
Did everyone also know that Nancy Pelosi’s son was also an Exec for a Gas Co that also did a lot of business in Ukraine?

Ukrainians are all over the Dem Party. I guess since Obama/Clinton/Soros engineered the coup there, they feel obligated to the Dems? And, of course, they are motivated to get what help they can from anyone in DC to ward off the Russian Bear.

But I am sure CNN and MSNBC will be picking up the Pelosi/Ukraine connection any time now and running with it
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I hadn't when you posted. I've since read them. It's hard to say for sure what Giuliani knew, because of how murky and weird his role is, but I don't think it's unreasonable to presume that he did. However, two things that are absent in the exchanges. First, I don't see a mention of Joe or Hunter Biden. Second, I see an explicit rejection of tying the funding to the investigations. Could that be BS? Sure, but we need a piece of evidence to make that leap.

Here's what this can't become. The case can't be "Trump should be impeached because he wanted the Ukraine to help investigate Ukrainian involvement in 2016." We spent 2 years investigating the hell out of Russian involvement and entertained all kinds of conspiracy theories, most of which ended up being wrong, out of context, or wildly exaggerated. There's enough of a case to warrant at least looking into the Ukrainian angle. If that's where Schiff is going, this isn't going to fly.

Previously in the thread you stated there was no quid pro quo from Trump. Though Sondland tries to distance himself from the perception of any quid pro qui its clear that Taylor thinks thats what's being put to Ukraine and Zelensky. Any comment?

Did you also catch that Trump told GOP leadership he called at the urging of Perry regarding an LNG Plant? Yeah...that's a new excuse too as that topic was never mentioned in the Zelensky call.

Now lets move to Trump's public Twitter requests to Ukraine and China to investigate Biden. Just because he makes public what was previously private does not mean its acceptable. As Romney sated it's "appalling" and certainly not a "joke" or "media troll" as Rubio laughably suggested. It's abuse of power in plain sight and cannot be separated from other initiatives with these countries, like China trade negotiations.
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The smell of liberal desperation is in the air. :lmao:

Yeah, that's why your POTUS has tweeted "********" and "pompous ***" in the last 3 days. Like many things in bizarro world, not sure the perception of "desperation" is correct. Up is not down.
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Yeah, that's why your POTUS has tweeted "********" and "pompous ***" in the last 3 days. Like many things in bizarro world, no sure the perception of "desperation" is correct. Up is not down.

Watching the dems grasp for straws has been entertaining. How many whistleblowers are going to come out of nowhere?
Once CNN/MSNBC get through discussing Pelosi's sons activities in Ukraine, no doubt they will hop to this story next

Maybe we should go back and impeach W too?
Anyone have a spare DeLorean laying around?
Pretty sure this is Jerry's booth
Did everyone also know that Nancy Pelosi’s son was also an Exec for a Gas Co that also did a lot of business in Ukraine?...

So you already know about Biden's son and Ukraine

And now you know about Pelosi's son and Ukraine

But wait, that's not all ....

Did you know that Kerry’s son/stepson also sits on the board of directors of an energy company doing business in Ukraine?

And did you know that Romney's son also sits on the board of directors of an energy company doing business in Ukraine?

More than coincidence?
Small world?
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Transcript? I'm never giving Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham, Maddow or any other POS opinion shock-host clicks that result in $ for them.
While I actually understand your sentiment, it does explain your total liberal view of everything. I listen and watch liberal shows every day. Try getting a different viewpoint every once in a while. It might result in a more balanced view.
So you already know about Biden's son and Ukraine

And now you know about Pelosi's son and Ukraine

But wait, that's not all ....

Did you know that Kerry’s son also sits on the board of directors of an energy company doing business in Ukraine?

And did you know that Romney's son also sits on the board of directors of an energy company doing business in Ukraine?

More than coincidence?
Small world?
Actually Kerry ‘s stepson. Nothing to see here though.
Can’t wait for the next democrat debate. If Pocahauntas doesn’t expose both Biden and Trump, she is an idiot. Oh wait, rhetorical.
Can’t wait for the next democrat debate. If Pocahauntas doesn’t expose both Biden and Trump, she is an idiot. Oh wait, rhetorical.

I wrote about that in the election thread -- about how they will handle it.
Will they just ignore it? How could you, if you thought you had a chance to win?
I’m sure the strategy is being discussed about being a “good” democrat versus winning. I expect Pocahontas to come out guns blazing as well as Harris. Everyone else will be jockeying for VP slot.

If Pocahontas doesn’t, she is done. No way she can sell against greed with the deal Hunter 30330 got.
Sorry, dude. Not buying that. I'm gonna need some evidence to corroborate that

But Guiliani said it so it must be true.

Actually, based on the texts I think Sonland was in the bag for Trump. I also suspect Volker is feeling pretty guilty that he allowed himself to be pulled into this mess. If you consider Volker to be State Dept we know he was introducing Guiliani around. Volker was an unpaid "Special Envoy". Not sure the mechanism for special envoys to interact with the State Dept.
While I actually understand your sentiment, it does explain your total liberal view of everything. I listen and watch liberal shows every day. Try getting a different viewpoint every once in a while. It might result in a more balanced view.

I stay away from the purely partisan views. They are as predictable as rain in Seattle. I enjoy Chris Wallace on Sunday Mornings for a more moderated Conservative view.

Listening to propaganda, whether spouted by Tucker Carlson or Rachel Maddow doesn't educate anyone because they are chalk full of half truths, innuendos and outright lies. That's not "perspective" but emotionally delivered propaganda.
Yeah...Elizabeth Warren MUST be in the bag if she doesn't use Republican conspiracy theories to attack Biden.

I'll admit there isn't any smoking gun in the Biden case and it could backfire on the republicans. However, there is more evidence against Biden than any of this garbage the MSM is putting into your head over Ukraine.

This is so much bigger than Biden as Joe pointed out. If you can watch this Swamp watch segment and still be a Democrat then you are the same person that will over look your wife cheating because she is “family”........ but she’s cheating everyday in the case of the money tree of the gas and oil in Ukraine for the Dems. Again they are cheating the American People and poster’s here like Longest Horn and SH look the other way. I’m sure neither of those two will be able to stomach the truth in this clip of just how deep this goes. If they would watch it (I predict they won’t) they would actually learn what’s really going on in the deep Swamp.
...I expect Pocahontas to come out guns blazing as well as Harris. Everyone else will be jockeying for VP slot...

Has she spoken out about this yet?
My guess she is trying to figure away to thread the needle. She is going to make some of her own people angry no matter which path she chooses, and she knows it. If we could bet on this, I would bet she messes it up. Her natural instincts are pretty poor.

This is so much bigger than Biden as Joe pointed out. If you can watch this Swamp watch segment and still be a Democrat then you are the same person that will over look your wife cheating because she is “family”........ but she’s cheating everyday in the case of the money tree of the gas and oil in Ukraine for the Dems. Again they are cheating the American People and poster’s here like Longest Horn and SH look the other way. I’m sure neither of those two will be able to stomach the truth in this clip of just how deep this goes. If they would watch it (I predict they won’t) they would actually learn what’s really going on in the deep Swamp.

Funny and sad at the same time
Warren's threat to end fracking on day 1 won't play well in swing state Pennsylvania. Her anti-business tirades are causing Wall Street some sleepless nights too. Even uber liberal Facebook is said to be War Gaming a Warren Presidency. I think she's very beatable. I hope she gets the nomination.
Warren's threat to end fracking on day 1 won't play well in swing state Pennsylvania. Her anti-business tirades are causing Wall Street some sleepless nights too. Even uber liberal Facebook is said to be War Gaming a Warren Presidency. I think she's very beatable. I hope she gets the nomination.
Will be interesting to see if her flip-flop on reasons for why she got canned as a teacher early in her career come back to haunt...several years ago, she claimed it was due to a lack of credits but more recently, she is at multiple events claiming it was because she was "visibly pregnant." I guess the Indian stuff isn't all that is Faux about her...

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