WTH has happened to people?

FWIW that is a link to a Canadian website but yeah the sickos are everywhere
I wonder if it surprised the cops how many idiots took the bait
My cousin in law posts on instagram for the cheer team (always after the event). She gets dick picks all the time for posting cheer routines of 8-10 years olds.
That is sick and must be awful for your cousin.
As each day passes I wonder the benefit versus downside of the interwebz

We've always had freaks and weirdos. The big difference now is that not being criticized as "too judgy" is a bigger priority than protecting children, so they get to run wild a lot more than they used to to.

Furthermore, they've culturally normalized their weirdness, which makes it more prevalent and easier to pursue in public. We used to expect people to control their sexual urges to conform with what's normal and good for society. Now we don't. Instead, we manufacture identity groups around that weirdness and encourage grievance-mongering.

Consider this. I don't understand how anyone finds a small child sexually attractive. That's just plain gross. But can a 16 year old girl be sexually attractive? If most of us are being honest, the answer is yes. So why don't we go chasing 16 year old girls? It's because we have a degree of morality and value what's good for society and children including the 16 year old girl. Accordingly, we channel our sexual urges towards adult women reasonably close in age, marry them, build families, make babies, etc. That's how a real society that values itself and its people behaves.

We're pushing away from that now. Instead, we're deciding that your raw sexual urges are part of "who you are" and that you can't be your "true self" if you don't pursue them. That's going to lead to greater sexual exploitation of children. It's already happening, and we're seeing the groundwork being laid to normalize and create an "innocent" identity group around pedophilia as we've done with other screwed up sexual practices. It's gross and dangerous.
Some of the worst advice is "be yourself" and "don't judge me". We see above what some of being yourself means. We have to judge people all the time - say when there are applicants to fill a single job opening. It's okay to judge people based on merits! Sure, there's a second definition of judging, which is to nitpick to put down, but that's not the only definition. Society pushes every judgement to be incorrectly be that.
Some of the worst advice is "be yourself" and "don't judge me".

It's the deification of the individual. You get to decide what you are, and the highest priority is to "be you." Of course, the religious person knows that we're inherently selfish and evil, so "being ourselves" is the last thing we should be doing. We're supposed to strive to be as close to God's imagine and character as possible.
Of course, the religious person knows that we're inherently selfish and evil
I have a quibble with you here. I'd use the term "fallen", due to the effects of original sin. Fallen does not = evil, but it gives us the capacity to willfully choose to do evil. And when man, in his pride, decides he is his own god, it often leads to tremendous evil being done, both to his own soul as well as to other innocents.
I have a quibble with you here. I'd use the term "fallen", due to the effects of original sin. Fallen does not = evil, but it gives us the capacity to willfully choose to do evil. And when man, in his pride, decides he is his own god, it often leads to tremendous evil being done, both to his own soul as well as to other innocents.

Didn't we have the capacity to choose evil before we were fallen? If we didn't, then Adam and Eve wouldn't have had free will to disobey God. Their sinful act was eating the fruit, but before doing that, they chose evil in their hearts, which was the desire to go their own way - to try to know good and evil and be like God.
What makes us evil is willful thought, speech, or action. Like you said humans since Adam have had the capacity to choose evil. But he (we) weren't evil until actually do it. Now, the truth is we all do it so there isn't too much of a distinction.
To me, it's relatively simple. I'm Roman Catholic so I do my best try to follow the words of Jesus in Matt 7:12 - "...all things whatsoever that you wish that men would do to you, do so also to them." I'm not always successful but I keep trying, and while the wording may differ slightly from one biblical interpretation (King James, New American, etc.), the message is the same.

I am by no means a religious scholar, but many if not most religions have something similar:


The concept goes beyond any potential argument for or against God, differences in religious beliefs, etc. and simply provides a path for life. It feels like we're drifting more and more away from this, and the further we go the deeper we drop as a country and society. That said, perhaps it's a bit Pollyanna, but we have the means to recover if we can just drive attention back in this direction.
To me, it's relatively simple. I'm Roman Catholic so I do my best try to follow the words of Jesus in Matt 7:12 - "...all things whatsoever that you wish that men would do to you, do so also to them." I'm not always successful but I keep trying, and while the wording may differ slightly from one biblical interpretation (King James, New American, etc.), the message is the same.

I am by no means a religious scholar, but many if not most religions have something similar:


The concept goes beyond any potential argument for or against God, differences in religious beliefs, etc. and simply provides a path for life. It feels like we're drifting more and more away from this, and the further we go the deeper we drop as a country and society. That said, perhaps it's a bit Pollyanna, but we have the means to recover if we can just drive attention back in this direction.
Here is a point to consider. All of the religions other than Christianity say "do not do to others what you do not want done to you."
Jesus said: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."

Only Jesus directs his followers proactively to do good, as opposed to refraining from doing evil.
Here is a point to consider. All of the religions other than Christianity say "do not do to others what you do not want done to you."
Jesus said: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."

Only Jesus directs his followers proactively to do good, as opposed to refraining from doing evil.

From the image above, I take Sikhism to be positive too.
So do we even have Materials Engineering?
Looks like we have it, and we're one of the best in the World at it.

Texas Materials Institute (TMI)


There's no major in it, but there's an Undergraduate Minor in "Materials Science and Engineering."

And there's massive graduate research in this field at UT-Austin.

PhDs can be earned in "Materials Science and Engineering" with 3 areas of focus:

- General Materials
- Nano Materials
- Clean Energy Materials

I had thought of all this as a subset of the broader field of Chemistry -- ultimately, that's what materials are. But I guess I was wrong. And these are probably some of the smartest people at UT (but don't go saying that around the Physicists...). :beertoast:
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