Dumb Political Correctness

The lurking leftists will probably like this. For all the good Reagan did, a major mistake his admin made was to shut down/defund mental health institutions, not involuntarily commit truly crazy people, and empty out the asylums of seriously mentally ill people and dump them on the streets.

Adequate funding of mental institutions, and commitment where justified (with due process afforded) would be expensive, but would go a long ways towards alleviating the mentally ill segment of bums pooping on the streets.
Someone inside the DNC told them what word to use and they dutifully all used the word they were told to use
Never fails
click once to enlarge
So if you run the numbers, somebody takes a dump on the ground 77 times per day in San Francisco. And that's just what gets reported. I'll bet that far more often, nobody says or does anything about it. If you make yourself a bum magnet, you're going to get this sort of crap.
That's a crappy pun. :yes:
Don’t tell any Californians or New Yorkers, but my Williamson County TENNESSEE property taxes are nearly 1/3 lower than my Harris County TX taxes for a much more expensive home. All this with no state income tax and the state runs in the black with a substantial surplus.
I think Texas Governor Abbott should take a road trip to CA to spread the word about what a wonderful business climate there is in Tennessee.
I couldn't afford to live in West Lake if I made double my salary.
The house I had out there was basic mid-70's two-story construction sitting on a little more than a third of an acre...I was paying about $1500 a month. Two houses down was the actual dividing line to be IN West Lake Hills. There are deals to be had...remember, the key is the unincorporated part of Travis County element ;)

In short, that small pocket will likely never be taken by WLH or even the City of Austin given the fact that the geography makes connecting to sewer systems very cost-prohibitive. As such, you get a nice little 78746 ZIP code (and politics) but without the city taxes :)
I lived in Paris for a little while and one of the first sentences in our guidebook was "someone steps in dog poo in Paris every 133 steps." Paris is for dog lovers as San Fran is for feral human lovers. In Paris, the dogs at least had the excuse of not much grass anywhere.

The City did have a unique pooper-scooper motorcycle with a long elephant trunk vacuum cleaner that would let the poo-technician reach between parked cars from the street to the sidewalk. Never seen them in operation anywhere else but San Fran needs some form of these for its human poopulation. While it might seem like a good opportunity to employ some of these vagrant squatters, being NoCal, the jobs will likely go to drones/robots instead.

One from my era

The new ones look like vespas
Not a bad idea to try in SF with all the human feces in the streets. Just make sure they don't give or sell the vacuum contents to local 'organic' urban farms or gardeners.

I think the 1970s T.V show below would be a lot different these days. Although Mr. Douglas' suit and tie appear to be the right color for an updated version.
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Yeah, better watch where you step Gordon Gecko.

The Streets of San Francisco Are Covered in Human ****
Poop on Mission Street. Poop between cars. Poop in the alley. Poop in the Tenderloin. Poop in the escalator—so much poop that the escalator breaks down under the strain of all that poop. Everywhere you look, San Francisco residents are saying, there is poop, poop, poop.
Counterpoint: it's a little funny. There's a nice poetic justice to the gilded paradise of new-money tech-dudes teeming with the inescapable waste of people left behind or displaced by the awful march of disruption. [There's also a nice poetic justice to the gleaming city on a hill of the far lunatic left being literally covered in human feces.]


I think I'll call it a day on this topic. I wouldn't want to stir up any sh!t (or should I say step in any sh!t) or anything like that...
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Yeah, better watch where you step Gordon Gecko.

The Streets of San Francisco Are Covered in Human ****
Poop on Mission Street. Poop between cars. Poop in the alley. Poop in the Tenderloin. Poop in the escalator—so much poop that the escalator breaks down under the strain of all that poop. Everywhere you look, San Francisco residents are saying, there is poop, poop, poop.
Counterpoint: it's a little funny. There's a nice poetic justice to the gilded paradise of new-money tech-dudes teeming with the inescapable waste of people left behind or displaced by the awful march of disruption. [There's also a nice poetic justice to the gleaming city on a hill of the far lunatic left being literally covered in human feces.]


I think I'll call it a day on this topic. I wouldn't want to stir up any sh!t (or should I say step in any sh!t) or anything like that...

Escalators break down from all the poop!! WTH! If the escalators are running at the time, that's some fast and potentially dangerous pooping.

Hope they're sending in Hazmat crews to clean it up. It's not like some of these folks don't have exotic diseases or anything.

I used to work in downtown San Antonio. At that time, they'd close off some city streets and set up the carnival there during Fiesta. Walking from the parking lot to the building I worked in was absolutely disgusting the morning after the carnival operated. It reeked of the urine and vomit of hundreds of drunks. But the topper was when one day the door I went in my building was blocked by a gigantic turd. If I opened the door and tried to step over it, it was going to make matters a lot worse, so I had to trudge around to the front door. I can't imagine having to work under those conditions every day.
And let's keep in mind that the SALT didn't go away. It was capped at $10K. There's an easy way to get around this problem. Stop taxing your citizenry so hard. Unless you're fairly wealthy, $10K per year is a hell of a lot to take from a family just in state and local taxes. No middle class family should be paying anything even close to that.

The party of "tax the rich more" sure ends up supporting a lot of taxes on lower and middle class working families.
The Left leaders are rich. They won't tax themselves no matter what they say. But they have gifts to give away so they have to tax the middle class.
Last year SI put a "plus size" model (i.e. fat chick) on the cover of the swimsuit issue. This year we get a burkini in the issue. I suppose next year will be a tranny.

I haven't read SI outside of a doctor's waiting room in 40 years. Now I wouldn't even want to ogle the Swimsuit edition on the news stand for free.

Last year SI put a "plus size" model (i.e. fat chick) on the cover of the swimsuit issue. This year we get a burkini in the issue. I suppose next year will be a tranny.

I haven't read SI outside of a doctor's waiting room in 40 years. Now I wouldn't even want to ogle the Swimsuit edition on the news stand for free.

What took them so long?
Last year SI put a "plus size" model (i.e. fat chick) on the cover of the swimsuit issue. This year we get a burkini in the issue. I suppose next year will be a tranny.

I haven't read SI outside of a doctor's waiting room in 40 years. Now I wouldn't even want to ogle the Swimsuit edition on the news stand for free.

Last year SI put a "plus size" model (i.e. fat chick) on the cover of the swimsuit issue.

It doesn't really mean "fat chick". It means "hot chick with a big rack who isn't particularly slender". It's the ultimate in having it both ways. They didn't change a damn thing. Before, they were making money by showing people pictures of gorgeous women who are wearing very little. Now, they get to still make money by showing people pictures of gorgeous women who are wearing very little, but also get to self-congratulate (and not in the usual way one self-congratulates involving SI and swimsuits) about how progressive and socially conscious they are - in a way that still puts them in the position of power deigning to reach down to someone below them, while continuing the facade of unrealistic definitions for female body sizes in ways that aren't good for women in general but are great for the men in the ivory towers.
Interestingly, the women and models considered "hot" in the 1940s and 1950s would be considered "fat" by the standards of today's Hollywood and Madison Ave. Think Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield, etc.

Personally, I prefer the classic beauty over the near-anorexic look promoted today.
Now that's a good idea for a cheap birth control option. So Sotomayor is more your type, huh?
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Interestingly, the women and models considered "hot" in the 1940s and 1950s would be considered "fat" by the standards of today's Hollywood and Madison Ave. Think Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield, etc.

Marilyn Monroe and Jane Mansfield were buxom for sure, but no way they approached Ashley Graham (the plus size SI swimsuit model) proportions.
Marilyn Monroe and Jane Mansfield were buxom for sure, but no way they approached Ashley Graham (the plus size SI swimsuit model) proportions.
Well, you'd probably have to go back to the Italian Renaissance painters, or at least the French Impressionists, for a time when truly fat women were held up as the ideal image of womanly beauty.

This is a matter of personal taste, but I find the Rubinesque types more attractive than the near anorexic types promoted by today's Hollywood and Madison Ave.
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