After all of this, the latest is that it sounds like both Mitch and Lindsey are willing to dump the whole thing with no witnesses. Which is in conflict with what Trump is asking for. He wants the Full Monty. He wants vindication and complete obliteration of the Dem's case for all the world to see.
For me, if we must go this far, as it appears we must, I would at least want to see the whistleblower and Schiff, under oath. The whistleblower started this whole thing. He should not get to slide through it all with zero public appearances, zero testimony under oath and zero confrontation with a good attorney for the person he sought to have banished. People familiar with him say he wont last long in the face of a good cross. The American people deserve and, I would argue, need to see that. They need and deserve to learn of his political biases, his deep animus towards Trump and his close personal ties to John Brennan. Do him and Schiff, then wrap it up.