What I really want is 1) stop spending, 2) stop fighting wars all around the world, and 3) stop letting the corporations write the laws that govern them. Those three things are all heavily related.
When the drug companies take the reins, we get the Prescription drug bill of 04. When the automakers do it, we get cash for clunkers. Agribusiness transfers vast wealth to themselves in the form of subsidies and ever-shrinking regulation. Ditto for Big Oil. The finance industry is a pigs-at-the-trough free-for-all.
If we can't reel that in (and I'm losing hope that we can), we're going to keep going right down the tubes while the average American argues for "their" side in the (increasingly irrelevant) Republican vs. Democrat debate.
Sorry for the aside. This was a thread about bumper stickers for 2012, right? How 'bout "Stop the corporations from clowning the ******* system so we can all get back to stupid, meaningless bumper stickers that talk about 'family values' or 'hope and change.'"