Dumb Political Correctness

People like this do not admit error and/or apologize
They just delete their tweets

So Jussie will be exonerated because the racial climate is so toxic, he was traumatized. He will be rehabilitated as temporarily insane and then go on a sob tour about the effects of racism.

"It's just this war and that lying son-of-a-***** Johnson!"
I suspect the only reason Twitter has not banned her yet is because they can't figure out if she/it/he/they is on their side or not. Once they do, she/it/he/they will be disappeared

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I feel like Marvel has been playing a long game, getting guys hooked on Avengers movies just so they can bring in fem-scolders like Brie Larson to make the experience miserable.

Deadlifting 225 is weak. For a man. She needs to pipe down.

I will watch Cpt. Marvel because I am a comic book geek but if their movies go totally left wing I'll quit watching them. So far they have actually had quite a libertarian message, whether or not that is on purpose.
So I've listened to and read some commentary on the Smollett story since he got shown to be a liar, and "mainstream" political commentators seem to fall into two camps. One camp is simply mystified and asks "why???" They ponder why anyone would make up such an incident, as though it isn't obvious. This is the easiest camp to be in, because you just shrug "who knows?," drop the story, and move on with your life.

The second camp digs in. It grudgingly admits that Smollett was lying but then pitches "the narrative is still true" bit. Vox has decided to go with this approach. Link. For S&Gs, I decided to read their article, and it's interesting to see their approach. They claim that hate crimes are "real" and "fairly widespread."

To support this, they first point to FBI statistics, but there's a problem. The FBI only reports 7,100 hate crimes per year. Well, if you consistently argue that illegal immigrant crime is no big deal as the Left generally does, you can't act like 7,100 crimes is a big deal. Hell, illegal immigrants almost surely commit more violent crimes than that just in Los Angeles (though we'll never know that for sure since it's politically incorrect to keep such statistics).

So they turn to Bureau of Justice Statistics, which say there are more like 250,000 per year. Why such an enormous disparity? Because it's not based on actual reported crimes but on surveys, so it's far more subjective. However, I noticed that the article doesn't discuss any trends, and it doesn't discuss who is actually committing the hate crimes. It just glosses all over that and focuses on the 250,000 figure and the fact that 48 percent of those involved race as the motivating factor. So I decided to click on the BJS report to which they cite, and I can see why they don't discuss that information. It undermines two big leftist narratives on hate crimes.

First, the 250,000 crimes per year figure is deceptive. That is the average number between 2004 and 2015. However, since a height of just under 294,000 in 2012, they were down to 208,000 in 2015 and had been falling since then. So the trend is down.

But of course, the Left would then redirect away from the BJS report because it stops in 2015, and Trump came after that. They'd pivot back to the FBI report from 2017. OK. Let's play that game. Surely hate crimes are spiking because of Trump. Well, the trend has been upward since 2014 - long before Trump. Here's another thing that's worth nothing. Though 2017 was an increase over the previous few years, there were more hate crimes in every year from 1996 - 2007 except 2005, when they were very slightly lower. In context, Trump isn't a driver of hate crimes. That narrative is ********.

Second, who's actually committing these hate crimes? Well, surely it's dominated by these neo-Nazi white conservatives roaming the country terrorizing blacks, right? That's the narrative most of the media puts forth. Well, maybe it's not that simple. 37.7 percent of hate crime offenders are white. 34.3 percent are black. Well, about 75 percent of the population is white, and about 13 percent of it is black. In other words, a black person is far, far more likely to commit a hate crime than a white person is. So instead of having these ridiculous discussions about why all these white conservatives are committing hate crimes, we should be asking why all these black liberal Democrats are roaming the country assaulting, murdering, and raping people for hateful reasons. I don't necessarily want that discussion, but it would be far more honest.

Frankly, this is the kind of issue that makes me want to return to the United States and get back into politics. The Right really sucks on this issue. They let every ******** narrative go unanswered. They don't know the stats, don't know the issue, and don't have the balls to engage. It's really pathetic.
So I've listened to and read some commentary on the Smollett story since he got shown to be a liar, and "mainstream" political commentators seem to fall into two camps. One camp is simply mystified and asks "why???" They ponder why anyone would make up such an incident, as though it isn't obvious. This is the easiest camp to be in, because you just shrug "who knows?," drop the story, and move on with your life.

The second camp digs in. It grudgingly admits that Smollett was lying but then pitches "the narrative is still true" bit. Vox has decided to go with this approach. Link. For S&Gs, I decided to read their article, and it's interesting to see their approach. They claim that hate crimes are "real" and "fairly widespread."

To support this, they first point to FBI statistics, but there's a problem. The FBI only reports 7,100 hate crimes per year. Well, if you consistently argue that illegal immigrant crime is no big deal as the Left generally does, you can't act like 7,100 crimes is a big deal. Hell, illegal immigrants almost surely commit more violent crimes than that just in Los Angeles (though we'll never know that for sure since it's politically incorrect to keep such statistics).

So they turn to Bureau of Justice Statistics, which say there are more like 250,000 per year. Why such an enormous disparity? Because it's not based on actual reported crimes but on surveys, so it's far more subjective. However, I noticed that the article doesn't discuss any trends, and it doesn't discuss who is actually committing the hate crimes. It just glosses all over that and focuses on the 250,000 figure and the fact that 48 percent of those involved race as the motivating factor. So I decided to click on the BJS report to which they cite, and I can see why they don't discuss that information. It undermines two big leftist narratives on hate crimes.

First, the 250,000 crimes per year figure is deceptive. That is the average number between 2004 and 2015. However, since a height of just under 294,000 in 2012, they were down to 208,000 in 2015 and had been falling since then. So the trend is down.

But of course, the Left would then redirect away from the BJS report because it stops in 2015, and Trump came after that. They'd pivot back to the FBI report from 2017. OK. Let's play that game. Surely hate crimes are spiking because of Trump. Well, the trend has been upward since 2014 - long before Trump. Here's another thing that's worth nothing. Though 2017 was an increase over the previous few years, there were more hate crimes in every year from 1996 - 2007 except 2005, when they were very slightly lower. In context, Trump isn't a driver of hate crimes. That narrative is ********.

Second, who's actually committing these hate crimes? Well, surely it's dominated by these neo-Nazi white conservatives roaming the country terrorizing blacks, right? That's the narrative most of the media puts forth. Well, maybe it's not that simple. 37.7 percent of hate crime offenders are white. 34.3 percent are black. Well, about 75 percent of the population is white, and about 13 percent of it is black. In other words, a black person is far, far more likely to commit a hate crime than a white person is. So instead of having these ridiculous discussions about why all these white conservatives are committing hate crimes, we should be asking why all these black liberal Democrats are roaming the country assaulting, murdering, and raping people for hateful reasons. I don't necessarily want that discussion, but it would be far more honest.

Frankly, this is the kind of issue that makes me want to return to the United States and get back into politics. The Right really sucks on this issue. They let every ******** narrative go unanswered. They don't know the stats, don't know the issue, and don't have the balls to engage. It's really pathetic.
Why engage? Only the wacky left spends their free time caring about these issues that mostly reside in their head.
First, the 250,000 crimes per year figure is deceptive. That is the average number between 2004 and 2015. However, since a height of just under 294,000 in 2012, they were down to 208,000 in 2015 and had been falling since then. So the trend is down.

Sounds like the rights' narrative of illegal immigration. Both sides have their pet issues not necessarily backed up by the facts.

Btw- I haven't commented on the Smollett case because it's a sideshow for extremism on both sides.
Sounds like the rights' narrative of illegal immigration. Both sides have their pet issues not necessarily backed up by the facts.

Btw- I haven't commented on the Smollett case because it's a sideshow for extremism on both sides.
Wrong again Lib. It’s the biased, shallow, hateful Libs and their media supporters standing disgustingly naked on center stage.
Why engage? Only the wacky left spends their free time caring about these issues that mostly reside in their head.

Because it affects the way people view each side. Keep in mind that the "wacky Left" doesn't actually care about people getting attacked because of their race. If they did, they wouldn't spin the issue the way they do. What they care about is being able to frame the Right as a bunch of thugs looking for gays and black people to assault, because independents and moderates don't want to be associated with or think like people who do that sort of thing. Their narrative enables that framing, creates a false image, and costs you votes. That's why you should engage and why you should care.
Sounds like the rights' narrative of illegal immigration. Both sides have their pet issues not necessarily backed up by the facts.

That is true. The difference is that the Right gets hit back when they do this. When they go off about illegal immigrant crime, somebody always retorts, "Immigrants statistically commit fewer crimes than US citizen." In both written and spoken word, I've seen that raised literally thousands of times over the years - both by Left-wing advocates and by mainstream media figures. Of course, since many states (including California) don't track the immigration status of offenders, nobody knows what the truth is. Both are talking out their asses.

When the hate crimes fairytale gets spun, it almost always goes unanswered, so people accept it as true. The Right just sits there like a deer in the headlights and waits for the story to be proven false and then jumps on it. When it comes to high-profile hate crimes, that has happened a lot, and that is helpful to a point. However, that only shoots down the anecdote. It doesn't shoot down the broader myth.

Btw- I haven't commented on the Smollett case because it's a sideshow for extremism on both sides.

I would agree that it is sideshow, but the broader issue is more than a sideshow.

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