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NYTimes - Make America Hate Again

For a campaign now devoted to “law and order,” the launch was mob rule: in spirit, in tone, in words. Long after we’ve forgotten Trump’s closing speech — that paean to self, that nightmare portrait of an America where the lights have gone out — we will remember the savagery just below the surface.
I saw Peter Thiel applauded. I saw men and women of diversity - employees, family members, and unrelated figures (such as the Sheriff) support Trump on economic equality and law and order...two things that have deteriorated under the current administration. I heard Trump reinforce American values to support the LGBTQ community and to reject the violence and hatred directed towards them by radical Islam.

If you want to criticize Trump for not being a social conservative (however you want to define that), fine. But to write a piece titled "Make America Hate Again" is garbage. Same garbage as "George W. Bush hates black people."

And Jon Stewart's "You don't own America."
Stewart’s message for the Trump supporters: “This country isn’t yours. You don’t own it!” he said. “You don’t own patriotism, you don’t own Christianity. You sure as hell don’t own respect for military, police and firefighters.”
This is ridiculous. Liberals do not own morality, intellectualism, or the "Right Side of History." And conservatives don't own respect for the military and police...but who do military members and veterans overwhelmingly vote for?

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Vileness and bias are expected in opinion pieces but the supposed news articles are full of hate for Trump not to mention outright lies to support Hillary.
One "fact checking" of Trump's speech last night reported it was not illegal for Hillary to have her own private server in her basement for our country's State business.:whiteflag:
That's nothing. Bill Maher, HBO’s “Real Time” host, referred to Trump’s sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, as “Adolf and F*ckface” on Friday.
That shocks me.:rolleyes1:
Before this last year I would have thought I'd seen the worst of the liberal media during the Bush years.
I suspect now that we haven't seen anything yet. As it looks more and more like Hillary could/will lose look for the hatred to be ramped higher than anything we can imagine.
Calling 2 hardworking men who are related to Trump vile names is just the beginning.
This was very, very predictable. During the primary season, the media's coverage of Trump was much less vitriolic. They wanted him to win the nomination for obvious reasons. He's an almost limitless source of material and therefore ratings, and of course, he's the easiest Republican for Hillary to beat. Now that the nomination is secured, they're going to go into full scale attack mode on him to turn off independent voters and to motivate liberal voters to turn out for Hillary. It's going to be the most biased coverage and analysis in the history of modern American politics.
Some like the intellectuals. Some like the name callers. George Will, Charles Kruthammer and Thomas Sowell make an intellectual case for conservatism. Palin, Hannity, Coulter, Limbaugh, Savage... spew insults as fast as they can talk. Colbert, Maher, Stewart, Lewis Black, Samatha Bee ... are entertainers and while they are responsible to get facts right when they are giving facts ... they also have responsibilities as comics to keep it light and draw laughs. Dennis Miller, Jeff Foxworthy, Ted Nugent, Clint Eastwood, entertain from the right. Right wingers like talk radio. Left wingers like late night comics.
This was very, very predictable. During the primary season, the media's coverage of Trump was much less vitriolic. They wanted him to win the nomination for obvious reasons. He's an almost limitless source of material and therefore ratings, and of course, he's the easiest Republican for Hillary to beat. Now that the nomination is secured, they're going to go into full scale attack mode on him to turn off independent voters and to motivate liberal voters to turn out for Hillary. It's going to be the most biased coverage and analysis in the history of modern American politics.
Which Trump is uniquely suited for.
Here CNN prearranges with the DNC questions to get asked by Jake Tapper

I know some of you here roll your eyes when charges of media bias and media corruption get thrown around. My guess is that this group will be conveniently out of town this weekend

New Leak: Top DNC Official Wanted to Use Bernie Sanders’s Religious Beliefs Against Him

"Among the nearly 20,000 internal emails from the Democratic National Committee, released Friday by Wikileaks and presumably provided by the hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” is a May 2016 message from DNC CFO Brad Marshall. In it, he suggested that the party should “get someone to ask” Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders about his religious beliefs.

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: 2016-05-05 03:31
Subject: No ****
It might may no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.

The email was sent to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda and Deputy Communications Director Mark Paustenbach. It’s unclear who the “someone” in this message could be — though a member of the press seems like a safe bet. A request for comment sent to Marshall was not immediately returned......"
Here CNN prearranges with the DNC questions to get asked by Jake Tapper

I know some of you here roll your eyes when charges of media bias and media corruption get thrown around. My guess is that this group will be conveniently out of town this weekend


None of this crap surprises me. So many of these media hacks are former Democratic political hacks or are married to Democratic political hacks. The political media in the US stinks.
This one is so great

Hillary's goal?

See it in yellow -- "Keep the people ignorant."

click once to enlarge

Anyone think ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN or MSNBC will cover this? Would make a great 60 Minutes segment (if CBS were not already too corrupt to do it)

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It doesn't surprise me that the DNC tells those news agencies exactly what they want and they get it. It also wouldn't surprise me if the left news channels give the questions in advance to the DNC before the Presidential debates.
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There is so much fascinating information in the @wikileaks' timeline it is amazing.

Too much stuff to keep transferring it here

The media would absolutely be blowing up right now if this stuff were instead related to Trump

also see

Esquire was a magazine of real reputation in the fashion world which also had writers like Hemingway and Fitzgerald contributing stories. And now, look...


Damn them all now.

Damn the delegates who will vote for this man. Damn the professional politicians who will fall in line behind him or, worse, will sit back and hope this all blows over so the Republican Party once again will be able to relegate the poison this man has unleashed to the backwaters of the modern conservative intellectual mainstream, which is where it has been useful for over four decades. Damn the four hopeless sycophants who want to share a stage with him for four months. Damn all the people who will come here and speak on his behalf. Damn all the thoughtful folk who plumb his natural appeal for anything deeper than pure hatred.

Damn all the people who will vote for him, and damn any progressives who sit this one out because Hillary Rodham Clinton is wrong on this issue or that one. Damn all the people who are suggesting they do that. And damn all members of the media who treat this dangerous fluke of a campaign as being in any way business as usual. Any support for He, Trump is, at this point, an act of moral cowardice. Anyone who supports him, or runs with him, or enables his victory, or even speaks well of him, is a traitor to the American idea.
Twitter is censoring the Wikileaks tweets

There are over 550K tweets & none of them are in the top 20 twitter trends

Orwell shakes his head

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