100 days, til kickoff!

Ok curiosity got the best of me so I googled it...

DKR said that about his O prior to the kickoff vs. Navy in the CB 1/1/64....

And again describing LB Halsell playing vs. Arky in 1969 shootout in FayetteNam.

#62 Lyle Sendlein
Good group of linemen that year.
Somebody needs to find the video of Robin planting Eric Dickerson in Texas Stadium, on that infamous play where that worthless piece of **** Bill Began threw a flag for PF. The SMU band was playing so loud that the players could not hear the whistle and Dickerson never stopped running. As much as I dislike Dickerson, that play is certainly one of the top 10 hits in Texas history, up there with Appleton blindsiding Don Trull with Lawrence Elkins running wide open; Lieding's hit on opening kickoff against Arkansas on Labor Day; Richard Peavy's hit on Marcus Dupree that was Dupree's last play for OU; Chris Duliban's hit on Billy Cannon, Jr, among others.

The penalty on Robin resulted in an SMU first down rather than punting from their goalline, but it did get rid of Began as an SWC official.
Does anyone remember the particulars of the stomach malady that ran through the team that morning?

I thought Patel was supposed to feed the team at his hotel, but had no food, and the players had to walk to Taco Hell, Mickey D's, et al to grab what they could for breakfast.

Yeah the issue with Patel was that everything got screwed up with the food, they kept getting alarms and wakeup calls, and all sorts of stuff. I don't remember anyone other than Applewhite being sick that day. I was sick later, but more because of the outcome.
If only they hadn't retired it for no apparent reason back in the day. We might actually have some options!

OH WAIT!!! I remember now! Tyson King wore it that one time. So there you go, problem solved.
Did Dusty Renfro wear 60 once?

Hurummph, "Author" & ex player Gary Shaw?

Ron McKelvay?

Rumor has it, some guys like Robin Sendlein and Bruce Scholtz wore 60 plus some spare backup dude named Hagar a long long time ago..... cannot think of anyone else?

A LOT of sarcasm in this post y'all.
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Did Dusty Renfro wear 60 once?

Hurummph, "Author" & ex player Gary Shaw?

Ron McKelvay?

Rumor has it, some guys like Robin Sendlein and Bruce Scholtz wore 60 plus some spare backup dude named Hagar a long long time ago..... cannot think of anyone else?

DJ wore #60 his senior year against A&M. Renfro also did but I can't recall the details. I don't think Scholz ever did. He was always #51.
I hope Haggar has an incredible year next year from the get-go and wears 60 against OU.
At the risk of being too clever, why don’t we pretend there was a longhorn legend who wore #60 that was the meanest, toughest, and most fearsome linebacker that ever roamed the Southwest. That would be cool.