Riots in Minneapolis

So I have to ask a question.

When **** like this happens if the DNC takes all our guns then how are we to defend our home and families? Do we wait for the cops, oh wait F da police I believe was his words.

So No law and order
No Police
No guns

I know we can all get together and pass a legal joint and get high, eat cheetos and sing Dust in the Wind.

I almost spit out my beer when I got to "sing Dust in the Wind." :lmao:
Is Benjamin Crump the only lawyer in America that represents these cases? Has he ever won a case?

Maybe we need a new attorney?
A further comment about Target.

When a business gets robbed at all. It causes prices to go up. That hurts poor people most. It also means Target can't afford to hire more people. That hurts poor people too. It is all nonsensical.

It also is part of a trend that causes quality establishments don't want to open locations anywhere near poor areas of town, meaning the residents have to expend more time and energy than middle-class citizens do in order to get the same benefits, goods, and services.
It also is part of a trend that causes quality establishments don't want to open locations anywhere near poor areas of town, meaning the residents have to expend more time and energy than middle-class citizens do in order to get the same benefits, goods, and services.
More money too since they will need a car.
Why are people protesting APD tomorrow? Does APD support the cop who killed George? What am I missing?

It's because the same dolts who won't make any "blanket judgments" on the looters will make blanket judgments on police officers. APD didn't kill him, but to the moronic, they're to blame.
You are good at making the case for privatizing police services. Thank you for your service.

Yes, but even within public sector employment, there's no reason why it should be so hard to fire somebody.

I understand the rationale to a point. Government managers don't operate in a free market and are working with someone else's money, and if they could arbitrarily fire, some would abuse that power and fire for BS reasons (personal, political, etc.). However, we've taken it way, way too far.
“It’s real bogus, they gotta hit it right, otherwise this is what’s gonna happen, ain’t nothing left here so when we start coming to the suburbs, when we come to the government center, then what y’all gonna do?”

I cant speak for Minnesota but I feel pretty confident with my expectation of how it would go down in Texas

It also is part of a trend that causes quality establishments don't want to open locations anywhere near poor areas of town, meaning the residents have to expend more time and energy than middle-class citizens do in order to get the same benefits, goods, and services.

I don't know if anyone else has lived or does live in the Twin cities, in my time there (roughly 3 years 2003 to 2006) I grew to love the area. Fact is there are no bad sides of town in those cities.

When I see rioting in the South Side of Minneapolis I laughed, those people are pampered snowflakes who have nothing else to do but have some fun and get some free stuff.

I'm curious what is going to happen there. They have the tightest gun laws, it sounds like the cops have abandoned the city and there is rioting in the streets. Should be interesting to watch The Purge live. I wonder do the people feel safer, or wish they had guns now?

Oh, and there is a pandemic why are they not wearing masks?
Police should be arresting people for no masks, oh yea, no police.

I bet Minnesota asks for billions from the Federal government to fix this problem. Which basically means our tax dollars are funding this **** show.
So the great coronavirus lockdown ends in riots. Just not quite as some expected.

It does make for an interesting contrast with the never ending supply of corporate TV commercials with the fake sincere voice over letting you know "We are all in this together"
Minneapolis law enforcement has seen fit to suspend the laws that govern civil society. Ok. This is a only a glimpse.

We’re trying real hard tonight to be the shepherd. Protest at APD noon tomorrow.
Sign the Petition


I see it as poetic justice.

Police have walked off the job in some parts of Minneapolis.
Rioting in the streets
Lawlessness everywhere.
Most people have no way to defend themselves or their families because of ridiculous gun laws.
Horowitz: Justice for George Floyd and for all of the 7,000+ black homicide victims every year
"Consider the following: According to the Washington Post’s database on police shootings, 17 unarmed African-Americans were killed by police in 2018. Let’s just assume the unlikely assumption that all 17 were unjustified in the mold of the choking death of George Floyd. That accounts for just 0.002% of the 7,407 black homicide victims that year, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, the overwhelming majority of whom were killed by black criminals, not white criminals or police. In cases where the races of both the victim and offender were known, a staggering 88.9% of black homicide victims were murdered by black criminals."

IF all the outcry is sincere and real This must be addressed too

but it won't be

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