100 days, til kickoff!

Sam Acho #81

Bo! I'll never forget the TD he scored at the end of half-time VS OSU in 2004. To Make the Score 35 to 7 for the bad guys.
I wanted to go home before that, but that the TD was like a switch. You could see the team come right to life. That 2nd half was still the most fun I have at DKR. Place was only 1/3 full but it was rockin.

Correction HIS TD made it 35-13. http://www.espn.com/college-football/game?gameId=243110251

My son and I were some of the 1/3 there for the second half. I'll never forget that game. We sat close to OSU fans in the upper deck East side - many jingling their cars keys.

I was calling out to Horns fans in the area to stay and watch the biggest comeback in UT history.

Thankfully VY, Bo, Benson, and the gang didn't disappoint!!!

Edit: Halftime the pokes were up 35-7.... wasn't the final score 52-35?
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#79 Tony Hills
IIRC he was recruited as the top tight end in the country out of Aldine. He suffered a nasty foot injury which resulted in him spinning down to offensive tackle.

Oh, 56-35; I looked it up.
#77 AA - DL Brad Shearer and AA - DE Bill Atessis :hookem:

Tech problems... Can't post photos - can I get a HF lifeline?
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I'll never forget that game. We sat close to OSU fans in the upper deck East side - many jingling their cars keys.

I was on the upper west deck, and the thing that still amazes me about that night was that as the team went in at halftime, I absolutely felt like we were going to come back. And it wasn't just me - you could just feel it in the crowd up there that most of us really did believe we were about to see something really great. And we did.

Part of it was just that so much of what happened just seemed fluke-ish. The tip-drill touchdown pass. The fourth-down stop that wasn't. The team on that stand showed me that they absolutely had not quit, and they weren't ready to fold it up. Coming back and scoring after that OSU touchdown was like the team saying "OK, if THAT'S how this is gonna be, then it's on."
and the thing that still amazes me about that night was that as the team went in at halftime, I absolutely felt like we were going to come back. And it wasn't just me -

Right?! I don't know what it was. I was about to leave before Bo's TD. But there was just something about the way the team was acting going into the tunnel at the half

The team just seemed deadly serious, but not worried at all either. It was like OSU had finally gotten their attention and they just couldn't wait to get on with the 3rd quarter so they could kick their ***.
#73 Shaun Rogers, LaPorte High School
I anticipate the day when the 40 is a go-to destination again for future linemen like Shaun and others like we’ve seen (and will see) over the past few days.
I'm the lucky guy who has a seat BEHIND Adam. When I stand up and can barely see around him to watch the game.
Back in the day when I had season tickets (I gave them up long ago), my seats were in the row immediately in front of Brad Shearer and Rick Ingraham. They were big boys. With big knees.
#72 Roger Roesler blocking Ty Warren during the bonfire game. Does anyone remember the particulars of the stomach malady that ran through the team that morning? At the time I was suspicious of foul play because of what was at stake that day beyond the usual rivalry.
Don Talbert, former Texas City Stingaree and from a great longhorn football family. Served in the army as a MP in Saigon in ‘64.
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I thought Patel was supposed to feed the team at his hotel, but had no food, and the players had to walk to Taco Hell, Mickey D's, et al to grab what they could for breakfast.
#70 Scott Appleton dives on an Oklahoma fumble while the aforementioned Charles Talbert and soon-to-be mentioned Tommy Nobis look on (possibly David McWilliams on the left). The Horns beat the #1 Sooners (I am hesitant to use the word upset) that day 28-7 (55 years ago this fall). I was 5 and have no memory of the game other than Dad saying there was only one team on the field that day.