Dumb Political Correctness

Lot's of people who claim to hate Hollywood triggered by a movie based on a comic book?

If you honestly believe people are being triggered by the movie, then you don't get the point. Of course, you're being told that white comic book readers are racists and wouldn't go see a black superhero unless they were forced to do it anyway, so it's understandable that you'd believe that the ethnicity of the lead character would cause them to be furious and indignant.
I cannot get my link to post, but google jeff sessions and anglo.

A poster already posted this above, but the stupidy shown by the people claiming this is racist leads me to believe America is screwed. There are so many comments of people saying “he should have realized how the ignorant masses would interpret it and not use the phrase.”

Political Correctness: Being against the truth or accurate language in favor of not upsetting the misguided, ignorant masses.

Democracy only works with an educated population. Otherwise, it is doomed to fail.

Anglo means English. We have an English legal system. My God people.

“The sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement." - Jeff Sessions

“A married couple possessing ‘community property’ is a critical part of the Spanish-American heritage of Texas property and family law” - Htown77

These historically accurate statements are now no bueno apparently.
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I cannot get my link to post, but google jeff sessions and anglo.

A poster already posted this above, but the stupidy shown by the people claiming this is racist leads me to believe America is screwed. There are so many comments of people saying “he should have realized how the ignorant masses would interpret it and not use the phrase.”

Political Correctness: Being against the truth or accurate language in favor of not upsetting the misguided, ignorant masses.

Democracy only works with an educated population. Otherwise, it is doomed to fail.

Anglo means English. We have an English legal system. My God people.

“The sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement." - Jeff Sessions

“A married couple possessing ‘community property’ is a critical part of the Spanish-American heritage of Texas property and family law” - Htown77

These historically accurate statements are now no bueno apparently.

Yeah, the stupidity of the people who crapped their pants over this is pretty astounding. I've read that he was referring to extrajudicial lynchings, Bull Connor, and all kinds of stupid ****. However, anytime the media and Democrats freak out over something patently stupid like this, it helps Trump.
There are so many comments of people saying “he should have realized how the ignorant masses would interpret it and not use the phrase.”

I guess that's what happens when you purge the entire educational system of any hints of Anglo influence in our society - apparently the fact that we were a British colony under British rule, let in many cases by people who were British with ties to British government left absolutely no recognizable mark on this country.
If you honestly believe people are being triggered by the movie, then you don't get the point. Of course, you're being told that white comic book readers are racists and wouldn't go see a black superhero unless they were forced to do it anyway, so it's understandable that you'd believe that the ethnicity of the lead character would cause them to be furious and indignant.

Nah...just pointing at "snowflakes".
I remember a Dallas Public Housing officially using the non-racist but racist sounding term niggardly. He was very gracious and said he deserved the subsequent firing. I love the language and couldn't buy in.
I remember a Dallas Public Housing officially using the non-racist but racist sounding term niggardly. He was very gracious and said he deserved the subsequent firing. I love the language and couldn't buy in.

I had forgotten about this. It is like newspeak in 1984 except it is being driven by ignorance rather than Big Brother. Of course, I guess Big Brother represents willful ignorance to some extent.
I had forgotten about this. It is like newspeak in 1984 except it is being driven by ignorance rather than Big Brother. Of course, I guess Big Brother represents willful ignorance to some extent.

"Ignorance" is too kind of a word. Being ignorant suggests a lack of knowledge, but with the availability of information at our fingertips, there's no reason for anybody to be that ignorant. This is blatant stupidity that certain people intentionally don't correct, because it would undermine their political agenda.
I must not be a racist because I've not gone to see any of the super hero movies at the theater. Not Superman (though I did enjoy Christopher Reeves first Superman movie when it came out on TV but I think that's because I love Gene Hackman), not Batman (no matter the actor), not Wonder Woman, not Captain America... none of them. And I won't be seeing Black Panther. It's all fantasy. If someone has super powers then it doesn't matter what they are. It doesn't make me think any more or less of whites, blacks or women.
I think the "niggardly" incident you are referring to actually happened in DC. There are number of such incidents on Wikipedia, but this is the closest to your description:

On January 15, 1999, David Howard, an aide to Anthony A. Williams, the mayor of Washington, D.C., used "niggardly" in reference to a budget. This apparently upset one of his black colleagues (Howard is white), identified by Howard as Marshall Brown, who misinterpreted it as a racial slur and lodged a complaint. As a result, on January 25, Howard tendered his resignation, and Williams accepted it. However, after public pressure, an internal review into the matter was brought about, and the mayor offered Howard the chance to return to his position as Office of the Public Advocate on February 4. Howard refused but accepted another position with the mayor instead, insisting that he did not feel victimized by the incident. On the contrary, Howard felt that he had learned from the situation. "I used to think it would be great if we could all be colorblind; that's naïve, especially for a white person, because a white person can't afford to be colorblind. They don't have to think about race every day. An African American does."
Chicago based Dominatrix punishes her clients by making them read Black Feminist Theory


Perhaps her name is Lola.

True story. I stopped at Luby's for a bite a while back. There was a "server" who was obviously in the very early stages of transitioning to a woman. She had on makeup and was growing her thinning hair out and that was about it. She says to me "Hi, I'll be your server. I'm Lola". All all could think think of was those lyrics by the Kinks:

Well i'm not the world's most masculine man
But i know what i am and i'm glad i'm a man
And so is lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

I just thought, Lola, really? You couldn't be a Sherry or a Courtney or something. You had to pick Lola?

This makes pretty good sense. If you're one of these nuts who gets sexual pleasure from being forced to endure pain and torture, having to read black feminist theory would probably be pretty arousing.
My hair is still dark and my beard grows in white, so I stay clean shaven... but I'll keep my wavy hair until God comes to get it.
The fact that only stupid people are breeding has consequences


This type of priggishness is the problem. To be so ashamed of yourself that you would become an oppressive fool is a sign of someone in need of serious counseling. I will never believe this sort of thing is a rational response to life.
This type of priggishness is the problem. To be so ashamed of yourself that you would become an oppressive fool is a sign of someone in need of serious counseling. I will never believe this sort of thing is a rational response to life.

To be fair, he did have a pretty bad looking beard. The neo-lumberjack look should be millennials' great shame with respect to appearance. It's really stupid looking.

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