WTF is going on in Irving


If I saw this in school, I would be suspicious. I wonder is secret service or TSA will let him bring it.

If tech doesn't work out of the kid he could make a good living as a prop builder for Hollywood.

With that said, if a kid did build a bomb and brought it to school would he be showing it off to his teachers? At some point these teachers needed to ask themselves that question. At the very least, the cops should have asked it, especially when the kid was seemed to be saying it was a digital clock all along.
According to the reports here he showed it to his science teacher who advised him to NOT show it to anyone else.
He did not show it to his English teacher until the alarm went off.

How many people could look at that device and know it was a clock> Where do the numbers appear to show the time?
I , who know zip about building such devices, also wonder at the power source. I do remember terrorist using casio watches bombs IIRC in the state of Washingotn
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What does his father have to do with this situation? What is your source that he has asked for a Sharia court.

Heard it in the media. Not sure if it was Todd and Don in the am or another show. Regardless, there was a small faction in Irving that wanted to settle disputes in accordance with Sharia tradition.

Define Sharia?

Seriously? How condescending. I'll humor you a little. It's basically defined as legal proceedings based upon the teachings of islam.

Explain what a Sharia court is

To further humor you, a sharia court would be an institution in which the process of sharia law is carried out. Pretty easy, huh?
Does one exist in the US or Texas?

Not that I know of. Hopefully it never will.

Who is the judge of any such court within the United States?

Is this question for real? There is no known sharia court operating in the U.S. We covered that in the above question and answer session.

How does such a court operate?

Another ridiculous question of no substance in relation to the original topic.

I believe that title to your thread here is "WTF is going on in Irving?" (I added the question mark for you.) So, I'll take a moment to answer that too.

1. A student made an alarm clock that could easily have been interpreted as a bomb. In other words, it didn't resemble any alarm clock that we usually see.

2. The student brought the clock to school. It beeped during class and the teacher asked to see it.

3. Upon looking at it the teacher became understandably suspicious I guess you've heard the phrase that states "if you see something suspicious - report it."

4. The teacher (being a responsible adult in charge of numerous students) decides to report the incident. Imagine if he or she didn't and it turned out to be a real bomb. Oh well, that's another discussion.

5. The administration decides to call the police. Again, playing it safe.

6. The police handcuff and book the boy (probably the only major error in the case) and release him later without charges.

7. Liberals scream "racial profiling" and other such nonsense because it makes them feel good to support a member of a minority group while, at the same time, vilifying the authorities. Why some even called the teachers "dimwits" and the mayor an "idiot." Go figure.

8. President and MSM blow it out of proportion and seize the opportunity to run with a story that fits their political narrative like a glove. Maybe next next time something suspicious is observed in a school or public setting nobody will get involved. I mean, why risk being called out and riduculed by the MSM and WashU-horn?
With that said, if a kid did build a bomb and brought it to school would he be showing it off to his teachers? At some point these teachers needed to ask themselves that question. At the very least, the cops should have asked it, especially when the kid was seemed to be saying it was a digital clock all along.


There's a lot of retrospective thinking here. I think we need to consider the situation knowing what the teacher knew and didn't know at the time. He can call it whatever he wants, but it didn't look anything like a clock. Though he probably wouldn't take it out and show it off it was a real bomb, he might. Bombers aren't necessary known for having very sound logic.

Any responsible teacher is going to err on the side of caution, and I can't help but think that if we were talking about a white or even a black or Hispanic kid, nobody would be second guessing the teacher.
reportedly from one of the comments, weak reporting and very likely false rumour, the timer, clock, whatever, had the alarm set to 9:11

we are being trolled.
ok, no mention of the alarm time anywhere else. I was trolled and inadvertently trolled then, myself.

Still his father is an opportunist who likely , imho, set this up.
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I would feel sorry for the kid, if he unwittingly participated in his father's agenda but that is something we will never know.
But he got an instant invite from bo.
Funny it took a month for BO to invite the 3 heroes who went after that terrorist in France.

Would the TSA have allowed him on a plane with that device? Into ANY gov't building?
would they be profiling ?
There seems to be a lot of focus on what the teacher did (with which I have no problem as a teacher myself) instead of what happened when Ahmed was removed from class.

I've seen Muslims standing in agreeance with the lines in the Code of Conduct about reporting anything that seems suspicious, and not bringing anything to class that can be deemed a distraction, even if it's not dangerous, etc. It's how the admin team and cops handled the situation once he went to the office. When one of the cops walked into the room and looked at him, his paraphrased remarks were "yeah... figured it would be him." When asked if he was making a bomb and he said it was a clock, they brought the evidence with Ahmed in the cop car away from the school. This was handled in a piss poor fashion on the higher-ups end, not the personal responsibility of the teacher end.
Can you provide a source that reports the policeman said even in a paraphrased way," yeah figured it would be him."
I haven't seen anyone here defend handcuffing this student and the only poster who criticized the teacher was the OP
I believe Ahmed said one of the cops said that.

I believe this was a publicity stunt for his dad. As a society we should take this time to use the reaction to this stunt to talk about how the schools in our country are handling security to the point that it is seemingly similar in some ways to a Fort Knox type of environment getting access to the grounds to be able to see your children at school, etc. Yes our children are precious commodities. Yes I want them to be safe. But it should be reasonable as well.
Thanks. That hasn't been any part of the coverage I had seen.

We need to hear from the police, they need to explain why they handcuffed him.
That seemed pretty extreme.
Aren't cops trained to come into the situation and take control, use power phrases, to establish an advantage in certain situations? That could come off as right or wrong depending on when the technique is used.

Here is a DMN story that was updated to reflect the similar quote:


He showed it to his engineering teacher first thing Monday morning and didn’t get quite the reaction he’d hoped for.

“He was like, ‘That’s really nice,’” Ahmed said. “‘I would advise you not to show any other teachers.’”

He kept the clock inside his school bag in English class, but the teacher complained when the alarm beeped in the middle of a lesson. Ahmed brought his invention up to show her afterward.

“She was like, it looks like a bomb,” he said.

“I told her, ‘It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.’”

The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.

They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: “Yup. That’s who I thought it was.”

Zork with the typical nonsense (somethings never change). One of the links is barenakedislam for crying out loud.

The notion that Muslim organizations are campaigning to install Sharia law in US Courts is an outrageously STUPID invention by the far right and the islamophobic industry, and one that is based on a total misunderstanding of what Sharia really is. It assumes that there is widespread agreement between Muslims on what it is - there isn't. Name one Muslim group that has campaigned to install Sharia law and is actively trying to do so. Just one. I will wait. Hint: there is none. Religious law is treated by US courts the same way - irrespective of religion.

This kid was profiled. I am from Irving and have family members at the school in question. This kid would have been treated very differently if he wasn't black and Muslim. That is a fact. Where was the bomb squad? Why didn't they evacuate the school? Why did they interview him on site, with the "bomb"? Is this the normal/standard procedure when you suspect a bomb?
his kid was profiled. I am from Irving and have family members at the school in question. This kid would have been treated very differently if he wasn't black and Muslim. That is a fact.

Actually, it's raw speculation that some are pulling out of their asses without evidence.
One of the links is barenakedislam for crying out loud.

Yea, lots of people are crying but nobody in DC is listening as they kick the can down the road for the next President to deal with the menace that is ISIS. I only linked to that because it had info on Ahmed's father. Did you read about his father?
Two schools of thought here.

Rational: Teacher sees something suspicious and reacts on the side of caution, especially given the political climate today. Let's err on the side of caution.

PC Kneejerk: Poor little Muslim kid being picked on simply because he's Muslim.
Oh, the injustice. It just breaks our little liberal hearts!

Pretty much sums it up.
Here is an interesting article by a real geek, an engineer .His point is not to pile on the kid. It is to point out this kid didn't invent or build anything and to ask why.

" I’m an electronics geek. I was interested in the clock! I wanted to figure out what he had come up with.

I found the highest resolution photograph of the clock I could. Instantly, I was disappointed. Somewhere in all of this – there has indeed been a hoax. Ahmed Mohamed didn’t invent his own alarm clock. He didn’t even build a clock. Now, before I go on and get accused of attacking a 14 year old kid who’s already been through enough, let me explain my purpose. I don’t want to just dissect the clock. I want to dissect our reaction as a society to the situation. Part of that is the knee-jerk responses we’re all so quick to make without facts."
"For starters, one glance at the printed circuit board in the photo, and I knew we were looking at mid-to-late 1970s vintage electronics. Surely you’ve seen a modern circuit board, with metallic traces leading all over to the various components like an electronic spider’s web. You’ll notice right away the highly accurate spacing, straightness of the lines, consistency of the patterns. That’s because we design things on computers nowadays, and computers assist in routing these lines. Take a look at the board in Ahmed’s clock. It almost looks hand-drawn, right? That’s because it probably was.
A modern hobbyist usually wouldn’t be bothered with the outdated design techniques. There’s also silk screening on the board. An “M” logo, “C-94” (probably, a part number – C might even stand for “clock”), and what looks like an American flag. More about that in a minute. Point for now being, a hobbyist wouldn’t silk screen logos and part numbers on their home made creation. It’s pretty safe to say already we’re looking at ’70s tech, mass produced in a factory.

So I turned to eBay, searching for vintage alarm clocks. It only took a minute to locate Ahmed’s clock. See this eBay listing, up at the time of this writing. Amhed’s clock was invented, and built, by Micronta, a Radio Shack subsidary. Catalog number 63 756."
"He took apart an existing clock, and transplanted the guts into a pencil box, and claimed it was his own creation. It all seems really fishy to me."

"If we accept the story about “inventing” an alarm clock is made up, as I think I’ve made a pretty good case for, it’s fair to wonder what other parts of the story might be made up, not reported factually by the media, or at least, exaggerated.

I refer back again to this YouTube video interview with Ahmed. He explains that he closed up the box with a piece of cord because he didn’t want it to look suspicious. I’m curious, why would “looking suspicious” have even crossed his mind before this whole event unfolded, if he was truly showing off a hobby project, something so innocuous as an alarm clock. Why did he choose a pencil box, one that looks like a miniature briefcase no less, as an enclosure for a clock? It’s awful hard to see the clock with the case closed. On the other hand, with the case open, it’s awful dangerous to have an exposed power transformer sitting near the snooze button (unless, perhaps his invention was to stop serial-snooze-button pressers by giving them a dangerous electrical shock!)"

More detail including pics of original clock at link. The point about a budding genius of today would use computer aided assistance seems right.
another interesting factoid
this same clock was used before by terrorists including the bombing of an Air India flight on way to Canada
I found the highest resolution photograph of the clock I could. Instantly, I was disappointed. Somewhere in all of this – there has indeed been a hoax. Ahmed Mohamed didn’t invent his own alarm clock. He didn’t even build a clock.
Meh...Obama thought it was a cool clock.

If this vid( as well as the post above) is accurate it makes a mockery of the media and the leftists
and proves once again Maybe it is wise to examine all the facts before over reacting.
At best the 14 y o wanted attention. Now I wonder what it meant in the original story that the kid did not get the reaction he wanted from the engineer teacher.
at worst this was a deliberate act with suspect motives.
He also had to plug in his clock to make it beep.

This was not some school assignment. He was in English class when it beeped. So in the middle of English class he decided to plug in his clock that does not display time because he was so excited to show his 14 year old buddies that it could beep. I got some stuff to sell some of you #IStandWithAhmed clones. Hilarious. Oh that's rich.

Here's the sad part. Because of this ridiculous liberal/White House social-media pushed non-event, fellow Texans, your neighbors, the people that educate and protect our children have been attacked as racist, anti-science, and (non-sequiturly) gun-nuts.

I swear...this country is so f%$#@. This is precisely why Carson is my 1B right now.

That is a fact.
Do you have some Bizzaro dictionary that none of us have?
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fellow Texans, your neighbors, the people that educate and protect our children have been attacked as racist, anti-science, and (non-sequiturly) gun-nuts.

Don't forget the "dimwit" teachers and the "idiot" mayor. Yep, everyone is to blame except for the kid. It's playing out on MSM just like daddy wanted it to.
I think, in this entire narrative, the fact that this so-called kid has been anointed some "skinny, bespectacled genius", probably bothers me the most.
He isn't that smart!
There are hundreds of thousands of smart kids who are stuck in poverty, or a poor school district, or in fine schools. That this one kid, who, from people who aren't pushing an agenda and actually know something about electronics, did nothing beyond scooping out the contents of an assembled clock and dump them in a container is getting so much attention, when so many other well deserved kids aren't seems incredibly unfair.

It is a sad commentary that a well respected physicist from Oxford was forced to do a 180 on his tweets (that pointed out the fact that this teen did nothing remarkable) all within a 24 hour time period due to the outrage of the liberals. Our country is disintegrating into a place beyond political has become so divisive that one side is totally, 100% unable to even attempt to understand the other. I tried to talk to some "friends" on Facebook about this, and was totally blown away by 1) their total inability to admit that this "clock" could in any way look like a bomb, and 2) their immediate profiling of me as some kind of racist moron from Texas. When I pointed out that what they were doing without even knowing me, or any of us knowing all the facts, they simply fell back to the whole "poor little brown boy" story. Oh, they have added how generous and loving his daddy is since he fed the media hordes.
I don't think food is all daddy is feeding the media.

People lose all credibility, in my opinion, when they are unable to see even a tiny shade of grey in an issue.

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