Here is some history for you.
Recall back to 9-11-2001. Once the shock of events wore off and the swamp got back to being the swamp, can you remember what primary criticism the Democrats had of Bush's administration? They didn't exactly blame him for 9-11, but they faulted him for not connecting the dots. They claimed we had the intelligence (which we did, but at the time the various agencies were prevented from sharing their intelligence across agency lines) and had the Bush administration acted proactively on that intelligence we may have been able to avoid 9-11 altogether.
Fast forward to today, and what the Democrats are mewling about. Now they are claiming Trump may have committed war crimes because he did act proactively on the intelligence available to him.
As usual with the left, they don't argue anything based on principle. It is nothing more than using whatever argument is likely to score some political points. You see the same thing with the impeachment arguments when they said one thing about impeaching Slick Willie, and took the exact opposite stance when it came to impeaching Trump. No principles, just pure partisan hackery. Keep it up Dems. More and more people have been awakened to your tactics, and more and more of them are repulsed.