The Media Industry

The top 5 Wiki-scoops, so far --

1. Chuck Todd of NBC is a lapdog for DNC Chair Debra Wasserman

2. Hillary has to pay people to support her.

3. Protests that the media cover are not real. The “protesters” are Dem interns.

4. The Washington Post hosted joint fundraisers with the DNC.

5. The Democratic primary was rigged (where is Bernie today on this?)
Dark Coincidence?

Dark Coincidence?

These are one of those rare times that common sense tells you "media in bed with DNC" is a cooky conspiracy theory...but what your eyeballs and brain tell you can't be ignored.

I noticed yesterday and Thursday a "dark" theme in the articles I was reading. Maybe it's just the visual display of headlines which underscores a coincidence, but this is what talking points disseminated from a centralized office looks like in a media campaign. It's hard to dismiss.
MSM so far isn't really covering this. OTOH How can they cover this? they ARE this.
With some of social medias help ( Twitter). I am guessing that the Bernie supporter will find ways to get this out there.

I wonder how the Dems on this board feel?
It's gotten to the point where you can pretty much dismiss anyone who cannot acknowledge the left wing bias of the MSM. There really is no attempt to even hide the bias anymore. The funny thing is that I cannot remember meeting a conservative who didn't acknowledge that Fox News has a right wing bias.
After reading the DNC emails, WAPO's credibility is gone. No matter what they write, it will always be questioned or outright dismissed.

Such is life when your character is weak.
Julian vastly over estimates the importance of the truth. Who is going to indict her? Certainly not the Obama Admin.

Fantastic work Joe Fan.
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Unless I missed it, Bernie Sanders and his close associates have been silent over this.
This despite multiple examples that the primary was rigged, democracy was subverted and Sanders never had a chance.
It's a loud silence. How is this explained?

I see two options
(1) He has been bought. If so, it's extremely disappointing. I was never for him, but he gave the impression that he was a man of character and principle. Now all that is out the window. The price had to be high. I would argue that the people have a right to know that price; or
(2) HRC/DNC extorted his silence. I dont know if the people have a right to know what they have on Bernie, but I would like to know nonetheless.

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Julian vastly underestimates the importance of the truth. Who is going to indict her? Certainly not the Obama Admin......

The whole thing is troubling on multiple fronts
Wikileaks is a essentially a Russian operation now.
And so the Russians have stuck their big vodka swollen noses into the American political process, which is offensive.

Still, no one else would have the guts to obtain and then publish this material.
So, for now, I give it a healthy nostrovia.
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The Washington Post came through with this bitter denunciation of Trump. It's factual and well reasoned, but I think it underestimates how sturdy our Constitution is.

Crockett, the article is denouncing Trump because he doesn't have the political experience that is needed to run the country. Political experience is one of the biggest complaints that the people in both parties have. Trump is running on being an outsider and I'm all for going against the establishments in both parties. Nothing gets done as they line their pockets with cash. But like iatrogenic said, Washington Post has s%#t for creditability now and is just dismissed as another leg for the RHC campaign. Also CNN who I was thought were a strong lean for the Dems, but at least had some integrity proved to have none just like MSNBC and the rest. Seriously, it appears that all the left media is working behind the scenes with HRC to promote lies with complete corruption just to get her elected.
I hope not (at least before November) Any other democrat would beat Trump easily.

I agree. As long as HRC or any other Dem has 90% of the media working behind the scenes with them, they will always have a huge advantage against anybody they are paired up against on the GOP side.

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