
is it just me or does it seem like most of the Dems cult are backing away from this...... including the ones here on Hornfans? There goes another gotcha moment. :usa:

Nancy blinked

Plus, I dont know if you watched her on the clip I posted from Colbert, but she wobbled there too
I think the Dems are surprised that outside Mitt Romney, all the Republicans are cool with outrageous behavior by Donald Trump.

I don't think they are cool with it. What they are cool with is their own reaction because they have the sense not to let the Democrats seize power. This is a war. There are no rules. They will never give the Democrats the upper-hand concerning SCOTUS or anything else coming from the extreme side of the Left. They have to stick with Trump. There is no choice.
"The whistleblower needs to come forward as a material witness because he worked for Joe Biden at the same time Hunter Biden was getting money from corrupt oligarchs. I say tonight to the media, do your job and print his name."

Yeppers Republicans for sure are cool with the "outrageous"behaviorfrom Trump that has given us the lowest unemployment in 50 years among all groups including Blacks Asians Veterans and Hispanics
The outrageous behavior that has resulted in over 5million jobs added, Over 500k manufacturing jobs, the ones that were never comin back.
SO cool with median income highest level recorded, gap between income levels closing ,lowered income taxes for nearly all people who pay income taxes.
Then there is our energy segment, US is exporting NG for first time. Think those jobs are minimum wage??
Yea We Pubs think it is cool that Trump was so outrageous he got NATO partners to pay BILLIONS more to NATO than they were.Reached agreements that will have US exporting more to EU. Companies like Apple Chrysler Exxon Soft Bank etc etc have reinvested BILLIONS in USA.

SOO Outrageous that the stock market is at record highs and people's 401ks and retirement are at highs. He bolstered funds to Opportunity Zones helping small businesses in minority areas.
How Outrageous is Trump to get better trade deals with countries that have taken advantage of Americans for decades, USMCA is only one?

I could go on and on.
Yes it is safe to say we are cool with the outrageous behavior of Trump that has resulted in better lives for Americans.
I think the Dems are surprised that outside Mitt Romney, all the Republicans are cool with outrageous behavior by Donald Trump.

Actually he was elected to stand up against the shaming, intimidating, and bullying tactics of the left among other things. They have never seen that before and they are having meltdowns everywhere. That party has gotten crazy physically and verbally since he was elected. I think the left’s temper tantrum of stomping their feet till they get their way is over. They’ve miscalculated how their crying in hysteria would be viewed by the America voters. It will be very obvious come Nov 2020.
And this is why this guy, with ZERO experience in oil & gas production, was given all that money.
They were buying access.
And they got it.
This sort of corruption and cronyism has been going on in DC for a long time, on both sides. It's one BIG reason these people hate Trump so much -- he is rocking their world and they want him gone.

More - The Secretary of State at this time was John Kerry.
His former Senate chief of staff, David Leiter started lobbying for Burisma on May 20, 2014, about a week after Hunter Biden announced he was joining the Burisma board.

Ukrainian Employer of Joe Biden’s Son Hires a D.C. Lobbyist
More - another of the emails produced via the FOIA request shows Hunter Biden's business partner and fellow Burisma board member Devon Archer was set to meet with the Secretary of State himself, John Kerry, on March 2, 2016. This was one week after the email mentioning Hunter (see above). the Burisma payments to Hunter got results.

More - another of the emails produced via the FOIA request shows Hunter Biden's business partner and fellow Burisma board member Devon Archer was set to meet with the Secretary of State himself, John Kerry, on March 2, 2016. This was one week after the email mentioning Hunter (see above). the Burisma payments to Hunter got results.


when the truth is so powerful that it ***** slaps the left across the face. Their best move is to not even try to defend it. They just disappear like coach roaches that run for the cracks when the Raid spray is brought out.
I think the Dems are surprised that outside Mitt Romney, all the Republicans are cool with outrageous behavior by Donald Trump.

I'd add saddened and disgusted. It would be like Republicans in the 70's defending Nixon by claiming he was innocent because Tricky Dick didn't break into Watergate personally.
Why is it okay for Biden’s son to take millions from China and Ukraine, but its an impeachable event for President Trump to even ask about it?

Another example of things being backwards with half the country.
I think the Dems are surprised that outside Mitt Romney, all the Republicans are cool with outrageous behavior by Donald Trump.

I don't have a problem with Trump getting Ukraine to investigate Biden for corruption. I think there is a shitton load of evidence of corruption that warrants the investigation. It's a shame that the government is so corrupt that whether or not you are investigated depends on your political party. Are you cool with Biden using the US Government to get his son jobs on the board of Amtrak and the Ukraine and China companies? He was totally unqualified for all of the above and was a known drug addict.

Take the beam out of your eye before you tell me to take the spec out of mine.
Yeppers Republicans for sure are cool with the "outrageous"behaviorfrom Trump that has given us the lowest unemployment in 50 years among all groups including Blacks Asians Veterans and Hispanics
The outrageous behavior that has resulted in over 5million jobs added, Over 500k manufacturing jobs, the ones that were never comin back.
SO cool with median income highest level recorded, gap between income levels closing ,lowered income taxes for nearly all people who pay income taxes.
Then there is our energy segment, US is exporting NG for first time. Think those jobs are minimum wage??
Yea We Pubs think it is cool that Trump was so outrageous he got NATO partners to pay BILLIONS more to NATO than they were.Reached agreements that will have US exporting more to EU. Companies like Apple Chrysler Exxon Soft Bank etc etc have reinvested BILLIONS in USA.

SOO Outrageous that the stock market is at record highs and people's 401ks and retirement are at highs. He bolstered funds to Opportunity Zones helping small businesses in minority areas.
How Outrageous is Trump to get better trade deals with countries that have taken advantage of Americans for decades, USMCA is only one?

I could go on and on.
Yes it is safe to say we are cool with the outrageous behavior of Trump that has resulted in better lives for Americans.

And it only took selling the environment (see: EPA rule changes) and your grandchildren's future (see: National debt) to do it.

Trump has done some good things but many of his policies are shortsighted and someone will have to pick up the pieces after he exits. Sterilizing the White House will be the easiest of changes that will need to occur.
I'm not cool with Hillary's email private server... I am not cool with Joe Biden/Hunter Biden collecting patronage (if that's what it was) and I'm not cool with
Donald Trump demanding political favors in return for releasing appropriated funds. I guess I just want the people's servants to look out for the United States before they look out for themselves and their families.
Why is it okay for Biden’s son to take millions from China and Ukraine, but its an impeachable event for President Trump to even ask about it?

Another example of things being backwards with half the country.

It's unethical. Of course applying ethics selectively makes one a hypocrite and opens said person up to abuse of power allegations, especially when said person is the POTUS.

Donald Trump demanding political favors in return for releasing appropriated funds. I guess I just want the people's servants to look out for the United States before they look out for themselves and their families.

Do you have proof this happened or are you just listening to MSM talking points?
We are paying 535 Members of Congress millions to do nothing.

We pay President Trump nothing to do everything.

Let that sink in.

The Liberal response is that Trump is using his position to enrich himself through his world-wide enterprises.
Donald Trump demanding political favors in return for releasing appropriated funds. I guess I just want the people's servants to look out for the United States before they look out for themselves and their families.

I’m guessing you didn’t read or hear the transcript. He never demanded anything. The Ukrainian leader said he didn’t even know the funds were delayed until the media mentioned it after the meeting and he never felt threatened. But I guess you know more about what he was thinking than he did.
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The Liberal response is that Trump is using his position to enrich himself through his world-wide enterprises.

NBC News reported on Nov 3rd, 2018 that Trump has lost around $1Billion in personal wealth since announcing his Presidency. I’d say he’s doing this for the love of his country. It sure isn’t to enrich himself. :usa:
The Liberal response is that Trump is using his position to enrich himself through his world-wide enterprises.

I'd add that >$150M has been spent on his weekend getaways to his properties in <3 years in office. He's not saving the taxpayers any money compared to his predecessors. Like much of the Trump narrative, it's just the opposite.
I'd add that >$150M has been spent on his weekend getaways to his properties in <3 years in office. He's not saving the taxpayers any money compared to his predecessors. Like much of the Trump narrative, it's just the opposite.

Dude, the money he saved from shrinking the government more than makes up for any trips.
Dude, the money he saved from shrinking the government more than makes up for any trips.

Umm...the Federal budget and National debt are demonstrably worse than when he took office. The fact I'm saying this during a prosperous economy is a travesty. Let's talk more about how he "saved" America money though.
Umm...the Federal budget and National debt are demonstrably worse than when he took office. The fact I'm saying this during a prosperous economy is a travesty. Let's talk more about how he "saved" America money though.

The last two presidents doubled the national debt. Let's not talk like Trump is the one that created this situation. Many of Obama's years were worse than Trump's. Yes, there's a lot of debt during a prosperous time but Obama wasn't exactly an austerity president.
The last two presidents doubled the national debt. Let's not talk like Trump is the one that created this situation. Many of Obama's years were worse than Trump's. Yes, there's a lot of debt during a prosperous time but Obama wasn't exactly an austerity president.

But you just made the claim that Trump "saved" us taxpayers money. This isn't supported by our debt or budget imbalance. Trump's financial transgressions are not forgiven by his predecessors, especially when he's worse by any logical analysis.
But you just made the claim that Trump "saved" us taxpayers money. This isn't supported by our debt or budget imbalance. Trump's financial transgressions are not forgiven by his predecessors, especially when he's worse by any logical analysis.

He's not worse by any logical analysis. If he ends up worse than Obama then you can talk. Saying he's worse after only a couple of years is just laughable.
.. and I'm not cool with Donald Trump demanding political favors in return for releasing appropriated funds. ..

Think about what they were each asking --
The Bidens - make us rich
The Clintons - we need more money
Trump - I am asking that you cooperate with the DOJ investigation into corruption
Hint: One is not like the other two
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when the truth is so powerful that it ***** slaps the left across the face. Their best move is to not even try to defend it. They just disappear like coach roaches that run for the cracks when the Raid spray is brought out.

I think one of their motivations was to get in front of details of all the Dem ties with Ukraine, which they knew the elevation of Biden in the race would bring to the surface

Plus they know their base doesnt care if its true, just say "hey look over there, orangeman bad"

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