Riots in Minneapolis

Where’s my $100 fricking dollars!

Check is in the mail

Finally, I'm starting to see true honesty from someone from the Communist News Network. The Black Man cannot trust the Liberal left anymore than the rest of us. Sure there are people who are bigots, they will always be there. They come in all skin colors many are black brown yellow, red and white. Nothing you can do about it. People are entitled to their opinions, but the Liberals go out of their way to try and convince the rest of us they are for blacks, for Latinos for gay, and then you hear Biden say stuff like "You ain't black if you don't vote for me". It showed everyone his true attitude same with the woman walking her dog.

If someone hates me because of my skin color, I prefer to know it and him have the guts to tell me to my face. I may not like him or want to have anything to do with him, but I respect that he had the guts to tell me to my face.

I have no respect for these liberals who think they are enlightened and say **** like we are all the same. I guarantee you that isn't true. A white guy will never understand what it means to be a black man, and the same holds true for the black man not knowing what it's like to be a white guy. If we were all the same then I would be in the NBA dropping dimes on the Lakers instead of being the fat guy in the stands cheering them on.

It's okay we are different, It's okay if someone hates me because of my skin color unless they act on that hate. Then I have to deal with it.

Liberals have as much bias as anyone, but they lie and try to mask it. Sometimes their mask comes off and you see their real nature. There are bigots in both political parties this is one of many reasons I will never join either party. I vote my conscience and I try to align myself with the Constitution because I trust and admire our founding fathers even though I know they weren't perfect.

So to the black dude in the CNN post, I say man up and don't be a sheep to the DNC make them earn your vote by thinking for yourself.
Help me understand this. The left said that a human life is worth $11m when preventing deaths by the coronavirus (nevermind it’s a bogus number). So, if the damage caused by the riots is more than $11m, the proper policy is to shoot the looters?
Help me understand this. The left said that a human life is worth $11m when preventing deaths by the coronavirus (nevermind it’s a bogus number). So, if the damage caused by the riots is more than $11m, the proper policy is to shoot the looters?
The proper policy is to shoot the looters on sight, not to count the money first.
***** *** murdering racist pig finally charged

Again, what does race have to do with it? Now that his police record is public anyone with half a brain can see he was a lose cannon against all races. I know the type, I've been around them, seen them harass whites for nothing. The high school nobody getting his revenge once he has a little power.

It's because of your hypocrisy and constant attempts to make any action towards a black person racist while ignoring the 100x more often the same thing happens to a white person the object of being called out for total lack of common sense and understanding by this board. Maybe some day you will wake up and see reality like I did at a young age, but I doubt it.
Thousands of Americans across the US are protesting in solidarity against racists.

It's because the same dolts who won't make any "blanket judgments" on the looters will make blanket judgments on police officers. APD didn't kill him, but to the moronic, they're to blame.

Thousands of Americans across the US are protesting in solidarity against racists.


Far more bought pet rocks. It's not hard to find several thousand idiots in a country of almost 330 million.

Protesting against the officer's conduct? Fair game and totally justifiable. Protesting against police in general? Brainless. It makes no more sense than a bunch of white people beating up random black people, because OJ beat the rap.
The proper policy is always to shoot looters on site. Galveston sends out public notice of that after hurricanes.

Of course democrats will complain because only their voting base are the ones getting shot.
LH, You're a total embarrassment to humankind.
True, but becoming all too common with those growing up in their liberal bubble. Never worked a tough job in their life. Never managed a business with paper thin margins. Never had to deal with EEOC compliance regulations you can't possibly full-fill doing everything humanly possible but going to people's houses and throwing a rope around their neck and dragging them to work like a slave.

I guess when you have nothing to do but read Marx and follow George Soros in twitter that's the type of output you get from the liberal brain.
Always found it peculiar that a certain segment gets bent out of shape over a denial of civil liberties but has zero qualms about using said denial to, in turn, deny all manner of civility to the accused. Somehow that group actually believes they are justified in being asshats...
It becomes polarized when we have to wait for the murderer(s) to be charged with a crime and taken into custody by LEO. And then not murderize them once they are in custody by LEO.

And the murderer has murdered before. And walked. The problem is the police are murdering people, sometimes in their custody.

Not all homicides are murder. But I guess in your eyes, they should have allowed the shotgun-wielding suspect to have shot them (one of the earlier incidents declared a righteous shoot). Or to allow a suspect to actually take possession of a service weapon (another incident).

A rush to judgment would have resulted in another Baltimore...yeah you get your arrest but you get no conviction. So, if people are being rational (which those in MN are not), they would have allowed the case to be investigated so that a conviction can successfully be sought (thus preventing riot/looting 2.0 within the year).

The FBI was investigating whether officers willfully deprived Floyd of his civil rights. Where’s the disconnect? I watched a murder. While folks pleaded with the murderer not to commit murder. What additional facts are we waiting for before the murderer is charged with the crime? Of ******* murder.

What we don't yet know is whether they may have been aware of Floyd's history of arrest for Aggravated Robbery on more than one occasion in Harris County or that he went to Minnesota after a release from prison after serving almost the entirety of the sentence (something that usually means problems within the prison) or that he had a litany of other arrests which ALSO produced time in custody. This becomes especially interesting and noteworthy given the new claim that the two may have crossed paths while working security at a local establishment...

Again, a rush to judgment is the height of stupidity. Sadly, the rioters don't care about things like facts or due process. Nor apparently do you since you have automatically inferred an intent to kill (pesky element of murder in most places).
I'm quite sure not every complaint is justified, but geez, how do you stay on the force after a dozen of them.
If you saw some of what gets alleged in a UOF claim, it would become easier to understand. Some when I was in TDCJ employ were as simple as claiming the 'cuffs are too tight,' never mind that no complaint was made while being examined by medical personnel. Some criminals/suspects believe that a complaint means the criminal charge will be dismissed due to some allegation of improper conduct.

The simple reality is that MOST who spend multiple years in the profession with ANY measurable time on the streets are going to have a complaint filed probably once a year. It is just part and parcel of the job...
The police did this today. The did it when they murdered. They did it when they failed to acknowledge a crime. The did it by shielding the murderer from justice. **** the police.

He'll get his due. But you can't allow people to drag him out and hang him or is that where we are these days?

No irony here either. We have to be balanced. I'm as sickened by lynchings as you. I've seen the pictures. But what would we say as a society if he were dragged out and killed in the streets?

A crime of passion?
...constant attempts to make any action towards a black person racist while ignoring the 100x more often the same thing happens to a white person...

There is no excuse for how the protesters / rioters have responded to the situation in MN. And it is incredibly unfair and irresponsible to place the blame at the foot of police generally, as opposed to this particular officer.

However, there is also no excuse for pretending that there isn't a race-based problem with respect to policy activity. Ask any black person in America, and they will tell you stories about when they were stopped/questioned/accosted by police while they were minding their own business and doing nothing questionable, much less illegal. Until we address this issue head on, frustration will continue to grow and responsive conduct will sometimes go too far (and occasionally, way too far).
However, there is also no excuse for pretending that there isn't a race-based problem with respect to policy activity. Ask any black person in America, and they will tell you stories about when they were stopped/questioned/accosted by police while they were minding their own business and doing nothing questionable, much less illegal. Until we address this issue head on, frustration will continue to grow and responsive conduct will sometimes go too far (and occasionally, way too far).

I've been harassed by cops for doing nothing and I'm sure many of the other whites on here can say the same thing. The problem is there are bad cops out there looking to play hero. Thankfully, they are a minority.
However, there is also no excuse for pretending that there isn't a race-based problem with respect to policy activity. Ask any black person in America, and they will tell you stories about when they were stopped/questioned/accosted by police while they were minding their own business and doing nothing questionable, much less illegal. Until we address this issue head on, frustration will continue to grow and responsive conduct will sometimes go too far (and occasionally, way too far).

Is that relevant to this incident? At least if you buy the shop owner's story, the police definitely had a reason to stop and confront Floyd. Obviously that doesn't excuse their behavior during the confrontation, but race isn't why he was stopped.

As for police generally being more suspicious of black men (and therefore following and stopping them more often), that's not going to change until black men are no longer committing a grossly disproportionate share of the crime. They're going to profile, whether the law permits it or not. They'd be stupid and somewhat suicidal not to.
Chauvin huh?

And I thought Chauvinists were generally sexists rather than racists.

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