Dumb Political Correctness

The Dalai Lama says Europe should help refugees but should make them leave. "Europe belongs to Europeans." Link. So does this make the Dalai Lama a Neo-Nazi since if an actual European said that, he'd be called a Neo-Nazi?
It is often interesting how different standards apply to different people.

Roman Polanski drugged and sodomized a 13-year-old girl. Yet the left forgave him.

That former 13-year-old wrote a book about it all. For the cover, she used a photo taken by Polanski.

Roman Polanski drugged and sodomized a 13-year-old girl. Yet the left forgave him.

They didn't really forgive him. Most never really had much of a problem with what he did in the first place. I'm sure plenty of liberals did, but your average Hollywood perv never cared.
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They didn't really forgive him. Most never really had much of a problem with what he did in the first place. I'm sure plenty of liberals did, but your average Hollywood perv never cared.

I was reading an account of the showing of the new Predator at a film show in Canada. The story was not written well, but best I could tell the director gave a friend of his a small role. Turns out that 'actor' was on some type of Sexual Pervert Registration list. Olivia Munn found out and objected publicly just as the film was ready to go. This caused a split among all the folks involved (although the article did not say, my guess is that some of them probably had percentages). She was not happy when the accused guy got a standing ovation from the film's crew at the film festival. The director left out the back before the film ended, taking no questions. And it sounds like he went back later and edited his old friend out of the film completely as well as issuing some type of apology. I admit I find it amusing when this stuff creates open infighting like this among these good folks.
I was reading an account of the showing of the new Predator at a film show in Canada. The story was not written well, but best I could tell the director gave a friend of his a small role. Turns out that 'actor' was on some type of Sexual Pervert Registration list. Olivia Munn found out and objected publicly just as the film was ready to go. This caused a split among all the folks involved (although the article did not say, my guess is that some of them probably had percentages). She was not happy when the accused guy got a standing ovation from the film's crew at the film festival. The director left out the back before the film ended, taking no questions. And it sounds like he went back later and edited his old friend out of the film completely as well as issuing some type of apology. I admit I find it amusing when this stuff creates open infighting like this among these good folks.

And speaking of the left eating its own ....

As is usually the case ....
“Woman who accused four Trump-supporting teens of slashing her tires and leaving a note that said ‘Go home’ on her car is charged for ’fabricating the story.’”
New York woman arrested for fabricating story alleging hate crime by four Trump-supporting teens | Daily Mail Online

Here is this liar's pic
Cannot help but wonder why so often that it is the British media that follows these stories to the end, and not the US media. The US media loves to give the original accusation (the fake one) some airtime, but rarely do they follow through with what Paul Harvey used to call "the rest of the story."

Well, it's easy to go with your emotions and say you are for guilty until proven innocent. But that is the single most stupid thing anybody could wish on another human being, because when guilty until proven innocent becomes the standard it WILL bite you in the *** eventually.
And now for some true sacrifice from a writer for Teen Vogue


Aren't we way past "dumb" political correctness with this statement? This is not anymore just an ignorance of bad results, but a straight-up willingness to harm innocent people to tear down the "patriarchy."
I wasn't sure where to post this, but since I'm sortas making fun of a religious group, I figured it belonged here. This might be the best Babylon Bee article out there. Link.

By the way, I'm just going to be real on this. If you're thist kind of Baptist, I'm not sure I can call you a Christian, and I'm not sure that you're going to heaven.
I'm not a baptist, but what type exactly do you mean? Seems to me you're being every bit as judgmental as they are if you're going to base someone's salvation on what they think Jesus made out of water.
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I'm not a baptist, but what type exactly do you mean? Seems to me you're being every bit as judgmental as they are if you're going to base someone's salvation on what they think Jesus made out of water.

I'm half joking. However, my rationale is that if you think drinking alcohol is sinful, then you are by implication suggesting the sinfulness of Christ since he drank alcohol. (I question whether anyone actually believes the grape juice nonsense though the youth pastor at my childhood church claimed to. The level of stupidity required for a literate adult to sincerely believe that is just too much for me to believe.)

If Christ was not sinless, then he couldn't have been the Messiah and couldn't be anyone's savior because his sacrifice would be inadequate.

I was listening to a woman on tv who has a full-time job as a columnist but contributes to the BBee on a part-time basis. She said it is getting harder and harder for them to come up with BBee satirical stories since real life has itself become so crazy. She said some readers are having trouble telling where reality gives way to the satire.

It reminded me of the old comedy skits about drug label warnings. Those used to be kind of funny. But now the real warnings drug companies give at the end of their drug commercials have killed off those skits. Comedians dont have any room left to make their fake warnings more extreme than reality. So they just gave up trying.
Oh, there was a lot of truth in that Babylon Bee headline. I enjoyed so much because I identified with it so much.
I used to really like SNL, even 3-4 years ago. I would watch most Saturday's during the Republican primaries and then I stopped and I will never watch again. What did it for me was insulting Ben Carson's intelligence and lack of "blackness". At that moment, a switch flipped. This wasn't comedy anymore. It wasn't even funny. It was a smear organization for Progressives. Hate those guys.
I was listening to a woman on tv who has a full-time job as a columnist but contributes to the BBee on a part-time basis. She said it is getting harder and harder for them to come up with BBee satirical stories since real life has itself become so crazy. She said some readers are having trouble telling where reality gives way to the satire.
It reminded me of the old comedy skits about drug label warnings. Those used to be kind of funny. But now the real warnings drug companies give at the end of their drug commercials have killed off those skits. Comedians dont have any room left to make their fake warnings more extreme than reality. So they just gave up trying.


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