it takes me longer to walk to my office than it does for me to drive to work.
10 minutes from my house to the hospital.
get to the hospital, takes a good 5+ minutes to drive up to the 8th floor where I usually have to park.
walk across one long *** sky bridge to the next long *** sky bridge (however, there is a starbucks inside one of them, so that helps). Ride an elevator or take the stairs down to the 1st floor. walk across another sky bridge (not that long). Navigate hallways and the ER (that's where the stairs are hidden). Walk up a flight of stairs. Navigate more hallways. Swipe my badge to get through one door, enter a code to get through the next door, and use my key to get into my crappy little office with one computer and one phone that i share with 3 other people.
However, in Columbus, I had to park two blocks away from the hospital and had to walk, come rain, sleet, and, yes, the effing snow. For that reason, I try not to complain about my 15 minute walk - at least it is all covered and climate controlled!