Dumb Political Correctness

Except that unlicensed driver OFTEN runs concurrently with the uninsured driver...and those are drivers we cannot afford to have on the road in their crapboxes that are also likely not registered and inspected.

Don't forget DWI. It's part of the combination - uninsured, unlicensed, and drunk. As someone who handled tons of auto cases in Austin, I can assure you that these three characteristics frequently go together.
Uninsured, unlicensed, drunk and illegally in the country.

After a few years of noticing that a ridiculous number of my DWI defendants were Hispanic and almost all illegal, I asked my secretary (who was from Mexico) what that was about. (And keep in mind that I was a greedy civil lawyer, so these are the cases in which there actually was insurance. I'm sure the numbers are much worse if you add uninsured cases.)

She told me that it was a cultural thing. There are certain "bad acts" that Mexicans just don't judge anywhere near as harshly. DWI is one of them, and having sex with underage girls is another. They'd never condone that sort of thing and wouldn't say it was ok, but they mostly don't get outraged by it. She said that to many of them, it's like toilet papering a house. It's not ok, but they sorta shrug and laugh it off.
She would not stipulate that soap and toothbrushes were required in order for the facilities to be consider safe and sanitary, which the law requires. Frankly, if the conditions are this bad, that is a legitimate concern and point of criticism

Purdy sure they didn't use soap or toothbrushes all the way from their Third World countries to here and probably didn't use them much back home. We need to learn to respect their stinky personal habits and not force the white man's hygiene on them.
Purdy sure they didn't use soap or toothbrushes all the way from their Third World countries to here and probably didn't use them much back home. We need to learn to respect their stinky personal habits and not force the white man's hygiene on them.

That's funny, but the law requires us to.
Come on
Does anyone think the BP , OR the private facility paid to house illegals deliberately denied anyone basic care?
If the facility is set up for 100 adults and suddenly gets over 500 kids anyone with 1/4 a brain can understand supplies would run out.
This happened under Obama.Only idiots blame Trump.
Plus the DOJ lady never said we should not supply that stuff.
Come on
Does anyone think the BP , OR the private facility paid to house illegals deliberately denied anyone basic care?
If the facility is set up for 100 adults and suddenly gets over 500 kids anyone with 1/4 a brain can understand supplies would run out.
This happened under Obama.Only idiots blame Trump.
Plus the DOJ lady never said we should not supply that stuff.

I hear you. The problem is that the law doesn't require us to maintain appropriate conditions of funding and capacity allows. It requires us to maintain them period. That's why the attorney isn't going to acknowledge what the judges are asking her to acknowledge. She'd effectively be admitting liability and fault.

The bottom line is that we either need to change the facilities or change the law. I'd probably do a combination of both.
Exactly.If a facility gets overwhelmed it is difficult to catch up.
Do Trump Haters think the facilities are not trying to get supplies etc as quickly as possible?
Do Trump Haters think the people trying to take care pf these illegals just let the situation go on and said Oh well we are not required to get soap for the kids?

I do NOT want more detention facilities. I want Mexico to detain illegals there
Do Trump Haters think the facilities are not trying to get supplies etc as quickly as possible?
Do Trump Haters think the people trying to take care pf these illegals just let the situation go on and said Oh well we are not required to get soap for the kids?

Some Trump-haters believe it, and some don't. There are two groups of Trump-haters. The first group is stupid people. The media tells them or implies that it's all Trump's fault that the kids are suffering, and they believe it. They don't know or simply don't accept that the media has an agenda, so they take what they're told at face value.

The second group of Trump-haters know what the truth is but are OK with the fraudulent narrative, because it hurts Trump.

I do NOT want more detention facilities. I want Mexico to detain illegals there

With what all is happening, we should probably prepare for both.
Common sense advice to the wise weaker kids: if you don't want to get mauled, don't pick up the ball.

We call it "Pick it up and kill 'em" in the neighborhood. We'd have up to a 4-6 grade difference in players. For the kids that stood off to the side avoiding catching the ball thrown into the air we'd lob it right to them. Played this a lot in Nebraska when I was younger and I was always one of the younger players. My sons (2 in college, 1 a Jr in HS) have never played this game, I suspect.
There are two groups of Trump-haters. The first group is stupid people. The media tells them or implies that it's all Trump's fault that the kids are suffering, and they believe it. They don't know or simply don't accept that the media has an agenda, so they take what they're told at face value.

The second group of Trump-haters know what the truth is but are OK with the fraudulent narrative, because it hurts Trump.


You know that's not true, but here you are, spouting it off so matter of fact. That makes you both a coward and a liar, Mr. Deez.

You know that's not true, but here you are, spouting it off so matter of fact. That makes you both a coward and a liar, Mr. Deez.

It's not true? Show me how I'm wrong. I'm open to changing my mind. I didn't even vote for Trump and freely criticize him. Show me the actual change in policy to diminish conditions - not a change in policy to detain rather than release but an actual change in policy to worsen conditions. Who ordered that?

Now me the legislation that Congress has passed to improve and find improvements in conditions that Trump has vetoed. If you can do either one or both of those things, then yes, I'm wrong.
"not a change in policy to detain" is your win. Well played.

No, it's not "my win," and I'm not playing a game here. I'm not a Trump shill, and when he's full of **** (which definitely happens just not as often as his critics claim, which is 100 percent of the time) I call him on it. However, like him or not, he was elected to enforce the laws of the United States, particularly the immigration laws that both parties (to varying degrees) had neglected to enforce.

By the way, as much flack as the Democrats get for the catch and release policy (which has nothing to do with conditions at detention centers), they aren't worse than the GOP has been. In fact, Obama was probably slightly better than George W. Bush on illegal immigration, but that isn't saying much. Neither party has any credibility on the issue, which is part of the reason why the criticisms coming from Democrats are silly. Like the GOP, they have no credibility. It's like Larry Flynt complaining that Game of Thrones has too much sex and nudity in it.
This is for Deez, a huge fan of Farrah (not!) on the 10th anniversary of her death.

Not the best facial expression. She didn't look like she was too pleased the picture was being taken. But, it might be the sexiest shot I've seen.

This is for Deez, a huge fan of Farrah (not!) on the 10th anniversary of her death.

Not the best facial expression. She didn't look like she was too pleased the picture was being taken. But, it might be the sexiest shot I've seen.


Dionysus needs to add a "mediocre" rating for posts.
That pic is much better. My good friend in Corpus Christi was a cousin with Farrah, I didn’t get to meet her though. Don’t know what I would do with a cousin looking like that, might have gone U of Arkansas.
It seems like every few months, a thread gets hijacked by Farrah Fawcett.
I think the attraction is that Farrah was very approachable as a person. Everyone who has met her said that. Thus, all the old timers here sincerely believe that it was in the realm of possibility of having a shot at her. Incidentally, my 9th grade science teacher was from Corpus and apparently taught her in HS (she had the yearbook to prove it). Seems like everyone has a story. It helps that Farrah was apparently a rare bird in terms of looks and personality. I think you are downplaying the latter when judging her appeal.
I think the attraction is that Farrah was very approachable as a person. Everyone who has met her said that. Thus, all the old timers here sincerely believe that it was in the realm of possibility of having a shot at her. Incidentally, my 9th grade science teacher was from Corpus and apparently taught her in HS (she had the yearbook to prove it). Seems like everyone has a story. It helps that Farrah was apparently a rare bird in terms of looks and personality. I think you are downplaying the latter when judging her appeal.

Everything you're saying may be true, but I didn't know her. So all I see is a mediocre actress from the 70s with overrated looks - Eric Estrada as a chick.
I read in Texas Monthly a long time ago that the sorority she was in had a function every year to introduce the new gals to fraternity members. It sounded like each girl had a receiving line and the guys would introduced themselves. Farrah's line was reportedly longer than that of Avengers Endgame on the first day.

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