that somehow, if the crime is heinous enough, police should be justified in killing someone.

Police say Floyd matched the description of someone who tried to pay with a counterfeit bill at the convenience store. By matching the description they mean he was a black man.

He was killed because he was a black man.

  • Hollandtx:
    , I'm not trying to trivialize anything. He had a few run ins with the law in Houston.
    I do believe that there are a few crimes heinous enough to justify shooting or killing someone. Ex, holding hostages, an active shooter, to name a couple.
    I am in no way trying to minimize this murder.

Hol: Why do we have to ruin that poor boy’s life?
Yeah he wasn’t perfect...but he’s got his life ahead of him.
(someone threw this in, I have no idea why or what bearing it has on this situation. He is the wealthy swimmer who had sex/assaulted a drunk and unconscious woman and was sentenced to probation)
I guess it's a WHITE PRIVILEGE statement of some sort, although this guy had no priors....

    • safe_image.php

      Emily :youtube.comPres. Trump brings Mpls. police Lt. Bob Kroll on stage. This friend of Trump's wears a white privileged armband!

  • Emily And how do you know those run-ins with the law weren't because he was black? Why do you think that when a black person is killed by a cop their records are paraded out as if it justifies it?

    I've been pulled over for speeding, that's a "run-in with the law." The difference between George Floyd and me is that I don't have to worry that I'll be murdered for it.
  • Me: Emily, you put me in a tough spot. I do not want to speak ill of the dead, but he was in and out of jail for small crimes (having cocaine) He also broke in to a woman's house, pointed a gun at her, and robbed her of money and drugs. He pleaded guilty to that.
    No one has paraded this information out, in fact the only records I have seen are of the policeman. I realized I knew nothing about Mr. Floyd and looked him up. I didn't know or hadn't heard any of this until I found it. I looked him up after reading about the ministry he began in Houston.
    B&E, attempted robbery, and using a gun in commission of a robbery has nothing to do with the color of his skin. It is a fact.
    To his credit he realized he needed to change his life. He started his ministry, but some of his friends tried to be a bad influence. (what the article said, but here he was breaking the law in MN. I didn't put that in my reply)
    That is why he left Houston and moved to Minnesota.
    Maybe police kept finding cocaine on him because they checked more since he was a black man, but, his armed robbery had nothing to do with his color. I am outraged about his killing.

    I will spare y'all anymore, but that is the tone. If anyone wants the reading list, let me know. Or the what you can/can't say to a black person.
    Short version, don't say you are sorry that this happened, don't say, I know I can't possibly understand what it is to be black--but this is a terrible thing.
    ONLY SAY: I see you. I hear you. I am with you. Memorize this statement.
    Then, get started on that reading list because nothing will change until white people change.
    And meanwhile, our Nation burns. (totally justified though, hundreds of years of anger spewing out) AAAAAGGGHHHH
Sadly, the rioters and looters are reinforcing stereotypes of blacks being prone to criminal activity. Anyone who really cares about helping black people should be denouncing the rioting in the strongest terms.
St Paul mayor—every person arrested in the St Paul riots last night (in other words the violent ringleaders) was from out of state.

The old “outside agitators” meme comes to mind.
I've met Emily twice, and she is super cool. But, she is a snobby Canadian...this sort of thing doesn't happen here.
I'm off of FB for a while. Arguing about masks, I can handle.
Letting 13% of the US be the dog, while the rest wag of us the tail, I just can't.
I have some stories of black on white crime that would curl your hair. Beyond evil.
But, I'll bet you have never heard of the victims, while we know most of the names of the black people. Some were mishandled, like this man, but most started it by being uncooperative or worse.
I am trying to understand. So hundreds and hundreds come from say Wisc or North Dakota to destroy and burn stuff?
N Dakota huh? Could be those recently unemployed oilfield roughnecks and roustabouts...:rolleyes1::smokin:

Then again, perhaps it was full time hard left and anarchist agitators from places like Chicago, NYC, Portland, or wherever.

Or maybe it’s undercover CIA agents attempting to spark a race war. :rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::rolleyes1::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin:
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