Dumb Political Correctness

If some crackpot church wants to host a drag queen story hour, there isn't much we can do about it. It's a public library, and I don't want public libraries picking and choosing based on content or view. Cities like Leander might kick the drag queens and freak shows out, but cities like Austin will kick Christian groups out by labeling them "hate groups.".
I'd rather keep things open and neutral.

What's really disturbing is the willingness of some parents to bring their kids to these freak shows. You can't keep kids from seeing weirdness forever. There is enough of it out there (especially now) that they will come across it eventually. However, the interest of some parents in celebrating it and intentionally destroying their kids' innocence and appropriate inhibitions so early is extremely messed up. If your kid is young enough to go to a library story hour, this garbage shouldn't be on the menu for the same reason that nudity and violence shouldn't be on the menu in the movies they watch.
This entire post is one gigantic winner.
I don't want public libraries picking and choosing based on content or view.

Agree. The important thing that doesn't seem to be happening enough is that schools and parents should teach more critical thinking and learning how to question the source and the information presented. Of course, this runs counter to the quasi-authoritarian mindset of many school systems, and many don't want the "party line" questioned--be it right, left, center, or whatever.

So, people (including kids of an appropriate age) should be able to get a copy of, and read, Chairman Mao's Little Red Book, Mein Kampf, the Protocols, Howard Zinn's writings, Mississippi's Declaration of the Causes of Secession, or other such "dangerous and subversive" drivel. After learning how to distinguish fact from opinion, question the source(s), challenge the author, and think critically, exposure to such drivel would not be indoctrination, but rather an important educational exercise.
Like with everything Communists do, if you add an adjective like Progressive or Social in front of a normal noun like Church or Justice, the combination means the 180 degree opposite of the original meaning.
AOC, Elizabeth Warren, and Crazy Bernie are backing Tiffany Caban for Queens, NY DA, which probably means she will win.

Caban's platform includes: ending prosecutions for unlicensed driving, prostitution and recreational drug use among many other things.

In fact, about the only people she will prosecute are federal immigration agents “who exceed their authority and endanger our communities.”

Wow, sounds like we're approaching John Carpenter's vision of NYC in "Escape From New York". Only problem is the Dems probably won't vote to fund the wall around NYC that we're going to need.
Caban's platform includes: ending prosecutions for unlicensed driving, prostitution and recreational drug use among many other things.

In fact, about the only people she will prosecute are federal immigration agents “who exceed their authority and endanger our communities.”

I think the pendulum is swinging and it isn't all bad. Those in authority need more accountability and normal people need to be left alone. Unlicensed driving to me isn't a huge issue as long as its a citizen and they haven't demonstrated bad behavior. Let's give the little guy a break for a change.
I think the pendulum is swinging and it isn't all bad. Those in authority need more accountability and normal people need to be left alone. Unlicensed driving to me isn't a huge issue as long as its a citizen and they haven't demonstrated bad behavior. Let's give the little guy a break for a change.

It isn't all bad. The problem is that when you go lax on the little stuff, you sometimes get an uptick in the bigger stuff and get more flagrant and open flaunting of the little stuff. For example, she is going to stop prosecuting prostitution offenses. If it's your neighborhood, do you really want streetwalkers roaming the area with no fear of getting caught? I don't. Furthermore, if you want racial "justice" to be a major factor in how you prosecute crime, you're sure to see a lot of injustice including on big stuff.

Also, unlicensed driving isn't a huge issue, except that it almost always goes with uninsured driving, which is a huge issue. I'll bet she won't prosecute that very much either because of the ethnicity and immigration status that so often goes with it. If you don't prosecute that, then everybody else has to buy uninsured motorist coverage. She's going to be a fan of that, because it effectively means that wealthier (white) people are forced to buy car insurance for poorer (black, Latino, and illegal immigrant) drivers.
How hot are these streetwalkers?

Most streetwalkers I've seen are nasty skanks. Even Garmel would stay away from them.

And that crap influences kids. Two years ago, we visited some friends in Rota, Spain, and they took us to the beach. Everything was fine, but two chicks showed up and took their tops off. Deez, Jr. (who had just turned 3) was with us. I tried to play it off and hope he didn't see them, but he clearly did before we could move down the beach a little. (Of course, I saw them too, but I had to pretend not to look.) Later that night, we were hanging out by our friends' pool, and their neighbors came over. One of them was a very busty (but not wearing anything particularly revealing) woman who was about 40, and she took a liking to Deez, Jr., and he was sitting on her lap. Out of nowhere, he pulled her shirt up, pointed to her "ample bosoms," and yelled, "what's that?!? What's that's?!?" It was innocent. He was very little at the time, and the woman wasn't angry. However, would he have done that had he not seen some topless chicks just a few hours earlier? Probably not.

The point is that this stuff gets in our heads and in our kids' heads. Personally, I don't think incidentally seeing a boob is a huge deal, but would I want to have to explain hookers doing business on the street? No.
Jussie Smollett nominated for the 2019 NAACP Image Awards
Why not a Nobel?
Jussie Smollett is nominated for an NAACP Award, and host Anthony Anderson hopes he wins

So it sounds like a Cook County Circuit Court Judge has ordered a Special Prosecutor in the Smollett matter --

"A judge ruled Friday that a special prosecutor needs to investigate Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx’s handling of the Jussie Smollett case and that the “Empire” actor should be re-examined for possible criminal charges."

Not sure if anyone in that state can be trusted to be honest, thorough, to follow the law and be above politics, but there you go

Special prosecutor to probe Jussie Smollett case
According to Rush, Pelosi and Schumer were high-fiving and dancing on the WH lawn after the briefing in which Trump told them about the plans to attack those three sites. If true, what does that say about the Dems?

If she treats her children this way, the State will take her children away to protect them from her. When Trump does it to children, it is “good government policy”, not child abuse.

If she treats her children this way, the State will take her children away to protect them from her. When Trump does it to children, it is “good government policy”, not child abuse.

There are issues in the detention centers due to overcrowding. Remember when Trump and the border patrol said there was a crisis at the border and you stupidly laughed at them because the MSM said that there wasn't a crisis? There is a crisis.
I missed the part where she said they did not need soap etc.

She would not stipulate that soap and toothbrushes were required in order for the facilities to be consider safe and sanitary, which the law requires. Frankly, if the conditions are this bad, that is a legitimate concern and point of criticism.

The problem I see from the Democrats is that this criticism is made in bad faith. They should be pushing to improve the facilities and funding them if that's the real concern. I could be wrong, but I'm not seeing much of a push for that. What I'm mostly seeing is a push for not detaining them at all - essentially "let them in now, ask questions later, and hope they show up" - since that's working out so well in Europe.
So this is from conditions in 2017. Pretty sure Trump was not POTUS then.So these conditions are from Obama's policies.

This is what the DOJ off.said
"To me it’s more like it’s within everybody’s common understanding: If you don’t have a toothbrush, if you don’t have soap, if you don’t have a blanket, it’s not safe and sanitary,” Senior U.S. Circuit Judge A. Wallace Tashima told Justice Department lawyer Sarah Fabian. “Wouldn’t everybody agree to that? Would you agree to that?”

Fabian said she thought it was fair to say “those things may be” part of the definition of safe and sanitary."

BTW Fabian is NOT a Trump appointee. She has been with the DOJ before Trump became POTUS and has been involved in immigration cases long before Trump
Why a Government Lawyer Argued Against Giving Immigrant Kids Toothbrushes

To Mr. Deez's point, this has been an issue through a few Presidents, but we have not had to contend with the enormous numbers of people. Or, the media's pure hatred of Trump. And, I'm no lawyer, but it seems it would take some work to change the law, and I haven't seen or heard any Dem starting an effort to do so.
No one would believe this happened under the mighty Obama, but it did.
What I don't understand is the 24 hour lights. Is that to keep any sexual assaults from happening?

Also, if I am going on a trip, I pack my own toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and extra clothes. As a nation, we have 17 out of 10,000 citizens that are homeless. We've had several national disasters like hurricanes and fires that have devastated entire communities.
Where do we put our money?
I don't know the answer, but this is a major cluster.
My church sent some vans to Larado and McAllen with what we called "hygiene" bags, that contained all of the above plus plastic razors. With all the people coming, it's but a drop in the bucket though.
I sure don't hear any Democrats coming up with realistic solutions, however. These kids are political pawns.
Haven't Democrats in the Congress voted against increasing the resources available to take care of people on the border several times?

I do know at the start of all this Ted Cruz wrote a bill to devote more resources to the border to improve the situation for law enforcement AND to take care of the immigrants. It didn't go any where though. Nobody would vote for it. But Ted is so unlikable. Keep thinking that.
To Mr. Deez's point, this has been an issue through a few Presidents, but we have not had to contend with the enormous numbers of people.

You are correct. This isn't a new phenomenon. The problem has been aggravated by the numbers, but it has existed for years. So it is an area where bipartisan cooperation should be able to work out a solution. However, Democrats have figured out (with a lot of media help) how to leverage it against Trump by largely ignoring its history which gives the illusion that he created the problem (a falsehood that is seldom corrected) and then using it to inject a Sally Struthers-type appeal into the 2020 election. If you want to save the children, vote against Trump.
This article and others like it is why I read The Atlantic despite it's leftism. The most interesting point is near the bottom of the article. Democrats who go to college and follow the news are actually dumber about Republicans and their views than those who don't. And it isn't a lack knowledge. It is affirmatively believing something that is wrong. They know something that isn't so.
Has Trump reduced some of the services which detainees have access to? In other words, has life in the detention center become worse or much worse? That is what my liberal friends say, but I am not as knowledgeable.
Good Question.
No the Trump admin has not as a policy reduced services.What has happened is the huge hordes who are overwhelming our BP and detention centers.The private companies are over crowded.
Of course Dems won't accept reality as long as they can use this against Trump
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I think the pendulum is swinging and it isn't all bad. Those in authority need more accountability and normal people need to be left alone. Unlicensed driving to me isn't a huge issue as long as its a citizen and they haven't demonstrated bad behavior. Let's give the little guy a break for a change.
Except that unlicensed driver OFTEN runs concurrently with the uninsured driver...and those are drivers we cannot afford to have on the road in their crapboxes that are also likely not registered and inspected.

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