WTF? Will more money fix this?


This is not a comment on the guilt or not of Zimmerman this is a jaw dropping head shaking sad for my country moment.

from ABC news link
"A teenage friend of Trayvon Martin was forced to admit today in the George Zimmerman murder trial that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot.

In a painfully embarassing moment, Rachel Jeantel was asked to read the letter out loud in court.

"Are you able to read that at all?" defense attorney Don West asked.

Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, "Some but not all. I don't read cursive."

It sent a hush through the packed courtroom.

Jeantel, 19, was unable to read any of the letter save for her name. "
The Link

edit to add, I know this was cursive and not block but this was supposedly the letter she wrote.
I'm not surprised. Cursive isn't taught in schools to the extent it used to be. Reading and writing in cursive is a dying skill.
Cursive is useless outside of a signature. Schools are better off using that time to teach kids typing. My 9th grade son is a National Honor Society member heading to a high school that US New and World Reports ranks in the top 50 in the country. I doubt he'd be able to write a letter in cursive. It's simply a useless skill these days.

On this topic, what does it matter if she wrote the letter or dictated it? Shouldn't the prosecutor simply ask if she agrees with the details and sentiment?

I'm not following this trial so have no clue as to the significance of this letter.
I find it hard to believe that she couldn't read it in cursive, but probably could read a printed version. I doubt she can read at all.

There was a blurb on yahoo a while back that said 80% of NYC high school grads read poorly, if at all. I'm certain NYC's school system is much better than Florida's.
Will more money fix this? asked Horn6721. He's asked a good question. Say you were a beginning teacher and had a choice between a school filled with angry, disrespectful slow learners like the semi-literate 19-year old high school senior taking the stand and one in a suburban school where kids were reading Harry Potter books as elementary school students. Further, your merit pay would hinge on results of standardized exit tests the smart, cooperative suburban kids could have passed after the 5-7th grades. How much more do you want to go to an inner city school? My guess is a lot more, and if you are tough enough, smart enough and care enough to make a difference in the tough school you are worth a lot more.
We have spent more money on Education since the 1960's from a Federal persepective....get the Federal government out of it, let the locals fix the problem.

Let the mothers and grandmothers of low income neighborhood run that school board, I can guarantee that it would change....too many hands in the pot and too much corruption sending money to the Federal government and letting them decide who gets what money, leave it to the local boards and people of that neighborhood. It will change dramatically very quickly.......
It is a tough realization for many relatively smart people that really really stupid people exist. And no, more money will not give people like this girl an IQ over room temp. I apologize if it turns out that she has a learning disability such as dyslexia that is keeping her from becoming a fluent reader.

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