Dumb Political Correctness

Hamilton68 uses a secret list of 600 accounts. So we just have to take their word. I noticed that you don't need any proof of something being legit as long as it pushes something you agree with.
Should I be surprised that you don't care about Russian influence? Just more "wind at your sails", until the wind reverses direction.
So NBC had this story months (I think) ahead of the New Yorker, but NBC sat on it
Refused to publish (they partner with Weinstein on projects)
Even though the writer had eight (8) different accusers against Weinstein ready and willing to go on camera

‘NBC did everything they could to delay it, complicate it, and ultimately [kill] it.’

So, what do you think would have happened to this story if Hillary had won?
I would suggest none of this would have made it out past the power combination of a Clinton WH and Comcast/NBC, except perhaps in places libs like to dimiss

Read the whole thing
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So NBC had this story weeks (I think) ahead of the New Yorker, but they sat on it
Refused to publish
Even though the writer had eight (8) different accusers against Weinstein ready and willing to go on camera

‘NBC did everything they could to delay it, complicate it, and ultimately [kill] it.’

So, what do you think would have happened to this story if Hillary had won?
I would suggest none of this would have made it out, except perhaps in places libs like to dimiss

One has to wonder how multiple media entities had this story. Who was shopping it around? Maybe there was skepticism about who was pushing the story? Regardless, it was good that the NYT ultimately posted it because there is good in bringing some of these predators out into the light.
No, I'm just making the comment on how inconsistent you are to what you believe and don't believe in.

Am I trusting that a non-profit GMF, a group of composed primarily of academics, are more deserving of my trust than a Republican pollster who appears to have been paid to produce a poll just for a single writer? Guilty, you've finally highlighted my hypocrisy. GMF's agenda is much more altruistic than a "Washington Secrets" writer from the Washington Examiner. The former is posting their findings daily allowing the reader to make their own opinion. The latter is pushing a point of view.

Am I trusting that a non-profit GMF, a group of composed primarily of academics, are more deserving of my trust than a Republican pollster who appears to have been paid to produce a poll just for a single writer? Guilty, you've finally highlighted my hypocrisy. GMF's agenda is much more altruistic than a "Washington Secrets" writer from the Washington Examiner. The former is posting their findings daily allowing the reader to make their own opinion. The latter is pushing a point of view.

600 secret accounts don't bother you? I'm not saying they're illegitimate or not but it does make me suspicious. However, it's a lot more than just that. You ignore overwhelming proof of ACORN's corrupt nature and that people are tuning out of the NFL because of the kneeling. However, you'll buy into any Washington Post anti-Trump stuff with little to no proof. Remember at the time I pointed out the fake news from the Post and you still tried to defend it. Comey comes along later and said it was all crapola just like I tried to tell you. You are a walking example of what I said earlier on how dangerous our media is. You've let yourself become brainwashed by this media and you don't even know it. The Russians and Chinese are amateurs compared to these people.
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600 secret accounts don't bother you? I'm not saying they're illegitimate or not but it does make me suspicious.

And you should be suspicious. Of course, you also have to recognize that the moment they publish that list the accounts go cold as the Russian move on to other accounts, right? Blacktivist and Boston Antifa are prime examples. When the ruse is over the assailant picks up and moves which makes their true aim, exposing what the Russians are influencing, impossible.

However, it's a lot more than just that. You ignore overwhelming proof of ACORN's corrupt nature and that people are tuning out of the NFL because of the kneeling. However, you'll buy into any Washington Post anti-Trump stuff with little to no proof. Remember at the time I pointed out the fake news from the Post at the time and you still tried to defend it. Comey comes along later and said it was all crapola just like I tried to tell you. You are a walking example of what I said earlier on how dangerous our media is. You've let yourself become brainwashed by this media and you don't even know it. The Russians and Chinese are amateurs compared to these people.

ACORN's corrupt nature? Have I said they didn't have some bad actors? You joined after I was critical of their voter signup drives, at least lack of governance.

The NFL? There is a right wing agenda being pushed that has a racial undertone disguised in patriotism. It's the same agenda that openly criticizes the BLM movement without recognizing that it's founded on sound societal issues. Rather this agenda wants to turn away and ignore the issues thus the attempt is to find alternate methods to discredit the leaders.

I've never said any mainstream media entity is infallible. Years of credibility to not get overwhelmed overnight by a few alternative fact driven media sources with an agenda. Call me traditional in that sense.

I've let myself become brainwashed? Because I tune out the extremes of both sides? Will Infowars, Gateway Pundit or Daily Beast enlighten me? They can't compete in a battle of accuracy but would win any conspiracy theory contest hands down. I'd strongly urge you to look in the mirror when claiming anyone has been brainwashed. Matthew 7:3 can be applied to the media consumption you've discussed on this board.

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
There is a right wing agenda being pushed that has a racial undertone disguised in patriotism. It's the same agenda that openly criticizes the BLM movement without recognizing that it's founded on sound societal issues. Rather this agenda wants to turn away and ignore the issues thus the attempt is to find alternate methods to discredit the leaders.

Talk about a ridiculous conspiracy theory. People don't want to be inundated with extreme liberal politics when watching a game. Do that garbage on your spare time. Also, the BLM movement is not even worth listening to. I would not be surprised if they eventually become classified as domestic terrorists like Antifa was recently.
Talk about a ridiculous conspiracy theory. People don't want to be inundated with extreme liberal politics when watching a game. Do that garbage on your spare time. Also, the BLM movement is not even worth listening to. I would not be surprised if they eventually become classified as domestic terrorists like Antifa was recently.

Thank you for proving my point. Appreciated.
Uh oh...how soon before the Boy Scouts simply become the Scouts? Maybe Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will simply merge?

Boy Scouts Will Admit Girls, Allow Them to Earn Eagle Scout Rank

The Boy Scouts of America announced on Wednesday that girls will soon be allowed to become Cub Scouts and to earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout, the organization’s highest honor.

"We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children," said Michael Surbaugh, chief executive of the Boy Scouts.

The scouting board of directors voted unanimously to make the historic change in an organization that has been primarily for boys since its founding more than 100 years ago.
So if I don't agree with you I must be a racist? LOL!

I've never said that so please don't try to claim I've put that label on you.

Race, crime and the justice system is a real issue that needs to be addressed. It has socioeconomic and race factors based on the data. Why does it bother you that some inner city black man or two chooses to kneel for the national anthem to bring attention to the issue? I'd argue that's MORE patriotic that many idiots in the stands talking or goofing off during the anthem. The message isn't that they disagree with the flag, it's that the US of A isn't living up to it's ideals thus we need to work together for change. Kneeling was recommended to Kaepernick by UTex Nate Boyer who said it's common for soldiers to kneel at the grave of a fallen soldier.

Only when the Megaphone in Chief decided to make a big issue did the politics aspect hit its zenith.
I've never said that so please don't try to claim I've put that label on you.

Race, crime and the justice system is a real issue that needs to be addressed. It has socioeconomic and race factors based on the data. Why does it bother you that some inner city black man or two chooses to kneel for the national anthem to bring attention to the issue? I'd argue that's MORE patriotic that many idiots in the stands talking or goofing off during the anthem. The message isn't that they disagree with the flag, it's that the US of A isn't living up to it's ideals thus we need to work together for change. Kneeling was recommended to Kaepernick by UTex Nate Boyer who said it's common for soldiers to kneel at the grave of a fallen soldier.

Only when the Megaphone in Chief decided to make a big issue did the politics aspect hit its zenith.

Cool, let it be addressed. The National Anthem is not a time to do it. Do it on your spare time. We don't want to see it. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
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I've never said that so please don't try to claim I've put that label on you.

Race, crime and the justice system is a real issue that needs to be addressed. It has socioeconomic and race factors based on the data. Why does it bother you that some inner city black man or two chooses to kneel for the national anthem to bring attention to the issue? I'd argue that's MORE patriotic that many idiots in the stands talking or goofing off during the anthem. The message isn't that they disagree with the flag, it's that the US of A isn't living up to it's ideals thus we need to work together for change. Kneeling was recommended to Kaepernick by UTex Nate Boyer who said it's common for soldiers to kneel at the grave of a fallen soldier.

Only when the Megaphone in Chief decided to make a big issue did the politics aspect hit its zenith.

To show how hypocritical the left is can you imagine if we had a few players kneel at a game in Mexico City during the Mexican national anthem. The protesters would be protesting Mexico for them not wanting to do more against illegal immigration and drug trafficking. You libs would be losing your minds over it (RACISM!!!).
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I've never said that so please don't try to claim I've put that label on you.

Race, crime and the justice system is a real issue that needs to be addressed. It has socioeconomic and race factors based on the data. Why does it bother you that some inner city black man or two chooses to kneel for the national anthem to bring attention to the issue? I'd argue that's MORE patriotic that many idiots in the stands talking or goofing off during the anthem. The message isn't that they disagree with the flag, it's that the US of A isn't living up to it's ideals thus we need to work together for change. Kneeling was recommended to Kaepernick by UTex Nate Boyer who said it's common for soldiers to kneel at the grave of a fallen soldier.

Only when the Megaphone in Chief decided to make a big issue did the politics aspect hit its zenith.

The biggest issues in the black community are black on black crime and single motherhood, not racism. Children born in poverty and raised by a single mother are behind the eight-ball from the very start and that's what we need to fix. We need a return to more traditional values to right the ship.
No professional sports league welcomes a player walkout unless they are losing money in the current collective bargaining agreement. These owners are making money hands over fists even with these "overpaid entitletards" getting paid.

There is a shortage of qualified players to play in the NFL. As multiple strikes and and alternative leagues have shown, American sports fans have an affinity for their superstars.

Walkout means owners get to get rid of contracts like Osweiler and the insanity that were those numbers. That is far from the only one. Owners would welcome it...

I do not concur about a shortage of qualified players. You might not see 50+ player rosters but I guarantee that coming up with 700 quality starters would not be a problem. And those players won't engage in the stupidity that is driving eyeballs away from the NFL.

Oh, and even in the days of the USFL, local teams had players that were supported as 'super stars.' We even had that in Houston with the Aeros when hockey had returned...it wasn't the NHL, but their absence via sale has been missed.

What Americans have an affinity for is entertainment and, better yet, when that entertainment is winning. However, as the Browns and Giants demonstrate, even crappy teams have fans.
I've never said that so please don't try to claim I've put that label on you.

You all but claimed that anyone who does not agree with the NFL politarding or with BLM is doing so on a racial basis. So yeah, you DID attempt to apply the label.

Really, you want to cite Wiki on this issue. You are truly an idiot...but for the sake of discussion for those with a clue...

is a real issue that needs to be addressed. It has socioeconomic and race factors based on the data. Why does it bother you that some inner city black man or two chooses to kneel for the national anthem to bring attention to the issue? I'd argue that's MORE patriotic that many idiots in the stands talking or goofing off during the anthem. The message isn't that they disagree with the flag, it's that the US of A isn't living up to it's ideals thus we need to work together for change. Kneeling was recommended to Kaepernick by UTex Nate Boyer who said it's common for soldiers to kneel at the grave of a fallen soldier.

Only when the Megaphone in Chief decided to make a big issue did the politics aspect hit its zenith.

I have yet to see anything that suggests Boyer was kneeling at the grave during the Pledge or during the Anthem.

As to 'race, crime and the justice system,' why do people always choose to overlook who is COMMITTING the crime? Many of those who whine about the pen time overlook that those poor, misguided inner-city souls often GOT multiple chances at probation and screwed THOSE up while committing more crimes. As such, they go to prison. Then they get out and CONTINUE to commit crime. And yet this is supposed to be the fault of 'the system?'

During Hurricane Harvey, I looked at the District Clerk new case filings trying to gauge the looting filings. Guess what...it was NOT white people going to other parts of town and breaking into businesses in an attempt to save the plasma screens and sneakers. Those were opportunistic thugs who deserve to rot in jail...
.....Batman was almost immediately called out as a liar by actress/musician? Rose McGowan. And now Hilarie Burton (on left) claims Affleck groped her breast in 2003 'when she was just a kid.'.........

So guess what Twitter did to Rose McGowan for speaking out about Ben Afflack?
They suspended her account
Of course they did.

The reason? Because the "groping" allegations have put the entire Batman/Justice League/DC Extended Universe franchise (DC Comics/Warner Brothers) in doubt. Batman is the main cog in what is WB's biggest franchise and there is a new Justice League movie (directed by Zack Snyder with Joss Whedon as a writer) coming out in weeks. They are in full panic mode. Alot of money and careers are at risk here.

Twitter has created its own swamp.

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Ugh! What happened to Rose McGowan's hair? She undergoing chemo or did her experience with Weinstein send her over to "the other team", if you know what I mean and I think you do.
Texas State University wants to hire two math teachers, but there's a catch. They want people with "a demonstrated and longstanding commitment to 'social justice'".

WTH. If we lose TSU to the crazy leftist libs, it's all over. And by the way, what does "a commitment to social justice" have to do with teaching math?

It appears the primary reason hetero men become Dems is so that they can get away with stuff normal people cannot get away with

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There is no doubt the snowflake references are valid for the Left. Trying to turn it around is not going to work. If you don't think the sensitivity levels are off the charts then you are a snowflake too. Political correctness which is an attack on the First Amendment is a Leftist construct. There is no doubt about it. Being triggered by words is a Leftist construct. There is no doubt about it. The aggression against free speech at Berkeley is a Leftist tactic. There is no doubt about it.

The fact is that kneeling during the anthem is a subversive act that encourages the nut-jobs to do something about it. It's stupid. What do you want people to do? It has now spread to youth sports teams and it is a form of brain-washing them with hatred. If you can't see that dividing the country up at the moment we should try to come together then we won't come together.
Thank you for proving my point. Appreciated.

He didn't prove your point. You declared victory without any facts or rebuttal. He just disagreed with you. You are saying that if someone doesn't agree with your position that they are a racist.

Telling people who object to kneeling during the anthem or wish to see our immigration laws enforced that they are racists is just a Leftist tool to tamp down dissent. You (or maybe not you; but "The Left" in general) are trying to intimidate people by implying they are white supremacists which is also a Leftist tool to destroy anyone who does not agree with you.

The fact is every white conservative I know would have burned Hitler alive if given the chance.
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